"No! Father God, why, why!"

Sitting on Guiyuan Mountain, Gui Yuan showed pain on his face. Before his eyes, the once great mountains and rivers were constantly being destroyed.

Visible and intangible matter, energy, laws and even avenues are constantly being destroyed.

And all this was brought about by the Taoists around him.

"No reason."

Guiyuan said calmly that he created Guiyuan World just for this moment.

The main reason is that his avenue is related to Guiyuan Realm. Otherwise, Guiyuan Realm can actually be created and allowed to develop on its own.

But this is impossible.

Not to mention, he has worked hard for so long since joining the chat group, and every step is to strengthen Guiyuanjie.

And now he has had an experience of the end of the world.

The Guiyuan World that is opened up again will only be stronger, and it may be difficult for the existence of Guiyuan World to accept it.

But for Guiyuan, this matter is the path he must go through.

All souls in the Guiyuan Realm were in mourning, and countless places in the vast world fell into deathly silence in an instant.

The stars that originally hung far away in the sky continued to shatter, and billions of living beings were swept away by the aura of the end and disappeared into ashes.

Countless people, old and young, cried blood and tears in pain. Human warriors, monks, and the top ten ferocious beast kings of the sea race ran up to the sky and roared, but it was still to no avail.

Gui Yuan's expression when he looked at Lingbao Lord was no longer the awe and reverence he once had, but was filled with hatred.

The voice roared, and said in a low voice: "Today, all the souls in the Guiyuan Realm are in trouble, and Father God uses all the souls in the Guiyuan Realm as great medicine.

I, Turtle Yuan! As the king of the turtle clan, the king of all spirits, the emperor of the sea clan, and the honor of the human clan.

All spirits obey the command and attack the sky! "

"Cultivation of my war sword, the body of thousands of stars is the body of the sword, and the innate gods are the soul of the sword.

Zhou Tianxing Sword! "

The vast and shattered stars in the Guiyuan Realm shook crazily at this moment, and a supreme giant sword condensed with the vast starlight appeared.

"When the yin and yang day is reversed, dye the sky with my star's blood!"

The person holding this battle sword is the condensed form of the Sun God and the Taiyin God who stands on the yin and yang diagram.

"Father God, the child has been offended."

Lord Lingbao just nodded slightly and continued: "Is there more?"

His expression was as calm as a child challenging his father with a toy gun.

"Thousands of mountain gods and river gods appear! Mountains and rivers, the power of mountains and rivers.

Billions of mountains and rivers serve as soldiers, and millions of gods serve as generals! ! ! "

The entire land, rivers, and mountains of the Guiyuan Realm were shaking crazily, and even the Guiyuan Mountain was shaking.

A figure burst into view, carrying the supreme power of mountains and rivers.

"Mountains and rivers will make the country great!"

Wearing heavy armor and returning to the mountain god of Yuan Mountain, the ancestor of all mountains condensed the power of mountains and rivers to appear as a huge hammer.

Above the hammer are thousands of mountains and rivers.

Standing next to Turtle Yuan, the Yin-Yang Star God.

"We are here!" The innate beings of wind, rain, thunder and lightning condensed the vast formation of heaven and earth in an instant, and wind, rain, thunder and lightning were the four phenomena of heaven and earth.

Controlling the power of heaven and earth, the formation formed fell on the three of them, and their auras continued to rise.

Not only that, but the infinite power of humanity from the Guiyuan Realm was falling crazily on the three of them.

Lord Lingbao showed a smile, "It seems that you have thoroughly studied the power of keeping me in the Guiyuan Realm.

And it also absorbed the power of other worlds? "

Zhoutian Star God is the sky, relying on the power of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and the power they mobilize is already very mature.

It can be said that it is completely impossible to achieve the development of Guiyuanjie alone.

But they did it.

It is more likely that they can only be creatures reincarnated from other worlds, and may have awakened some memories.

Finally, it merged with the power of the birth of living beings in the Guiyuan Realm.

Before, Guiyuanjie was just like a kid holding a gun and using a fire stick.

Suddenly, he got how to use the gun from the others.

The power that can be called upon increases tenfold or even hundreds of times.

Guiyuan is naturally very happy to see such development in Guiyuan world.

After the end, these will become the foundation of Guiyuan Realm.

The mountain god of Guiyuan is the earth, and the turtle Yuan is the human being.

In addition, the four phenomena of wind, rain, thunder and lightning circulate, and the stars and yin and yang are yin and yang.

This time it combines the power of the three talents and four images of Yin and Yang.

In an instant.

Vast and incomparable power burst out from the three bodies.

"Using the soul to call for the awakening of the soul, the billions of living beings destroyed in the world.

Wake up all of you! " Turtle Yuan roared.

Many living beings have just died in the end of the world.

Their souls poured into the bodies of Yin Yang Star God and Guiyuan Mountain God like sparks of fire.

The monstrous soul fluctuations are ups and downs. With the help of the power of humanity, the Yin Yang Star God and the Guiyuan Mountain God are expanding crazily.

"That's right. Fill the world with the power of humanity and explode with the strongest power."

Lord Lingbao nodded.

Sure enough, sometimes heaven and earth will only limit the bones and qualifications of living beings, but not their understanding.

"Come and fight!"

The voices of the yin and yang star gods overlap repeatedly, like yin and yang, and the combination of yin and yang forms Tai Chi.

The Zhoutian Star Sword in his hand brought endless starlight, shattering all space and slashing towards Lingbao Lord.

In this final world, this seems to be the last ray of brilliance at the end of time!

It is also the anger of thousands of stars towards Guiyuan, why must the world be destroyed, since the final result is destruction.

Why were they created in the first place.

at the same time.

The hammer of Guiyuan Mountain God also revealed the vast power of mountains and rivers in Guiyuan Realm, every trace of which is the power of a mountain and river.

With one hammer blow, it was the power of the entire Guiyuan Realm continent.

The strongest Gui Yuan roared, and with the help of the power of humanity, boundless energy and blood rose into the sky, and terrifying power emerged.

He is already the lord of all human beings and can gather the power of all spirits.

The powers of the three blended together in an instant.

Transformed into a figure.

As the turtle element, the sword is the yin and yang star god, and the armor is the Guiyuan mountain god.


Lord Lingbao was finally a little surprised, this actually reached the level of a Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

You must know that the three of them are not even Da Luo.

He actually condensed the power he had when he broke through the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

"But that seems to be it."

Lord Lingbao shook his head.

Although he did marvel at their understanding.

Sure enough, living beings are indeed the most uncontrollable existence.

But the upper limit is too low.

If Guiyuan is just the way of heaven in Guiyuan world.

It is very likely that we will lose to them in this so-called ‘defeat the sky’ battle.

But Guiyuan has already realized Hunyuan, and he is just missing the last step to enter Hunyuan's existence.

How could they win?

With a casual touch, the world turned upside down, the world roared, and endless power gathered in Lingbao Lord's hands.

The vast final power from all over the world condensed in Lingbao Lord's hand and turned into a sharp light.

The Yin Yang Star God, the Guiyuan Mountain God, Gui Yuan and even the wind, rain, thunder and lightning that had transformed into a large formation all felt the great terror emerging from their minds.

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