Gui Yuan sat on the throne in the main hall, and his eyes fell on the examination hall. Countless literary talents had gathered there. In fact,

He already knew that Hong Yi would participate in the imperial examination.

In this imperial examination.

As long as Hong Yi deduces the "Book of Changes", he will become a Yangshen.

In other words, this imperial examination was prepared for Hong Yi.

The moment Hong Yi finished writing.


Even the memorial tablets and clay bodies enshrined outside the Gongyuan trembled.

With the trembling voice, the Gongyuan was shaking.

For a moment.

Everyone in the Gongyuan felt it.

In the north courtyard.

Although the medieval scholars in the Gongyuan were all clay bodies, they had already attained divinity because they had been worshiped by others for so many years. Those divinities were the principles they had lived through their lives and became gods.

Because Hongyi's test paper conforms to the principles of the scholars...

"No! This is not just the resonance of the Hundred Saints, but also..."

Suddenly, a bright light shone brightly on the statues of various disciples, and it actually looked like hundreds of books were solidified with divinity.

The moment Li Shenguang saw this scene, his face turned red, his soul was trembling, and he stuttered: "This, this, this, this..."

"In this imperial examination, did someone really write about the relationship between the heart and the scholars?"

"If it is completed as a sutra, this sutra will be the classic that explains the mind and the disciples in the future."

Hong Xuanji appeared here at some unknown time. He knew who it was, but he was still surprised when he saw it with his own eyes.

In Hong Yi's room.

He looked at his article and murmured out the meaning of his own "Book of Changes".

There are six hexagrams in total. Hong Yi has already sensed it at this moment. His Yi Jing will have a total of sixty-four hexagrams.

At this moment, Hong Yi's eyes moved.

I saw that this article was attracted by a force of attraction and flew to the ancestral hall of the various scholars. In the air, the paper disappeared and the words flew out one by one, in the hundreds of classics of the various scholars.

A scripture that seems both virtual and real has been formed.

And the scene where the article flew into the ancestral hall of the various scholars and coexisted with the classics of the various scholars was also seen by all the Nine Thousand Juzi.

"That, that is, someone has written a scripture that is equal to the meaning of the classics of all the disciples!"

"This, this, this..."

"This, isn't this an imperial examination? How could such a great thing happen?"

"The meaning of the classics was actually written down in the imperial examination room."


Everyone was boiling like a furnace for a moment.

"Unfold the scroll, unfold the scroll!"

someone yelled.

A sound like a wave soon formed, and they wanted to see what kind of paper it was.

Under this kind of topic, it can become a classic!

They eagerly want to know how novel the meaning of Hongyi's scriptures is and what kind of truth it has.

Hong Yi smiled slightly at this time and said: "The paper flew to the ancestral hall of various scholars.

But it’s the same for me. The first chapter is about doing good for heaven, and a gentleman keeps improving himself. This is the theory that combines human beings with the world and the Eight Diagrams... to explain the world through theory, everything is easy, but it is not easy.

So I call it easy! "

Hong Yi smiled softly and said: "Actually, I can only write Yi because I have a solid foundation in learning."

"Although it is the "Book of Changes", it is just the meaning of the classics based on the study of mind."

"Yi, but he can't escape his heart! If his heart changes, the world will change!" Hong Yi murmured.

Yi means change.

The Book of Changes is a book that calculates all the changes in the rules of heaven and earth.

But no matter how much I calculate or change, it is still in my heart.

Therefore, as Hong Yi, who deeply cultivates the mind and teaches that the heart is the heaven and earth, he can naturally feel the vastness of the Heart Sutra.


Just after Hong Yi said the words "If your heart changes, the world will change!"

The bright light that illuminated the entire world of Yangshen instantly bloomed in the Zhuzi Hall. It was a radiance from the other side that contained the will and awe-inspiring aura of the various disciples.

At this moment, it condensed into an incredibly majestic bridge spanning the long sky.

On the occasion of the sudden arrival, he rushed straight towards Guiyuan!

The shadow of the Hundred Saints looming in the awe-inspiring momentum and brilliance, chanting the song of liberation,

at this moment.

Suddenly, a boundless power containing great courage, great wisdom, and great dreams burst out!

this moment.

In front of this ray of light, any powerful person like She Yang Shen or Shattering Vacuum who are already transcendent and inhuman will appear extremely small in front of it!

This is the power of the Yangshen series. Everything between heaven and earth has turned into illusion at this moment, and only this bridge is real!

The surging and magnificent song of liberation echoed between heaven and earth.

This is the song of the other shore. If the bridge of the other shore is powerful enough, those who hear this sound will achieve great liberation and step into the other shore.

But the glory of the other shore at this moment, or the power of the bridge on the other shore.

Naturally, it is impossible to cross people to the other side, so this song turned into a war song!

"Relief! Liberation! Great liberation!"

The invisible voice kept echoing in Guiyuan's heart, making him have the idea of ​​​​liberating himself.

"You want to use Hong Yi to wipe me out and merge with the Tao?"

Guiyuan stood up suddenly on the throne.

This song is recited by all the disciples and hundreds of saints, and it also expresses their own path, their own will, their own dreams...

Everything is integrated into this song, making the power of this song of liberation reach its peak.

This is the method used by the saints to deal with the ancient holy emperor. Now they are familiar with Guiyuan!

"All living beings are one, and all are of one mind... Dear disciples, is this your path to transcendence?"

Guiyuan stood in the air, his eyes as deep and as vast as the sky.

"It's true, but if I were to blend in with you, wouldn't my mental education be shackles?"

Guiyuan sneered.

His soul, which was no weaker than Yang Shen, exploded.

His philosophy of mind encompasses the principles of heaven and earth.

Before, I couldn't become a Yang God and imprint my own principles on the world. That was because of the limitations of human nature.

Now Yi has appeared.

His heart is completely perfected.

As for using the power of humanity, who can compare with him!

"My heart is the heart of heaven! Only my heart is the heart of heaven and earth. Only when my heart is big can I be big!"

"All things exist in one mind!"

"The heart is the world!"

"This heart is bright!"

At this moment, Guiyuan's voice echoed in everyone's hearts.

Maybe there are experts who can kill this voice with great perseverance.

But most people can only let this voice echo in their hearts.

Under the influence of this voice, many people seemed to receive some kind of blessing in their hearts. Their shackles were broken, their ignorance suddenly disappeared, and a heroic spirit that broke everything suddenly surged in their hearts.

"The heart is heaven and earth!"

"The ways of our ancestors are insufficient..."

"Is this the science of mind?"

Many ancient families who had been immersed in the glory of the medieval philosophers all their lives suddenly became enlightened.

"Is this why I can never write about the principles that transcend my ancestors?"

Fan Qingyun murmured.

Man's greatest enemy is never external things, but often the living being himself.

Any physical shackles can be broken by external forces.

But the shackles of the heart are different.

The shackles of the heart are formed by various external factors such as fame and wealth, the past, and even the words of others that oppress oneself.

And because of Guiyuan's words.

this moment.

There are many different people in different places, with different identities.

I feel that ‘the heart is the heaven and the earth, this heart is bright! ’ This passage.

Farmers no longer bear the pain of hard work. Instead, they turn the heavy farm work into a kind of spiritual practice, turning pain into joy and achieving peace of mind.

Although the beggar was physically disabled, he was not lacking in spirit. For the first time, he stood up straight and no longer groveled to accept alms from others.

The princes and nobles no longer think highly of themselves because of their noble status, and they benefit from humanity and practice the doctrine of humanity.

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