The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 332 Proving the truth, clouds move in all directions

A flash of light fell on the brows of the condensed figures of the three of them.


It's like the big bang when the world opens, or the last crash when the world ends.

next moment.

The sword body was broken into pieces, and bits of starlight shone between the sky and the earth, as beautiful as broken glass.

The entire mountains and rivers of Guiyuan Realm were shattered into pieces in an instant.

Because the power of the entire mountain and river was shattered by the power of the end.

All the wind, rain, thunder and lightning formations were destroyed, and the formation stopped at this moment.

The Yin Yang Star God, Guiyuan Mountain God, Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning were all destroyed, leaving only Gui Yuan who punched Lingbao Lord.

But Gui Yuan still had an angry look on his face, "Even if we lose, that will be our last strength!!!"


Gui Yuan punched Lingbao Jun's finger, but he found that Lingbao Jun's finger didn't even tremble at all.

Gui Yuan's mind was swallowed up by boundless despair and disappointment. 'It turns out that everything we do is just child's play in His eyes? ’

"You tried your best. Try your best in the next life!"

Lord Lingbao's cold voice sounded, and Gui Yuan's body instantly shattered, and the endless power of humanity was released.

The world is coming to an end!

Lord Lingbao watched quietly as everyone finally fell into the end of the Guiyuan Realm.

How could there be a reversal, and the world that was just born wanted to kill him?

He just wanted to see what would happen if he pushed them to the extreme, and he was not disappointed.

This suddenly gave me a better understanding of the power of the three realms of heaven, earth, and man.

Now that the Guiyuan Realm has completely fallen into the end, it is just like the prehistoric heaven realm before.

It turned into a ball of light that looked like colorful glass, but didn't seem to have any color, and was constantly squirming.

And there are silk threads connecting it, continuously providing it with various powers.

Guiyuan will reinject all the power after the end of Guiyuan Realm into the origin of this world.

This will become the guide for the next development of Guiyuan Realm, and he has not completely broken up the true spirits of all living creatures and allowed them to reintegrate.

Instead, it was left in place.

Naturally, I want to see if Nafa Tian will continue to be passed down, and Guiyuan is looking forward to it.

It's a bit similar to the feeling of raising a child who can surpass oneself.

Although unlikely.

Because all the power of Guiyuan Realm comes from Guiyuan.

But not all the power of Guiyuan comes from the Guiyuan world.

The difference between the two resulted in Guiyuanjie never being able to defeat Guiyuan.

"Time is up."

Guiyuan's mind returned to the outside world.

In an instant, the huge and boundless true body emerged from the North Sea, and billions of hectares of water flowed down the tortoise shell.

It dripped into the North Sea and splashed countless waves.

Dapeng suddenly woke up on Jin'ao Island. Has the master left seclusion?

next moment.

The vast aura fills the entire prehistoric world

Keep spreading out to the North Sea and the wilderness.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of bells ringing from the nine great avenues was heard from above the nine heavens, echoing between heaven and earth.


At this time, the whole world shook, and countless monks were horrified, feeling the shaking of the world.

The aura and coercion of the avenue shrouded them, and no one knew what was going on. Only a small number of powerful and powerful people looked at Beihai with shocked expressions.

I saw a boundless giant tortoise covering the world flying towards chaos. The sun and moon were covered, as if the world fell into darkness in an instant.

"I, Guiyuan. Today I have attained the Daluo Jinxian of Hunyuan!"

The vast sound of the great avenue resounded in the heaven and earth, and all beings who heard this sound could not help but open their eyes.

Kunlun Mountain.

Sanqing, who was planning the disciple recruitment meeting, suddenly looked at Guiyuan who was flying towards Chaos.

The Supreme Being said to himself: "That person will finally attain enlightenment, but the path he takes may be completely superior to ours.

At the beginning, he didn't know how to kill his second brother, but now he has become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

I'm afraid that the situation in the prehistoric times will change again in the future. "

The Supreme Lord never doubted that Guiyuan would not be able to achieve enlightenment, it was just a matter of time.

Even though they all know that the way to prove the Tao is through force, that is to say, the road to prove the Tao through laws is extremely difficult to walk in the ancient times.

It's not just the retreat of the Great Dao, there are many reasons, such as the limitations of heaven, difficulty in accumulating strength and so on.

Otherwise, they may have to try to prove the Tao with all their strength.

You know, at the beginning, this road was not passed by even the ancestor dragons who were almost together in the wilderness.

The demon ancestor Luohu, who is as famous as their teacher, also failed.

There's so much involved here.

Since Hunyuan Golden Immortal, Guiyuan has already begun to intervene in the Hunyuan hierarchy.

If he hadn't laid it out early, it seemed like he had seen through the teacher's plan and dismantled it step by step.

He has gained many powerful allies, and even getting to this point is difficult.

But Yuan Shi on the side looked indifferent. In fact, among all those with great supernatural powers, he was the only one who knew that returning to Yuan would definitely lead to enlightenment.

Just because of that time.

He knew that Guiyuan's understanding of the Dao was completely superior to those of them.

Even if they are saints.

His current interpretation of Tao, as well as the way of origin and development in the future, have not yet caught up with the original Guiyuan.

"Would you like to go take a look? After all, this is the first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in history to achieve enlightenment. If you can see it with your own eyes.

Maybe it will be beneficial to our path! "

"I want to go, too, to have a look."

Tongtian also nodded. Seeing this, the three of them also flew towards Chaos.

The west.

Zhunti and Jieyin are preaching conscientiously and sorting out the Western world. Although they are saints, they have no airs.

The two felt the aura that filled the world and looked at each other without saying anything.

With just this glance, they knew what to do, and instantly shot towards the sky beyond the chaos.

Ping Xin, who had just finished his sermon, looked far away and raised his eyebrows, "Are you going to preach?

Go and have a look, lest this old boy Hongjun does anything secretly! "

Having said that, he instantly harnessed the endless power of the netherworld and flew towards Chaos.

Wa Palace.

Emperor Wa, who was lying on the golden couch practicing, opened his eyes with a hint of surprise.

The main reason is that returning to Yuan to practice is too fast.

She has relatively broad knowledge, and with her knowledge, she can naturally feel what the path Guiyuan is taking.

All I can say is that my heart is extremely big.

You must know that when she originally wanted to explain the three personalities of Yuanshi, Taishang and Lingbao in her own way.

She is already Hunyuan.

But Guiyuan actually used this path to first become the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and then followed this path, and now he has realized the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

This is much more powerful than she was before.

"Sure enough, I made the right choice. He still has many secrets."

Emperor Wa's gaze fell into chaos.

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