That shocking battle.

No one knows what happened.

But from then on, Taishang Road changed its name to Taishang Pavilion.

He volunteered to serve as a subordinate of the Daqian court, and I heard that Taishang Dao now has another patriarch named Yang Yuan.

That's right.

It is Yang Yuan who is now revered as Emperor Yuan.

It was now clear to everyone that after that battle, Meng Shenji, the master of Taishangdao and the number one master in the world, worshiped Yang Yuan as his teacher.

As soon as this incident came out, the world was shocked.

But no matter how surprising it is, it is an inevitable trend for Daqian's power to move forward.

Because a strong man who shatters the vacuum is enough to determine many overall situations. An unprecedented strong man who shatters the vacuum will bring about a big reshuffle to the entire world.

Pan Xing, in the Hall of Leaders.

Although he is young, the contemporary Panxing leader is unfathomable in the way of ghosts and immortals. Xu Yi closed his eyes slightly.

Although I couldn't help being shocked in my heart, my face remained calm!

"Such a realm is truly unfathomable and vast, and it is worth pursuing and exploring with all your life..."

Sensing the frightened figures flying towards the leader's hall, Xu Yi slowly stood up. Pan Xing's general trend accumulated over thousands of years was reflected in his body at this moment.

Bloom suddenly!

"Don't worry, gentlemen! I am the great change deduced by hundreds of schools of thought, and even the ancient Yang God - 'Yi Zi'. This era is my era, and it is also the era of Panxing that has accumulated for thousands of years!"

Xu Yi said ambitiously to the entire Panxing, "I am the savior of this era. It is not surprising that the Lord of Daqian is here."

At this moment, Xu Yi spoke calmly.

At this time, his mind seemed to become more perfect, full of infinite confidence, and gave many ministers endless hope.

His words, his will, and his charm made all the Panxing people cheer loudly, and all the ministers couldn't help but nod at the same time.

Indeed, this kind of power is vast and boundless, far beyond what they can match.

But at the same time, that huge force will also give them guidance and direction.

Cultivation, for them, is never afraid of difficulties. What they are afraid of is only the darkness and despair of having no way forward and making it difficult to make progress!

Two years later.

After hearing about Meng Shenji and Hong Xuanji, these two enemies went to the Western Regions together, and a vast war broke out.

Originally in a stalemate with Daqian's army, the Western Region surrendered instantly.

Even though Yuan Qi Shen is on par with Meng Shenji in terms of reputation, Meng Shenji has now received Guiyuan's guidance and has survived the nine calamities of ghosts and immortals.

And he has already converted to the Golden Elixir Avenue.

It's just a matter of understanding your own path and becoming a great person.

Therefore, Yuan Qi Shen is under the joint efforts of Meng Shenji and Hong Xuanji.

It's normal to rush into the street.

Not only was his own ancient artifact ‘Rashomon’ taken down.

And he was captured and brought back to Daqian.

The popes of Jingyuan Temple have all become prisoners and been forced into the palace.

The Western Regions then entered Daqian.

On this day, Daqian also changed his Yuan Dynasty.

‘Return to Yuan’.

The return of the Holy Path is the beginning of the One Yuan.

Taking this opportunity, Emperor Yuan ordered the imperial examination to be held to recruit talents from all over the world.

Jade City.

Inside the Sanhua Building.

Su Mu looked at Hong Yi writing.

"Is this imperial examination really that important? I feel that many powerful ghosts and immortals have come to Yujing City."

Su Mu asked curiously, this wood came to Sanhualou to learn.

But he was also a little curious.

"Of course. This is likely to be an explosion of literary movement in Daqian. It also symbolizes the innovation of humanity and will make the study of mind the mainstream of literature in the future."

Hong Yi said quietly.

This scientific examination is not only the largest in the 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, but also the largest since the establishment of the imperial examination system.

Tens of thousands of people came from various prefectures, provinces, prefectures and counties in Daqian.

I can verify my knowledge and improve my thinking at such a grand literary event, the first in history.

Whether it is for scholars or ascetics, it is a great opportunity that is rare to encounter.

Everyone is the best among thousands of scholars. The gathering of such a huge amount of literary fortune will definitely give birth to several true dragons and unicorns.

Therefore, Hong Yi came back specially.

His self-knowledge and Taoism were among the best in the world at this time.

Don't miss this opportunity. You must take advantage of this opportunity to hone and improve your ideological knowledge.

"Speaking of which, you are the son of a grand master. Have you ever seen Yuan Emperor, who is already equal to the Holy Emperor and is emulating other disciples?"

"I have seen it before, and His Majesty is my teacher!"

"What? That's your teacher?"

When Su Mu heard this, she was surprised. Wasn't Hong Yi her senior brother with her Taoist master Meng Shenji?

"Yes. A few years ago, before I even started studying, I already became a disciple of your respected master. Your respected master taught me his inner learning and told me that his knowledge is superior to that of other scholars.

But his knowledge is too high. "


"The word "heart" is too vague. There is no inheritance theory compared to the scholars who implement it now.

Master thinks that I can find this path, and I am also working hard in this direction! "

"I see. If you put it this way, you are very sure to get first place in the imperial examination this time and become the number one scholar."

Su Mu didn't expect that Hong Yi's status was so noble.

Now he is a disciple of Xue Xin Sect.

Hong Yi wrote the article and said: "I am sure, and this is also necessary! I have studied the study of mind for a long time, and I have already understood my own path, although it is not comparable to the study of mind.

But being able to inherit the upper and lower schools, the various schools of thought, and the Heart Sect is what I have learned after many years of walking. "

Hong Yi looked out the window, "Tomorrow is the time for me to put my knowledge into practice."

The imperial examination began.

Everyone discovered that the test questions this time were not actually the mental studies they thought. Instead, they displayed the knowledge and mental studies of hundreds of schools of thought.

The question is to explain the connection between them.

Some students were stunned when they saw this question.

Because this was the first imperial examination held by Emperor Yuan after he ascended the throne, they thought that the study of mind would be the focus, and they even thought about how to criticize the previous schools of thought.

Who knew the title would be like this.

Hong Yi was not nervous at all.

This has been something he has been thinking about since he was practicing learning.

Now that I write it down, it is just a matter of course.

"The universe is separated, the Xun is shaking and the Gen is..."

"Excellent is the Qianyuan Dynasty, the beginning of all things, and the unification of heaven..."

All the disciples have scriptures and respect for their teachers. I, Hong Yi, also have my own knowledge, which is called...


He was writing like a spirit at this moment, and his pen was flying. Every word he wrote was like a baptism of his soul and thoughts.

After a while, the vast brilliance released like mercury and filled the entire hall.

Thoughts popped out from between his brows, bathed in brilliance, and turned into large fonts in the air.

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