"Is it important?"

Guiyuan asked back, Taoist Creation was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said with a smile: "It's really not important, I just didn't expect it.

I thought it was just a chess piece, but it has grown to this point at a speed that I could not have predicted. "

"At the end of an era, there are always visions." Guiyuan said with a smile.

Taoist Creation nodded, "Yes."

The Emperor Changsheng, who was using his own power to suppress the bridge on the other side, smiled and said: "In that case, let's get started! Why don't you two take the first step?"

Taoist Creation nodded and was about to agree.

Based on their realm, no matter who comes first, they are actually pretty much the same.

On the contrary, the enemy that the Emperor Changsheng had to deal with was even more powerful.

After all, the winner will take with him all the accumulation of the loser, the path of enlightenment, wisdom, strength, origin, etc....

The body of Taoist Creation was transformed from the seed of origin, and it is not even perfect yet. On the contrary, it is more suitable to deal with Guiyuan, if Taoist Creation wins.

After he devours Guiyuan, an existence in the same realm as them will definitely make up for the vacancy in his original origin.

But at this time Guiyuan said with a smile: "This is too troublesome. I'm in a hurry, so you can come together."

Thoughts of the Yang God kept popping up in the tombs of the various disciples, and they had already sensed the arrival of Guiyuan just now.

They did not expect that the existence that broke through the Yangshen and shattered the vacuum would be so arrogant and immediately came to the place of origin.

They had been looking forward to it when they heard that Taoist Creation was going to duel with him.

But I didn't expect that this person actually wanted to challenge the Emperor of Immortality and Taoist Creation at the same time?

"Is this guy looking for death?"

"Challenge the Emperor of Immortality and Taoist Creation at the same time... I'm afraid none of you can do it!"

"It seems that there is another thought in this tomb!"

Originally they thought they could watch a good show, after all, Guiyuan was indeed a strong man.

Achievements of Shattering Vacuum and Yang Shen at the same time.

But if we defeat Taoist Creation first and then face Emperor Changsheng, we might have a chance.

But two people fighting fiercely at the same time?

It hasn’t appeared since the beginning of the era!

The Emperor Changsheng and the Taoist Taoist looked at each other, how could they be so arrogant?

But he does seem to have the arrogance, and in such a short period of time, he has reached their realm, which has existed since the birth of the universe.

"I will suppress the bridge on the other side."

Guiyuan knew about the situation of the Changsheng Emperor. He had had a gamble with the disciples.

Is there a stronger disciple coming to suppress the Changsheng Emperor?

But Guiyuan's Tao has long been superior to that of the disciples, and he is not considered to have inherited the Taoist lineage of the disciples.

But it unites all the disciples!


Emperor Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly and jumped up from the bridge on the other side. The bridge on the other side was about to fall into Guiyuan's hands.

But in an instant, it was suppressed by a larger force.

"Is it the boat of creation?"

Taoist Creation did not expect that what was pressing on the bridge on the other side was actually the spiritual treasure he had forged.

The boat of creation.

But today's boat of creation is no longer broken.

Emitting immeasurable fairy light, it seems to suppress thousands of worlds, and endless power spreads out.

He once went to the Marvel world to devour so many demons, and Guiyuan used the resources of the world to make up for it.

And it was refined using the treasure refining techniques of the ancient world.

Now the power is almost the same as that of the Bridge on the Other Side, but the boat of creation is controlled by Guiyuan.

Naturally, it is more powerful than the Bridge to the Other Shore.

"But now it is no longer called the Boat of Creation. I have re-refined it and called it the Boat of Sakya.

Sakyamuni is a little bit of spiritual light in the hearts of innate beings, which is also in line with my spiritual philosophy! "

Guiyuan said quietly.

Sakyamuni does not refer to a certain person, but to wisdom or the soul.


The words are over.

An extremely terrifying aura erupted from the three bodies, and Guiyuan shouted, "Origin, continuation, and end.

The cycle goes back and forth, the power of the era! "

Origin, existence, and end, the power of the three exploded in Guiyuan at this moment.

Emperor Changsheng and Taoist Taoist Creation were already in a daze when they saw Guiyuan's punch.

"This power? Is it the other side?"

The two saw a punch that was completely above them. In this punch, they saw endless power, endless brilliance, the birth of the world, and the origin of all things.

This is the origin!

Then they saw the development of all spirits, and they even saw themselves in it.

The birth, development, and survival of the vast world, the world outside the world, and the final strength turned into a Taoist.

That is Guiyuan.

This is survival!

At the end, Guiyuan appeared and threw his last punch, causing the disaster of the era, and the endless space, time, and laws were all destroyed.

This is the end!

The three forces unite into one, forming an era!

The Emperor Changsheng burst into tears, "Is this the path I have been pursuing all my life?"

"On the other side of eternal life, the ninth level of bliss, flowers bloom and fall!!"

The vast and incomparable immortality energy condenses into infinite brilliance, which seems to be immortal, seems to live forever, and seems to exist forever.

Immortal light of immortality, save yourself to the other side!

The physical body of Taoist Creation suddenly dispersed and turned into a dense mass of Hongmeng parasites, rushing towards him one after another.

Hongmeng billions swallow everything.

Guiyuan's punch was simple, direct, domineering, and violent!

But it is very terrifying. This is the power of the era, the power that Gui Yuan realized during the battle with Zhong Shan.

It is also the real power of Hunyuan!

Destroy, destroy, destroy! !

The seemingly immortal immortal light shattered crazily.

The extremely defensive Taoism that approached the world of Yangshen where Emperor Changsheng lived was completely shattered in an instant.

And the countless Hongmeng insects transformed by Taoist Creation were shattered into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

"Hongmeng is reversed, the era is reborn, reborn, reborn..."

It’s as if the consciousness of the universe is awakening them and giving them new life.

The Hongmeng Parasitism Technique is the most powerful Taoist skill in the life of a Taoist, and his whole life is based on this.

All the other Yang gods died cleanly, but he could still be resurrected, which shows how terrifying his orthodoxy is.

At this moment, countless densely packed Hongmeng insects were wiped out and reborn again.

However, the power of the era circulates endlessly, and no matter how many times the Hongmeng insect is reborn, it will cease to exist, or even be continuously assimilated by the power of the era.

Because epoch is the process of evolution of the world.

As long as there is an end, the things that lead to the destruction of the world will become the material for the evolution of the world.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The entire place of origin resounded with a roaring sound that shocked the ages and disturbed the ages.

Those Yang gods were stunned. The invincible Immortal Emperor and the terrifying Taoist Taoist were under this punch.

It's like being swept away by the rolling momentum, wrapped in infinite power.

fall from the sky!

"we lose……"

There was a deep sigh from the place of origin, which was the last thought of the Immortal Emperor.

When Guiyuan threw that punch, he already knew how big the gap was between them and Guiyuan.

as if.

The ladder they have been climbing all their lives has actually been on it for a long time.

They completely lost to the avenue and power that was completely above them.

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