"Xin Zong!"

Under the sincere thanks of one person, countless invisible thoughts gathered in the void, causing the origin of heaven and earth to boil.

This is the power of the heart formed by countless people breaking their own shackles.

It is also the power of humanity.

It is also the power of the human heart. As long as the heart is big, the power of the heart is infinite!

Maybe their bodies are still in the mortal world, trapped by all kinds of mundane things, but their minds have gained great freedom at this moment, which is the glory of all living beings.

Hold on to this light.

Guiyuan punched out, without the previous momentum and oppression. The eternal light that descended from the bridge on the other side instantly turned into countless fluorescent lights and shattered under this punch!

"Variables, variables!"

In the fluorescent light, all the figures of the disciples disappeared, only a sigh drifted, "I just don't know, is it good or bad!"

Countless fluorescent lights turned into wisps of words, runes, and scriptures, emerging like sparks of fire, containing all kinds of truths and wishes.

Like a moth flying into a flame, the fluorescent light in the sky suddenly spread like a pervasive breeze, and instantly invaded Guiyuan's body.

"Yuan is the source of good."

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest, the law of the jungle?"

"All living beings in the world have their own evil thoughts. In the beginning of man's life, is his nature inherently good? Is his nature inherently evil?"

"The sky is high and the earth is thick, but is there any limit to the human heart?"

Buzz buzz~~~

Suddenly, countless moral scriptures and sage Huazhang rose from the heart of Guiyuan

At the same time, bursts of torture sounded in his ears.

Questioning his mentality, questioning his heart.

This is the will of the Hundred Saints. After the failure of the extermination plan, they want to use their will and wisdom that have been passed down for thousands of years to conquer, assimilate, or influence Guiyuan!

It's a battle of wills.

If Guiyuan can carry it through, he can naturally obtain the accumulation of Hundred Saints in one fell swoop.

When the time comes, the depth of the foundation, coupled with the luck of the disciples contained in it, will be enough for him to prove the Yangshen Dao again!

Of course, if it fails.

At the least, he will be influenced by the will of the disciples, and his cultivation will never improve from then on, and he will become the protector of Yi Zi in future generations.

The most important thing is that his will merges with the will of the disciples, turning into the new "Yi Zi" or a puppet, carrying the goals and direction of the disciples, and marching towards the other side!

However, although the wisdom of the disciples is powerful, Guiyuan's Tao is far superior to them.

Origin, existence, end!

It is above the world.

The knowledge of the saints is still within the world, but the way to return to the original world has long been outside the world.

Therefore, although it is said that before the light of wisdom of the disciples invades the physical body.

Guiyuan had a way to stop it, but he didn't do it.

He knew the Zhuzi's plan. The Zhuzi wanted to use their own wisdom as bait to attract Guiyuan to enter and assimilate Guiyuan.

Their will has failed and they have been defeated by Guiyuan. This is the most helpless way at this moment!

And Guiyuan also wanted to directly control the wisdom of the Hundred Saints with the knowledge of the heart.

Become the strongest among the Yang gods in one fell swoop!

He even figured out the way to the other side!

And with his Taoist heart and understanding of the Tao completely on top of it, he will never lose!

Guiyuan began to actively let his Tao and will enter it, compete with the wisdom and Tao of the Hundred Saints, and sharpen his soul...

Hundreds of wisdoms, hundreds of avenues.

But Guiyuan kept arguing and debating.

Guiyuan's mental studies gradually grew stronger, and he suppressed hundreds of studies with one mind.

And his mind was as immovable as a mountain. No matter how influenced by the experiences of the disciples, he remained content and motionless.

"The bodhi tree has no tree, and the mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place. How can it cause dust?"

Guiyuan looked at Fanzi in front of him and said softly.

These are the words of the ancestor of Zen Buddhism, and they are also within the scope of the study of mind.

Fanzi, who was among the Hundred Saints, seemed to be enlightened at this moment, and bowed to Guiyuan.

"Shakyamuni, I understand!"

In the end, all the wisdom of the disciples was absorbed by him.

After the most powerful Fanzi was impressed by Guiyuan.

The auras of the disciples gradually dissipated.

In the end, the one who still exists is the more powerful Guiyuan!

In the returned soul, the light of wisdom shines, and the power of thoughts is endlessly improving.

His thoughts soared into the endless universe, and even passed through the turbulence of the void to reach another space.

Saw the sun and moon!

These two, one hot and one cold, exude endless yin and yang energy, but they rotate and complement each other. Yin is dominated by yang, and yang is supplemented by yin...

The power of the sun and the moon falls endlessly.

With Guiyuan's breakthrough, it spread into his soul.

At the same time, Guiyuan also sensed the majestic and vast thoughts of the entire world, as well as the hot or cold thoughts of the sun and the moon, as well as the countless stars in the sky...

Immediately afterwards, his thoughts gradually merged with the thoughts of the entire world, the thoughts of the sun, moon and stars,

At this moment, he seemed to have become the way of heaven in this Yangshen world, and the soul was originally the god of mankind.

The vastness is beyond compare.

Now with the help of Breakthrough Yangshen, Guiyuan has reached the state of 'fitting the body with the Tao' in an instant.

"Everything returns to its original state!"

Guiyuan's 129,600 acupuncture points are all a small world.

Reflecting each other with the sun, moon, stars, the vast universe, and the world of Yang God, it quickly absorbs the origin of heaven and earth.

Immediately, his soul left his body and turned into 129,600 brilliant and pure thoughts.

It began to reflect the light of the 129,600 acupoints in his body.

"Yang Shen...the highest state of soul cultivation, pure Yang body."

When Yang Shen comes out, it is like the sun jumping out of the horizon, shining brightly.

The great achievers in the entire universe, and beings above the Creator will be able to sense it, and their hearts will start to stir.

"Is that Emperor Yuan attacking Yang Shen again? Didn't there be a broad aura just now? Could it be him?"

"No, there is news from Yujing City. Someone has written the meaning of the scripture! His name is Yi!"

"But what does it have to do with Emperor Yuan that someone else wrote the meaning of the scriptures?"

"Because that is the classic that explains the philosophers and the mind. From now on, the mind science is superior to the philosophers!"

"So this Yi appears to enable Emperor Yuan to become a Taoist?"

"First it shattered the vacuum, and then it hit the Yangshen... What happened to this world? Why was such a perverted strong man suddenly born?"

"Having achieved Shattering Vacuum and Yang Shen at the same time, is there another person in the world?!"

"Pervert! How on earth did he do it?!"

"First it shattered the vacuum, and now it's Yang Shen. What the hell is going on!"

Nearby, powerful men who were shocked to the point of numbness and even couldn't believe their own judgments all appeared in the void to communicate.

Even the many hidden strong men, at this moment, couldn't help but start transmitting messages to each other across the void.

The sky is beyond the sky.

Xu Yi, the leader of Tianwaitian, suddenly opened his eyes. He also felt the abnormality in the world, but subconsciously did not dare to think about the Lord of Daqian.

But now the facts were before his eyes.

"I didn't expect that the Lord of Daqian would start attacking Yang Shen again not long after he succeeded in smashing the vacuum. Could it be that the destiny is really not in my central world, but in the Great Thousand Worlds?"

"But I am Yi! I am the Yi deduced by many Yang gods!"

At the same time, although the ministers and experts in the central world looked at each other in silence, their confidence had been shaken.

The Central World, which was originally proud, majestic, and even united, suddenly fell into depression.

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