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Chapter 328 The place of origin and the destiny of immortality

"Is this the state after the combination of Shattering Vacuum and Yangshen Realm..."

Guiyuan quietly felt the extremely powerful and brilliant power he had now. These two powers could complement each other, but they were completely different from each other.

The soul has attained the status of Yang Shen, and the physical body has been cultivated to shatter the vacuum.

Both are different.

Guiyuan could feel that his soul and body were reintegrating and forming a brand new whole.

"Achieving enlightenment in this world is much simpler than in the prehistoric world, but the road ahead is difficult. It can almost be said that although it is difficult to achieve enlightenment in the prehistoric world, there are opportunities for transcendence.

It is easy to become a Hunyuan Golden Immortal in this world, but it is difficult to become a Hunyuan Great Luo. It can be said that it is even more difficult! "

Guiyuan stepped into the void and pondered the power within his body. The development of the world of Yang Shen was still not going well.

The yang god turns into yin and turns into yang, and the smashing void turns into yang and turns into yin.

And any one who attains the Tao can actually be regarded as comprehending the transformation of yin and yang, the principle of Hunyuan.

In the prehistoric times, he could indeed be considered a Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

But no matter which one is placed in the prehistoric era, they are extremely weak Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

Make a metaphor.

The sun god of this world shattered the vacuum and was placed in the wilderness.

Perhaps it would be easy to defeat Da Luo with the help of the Hunyuan power of enlightenment, but as long as he is a quasi-sage, he will definitely lose.

It can be called the ‘Hunyuan Golden Immortal Poison Douluo’.

I am invincible under the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and I am invincible above the Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

Guiyuan's figure returned to Qiantian Hall.

Everyone who had gone to the Imperial Examination Hall because Hong Yi wrote the Book of Changes had returned here and saw Gui Yuan sitting back on the throne of the emperor.

Many ministers headed by Hong Xuanji felt the aura that was as blazing as the sun on Guiyuan's body. Hong Xuanji clasped his fists and said, "Congratulations to Your Majesty for breaking through the Yangshen, and may Daqian be prosperous forever!"


Now Hong Xuanji doesn't really want Yang Pan to come back. Indeed, his dream was to become an eternal monarch with Yang Pan.

But in terms of thoughts, strength, and knowledge, the group leaders are all above Yang Pan.

Nowadays, Daqian is becoming more and more prosperous. In just a few years, it has achieved the same results as Yang Pan's ascension to the throne for so long, but the group leader said so.

When he becomes the other side and pulls the Yangshen world into the subordinate world of Guiyuan world, he will return Daqian...

Hong Xuanji's eyes flashed.

If the leader of the imperial system is a wise and powerful emperor, it will bring great help to the imperial dynasty, but once a bad emperor appears.

‘Perhaps a federal system or a republic would be better? ’

Now Hong Xuanji is no longer a person shackled to the imperial system. In addition to learning martial arts in the group chat, he is also asking about the development of systems like Peter and Thor who are superior to him in social systems.

"Maybe we can discuss it with the group leader."

Hong Xuanji thought in his mind.

"In this imperial examination, Hong Yi will be the number one candidate, and you can agree on the rest." After becoming Yang Shen, the imaginary is transformed into reality, the vacuum is shattered, and the reality is transformed into imaginary.


Of course, this makes no sense to anyone, but Hong Yi wrote the scripture.

If he is not the top pick, who is the top pick?

"Everyone, please step back."

A combination of the two.

The entire world of Yangshen has actually come to an end for Guiyuan. Hong Yi was accepted as his disciple and studied the science of mind. The fate of being the son of his era has already fallen to Guiyuan.

All he has left now is to dream big.

In fact, it is about promoting humanitarian change.

Hong Yi's "Everyone in the world is like a dragon" has been recognized by humanity, which completes the last link in his energy and spirit, and supplements his own "qi" with the "qi" of humanity.

But before he made any big ambitions.

He needs to deal with some people first, the Taoist Creation and the Emperor of Immortality at the place of origin.

He plans to stay even in the Central World.

He already knew Hong Xuanji's idea just now, and it was indeed possible.

The imperial system needs a succession of strong leaders to lead a party's power to continue to grow.

But the fault tolerance rate is very low.

On the contrary, the Republic and the Federation may allow the Yangshen World to gradually develop.

Let the Central World be used as a whetstone for the Daqian Republic.

Only Taoist Creation and the Emperor of Immortality have to solve it.

The two are just one step away from entering the existence of Hunyuan Daluo, but the Hunyuan Golden Immortal in this world is too far apart.

Compared to Zhong Shan he killed.

No matter how invincible these two people are, they and Guiyuan stand at the peak of Hunyuan Golden Immortal at the same time.

But the way of this world was wrong from the beginning.

Guiyuan said to himself: "The roots of this world are wrong and the seedlings grow crooked. So what if the fruits they produce are wise?

They grow on trees and cannot detect whether the tree is tilted or not..."

Sometimes innate limitations do prevent many talented creatures from escaping from the shackles.

So why in the ancient times, even though Hongjun was very strong and had great understanding, Nuwa still chose him as her ally in the end.

The detached person has infinite possibilities simply by detaching himself from his own world.

Once you embark on the road to transcendence, your status is completely different from other living beings in the same world.

"This world must end!"


Guiyuan strode across time and space barriers one after another, passing through layers of voids. Accompanied by a sharp sound that cut through the space, Guiyuan soon came to a void.


As the last barrier was suddenly broken by Guiyuan, his destination, the Golden Bridge on the other side, finally came into view.

A bridge that is thousands of miles long and like a rainbow spans countless eras. Even under the bridge, there is a hazy river of time flowing!

That long river of time is boundless, and even the King of Artifacts can only lurk in it, but this bridge has confused countless time and space and spans it!

This is the Golden Bridge on the other side.

According to legend, all the disciples spent all their collections, all their wisdom, and all their accumulations to create the king of the number one artifact throughout the ages.

in this bridge.

Guiyuan saw the phantoms of the disciples condensed in it, and the golden bridge on the other side was trembling the moment Guiyuan appeared.

But at this moment, there is a Taoist priest on the bridge, wearing a Taoist robe embroidered with all kinds of artifacts, all kinds of gods, all kinds of immortals, all kinds of worlds.

This Taoist suppressed the trembling golden bridge on the other side.

The King of Artifacts can only surrender under the presence of this statue.

There is also a Taoist statue standing in the void next to the Emperor Changsheng.

Behind this Taoist, there are thousands of worlds that are constantly arising and dying, as if he is the source of all gods, the god above gods, and the controller of all gods.

Compared to the introverted Emperor Changsheng.

This Taoist was all around him - thunder was born for him, the sun and moon rotated for him, time entangled for him, and space changed for him.

Everything is centered on him.

If the place of origin is the center of the universe, then he is the center of the origin!

At this moment.

The wisest disciples of this era, on the Golden Bridge on the other side forged with all their efforts, the three most powerful beings of this era, finally gathered at this moment!

"Should I call you Yang Yuan or something else?"

Taoist Creation asked with a faint voice.

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