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Chapter 333: Reincarnation of the Yuan Realm, disaster is coming

Under the attention of all parties, Guiyuan, who was like a continent, broke through the membrane of heaven and earth in an instant and came into chaos.

But the aura on his body now is like a rolling wave. Even the energy of chaos cannot affect him in the slightest.

Guiyuan naturally felt the gazes, but they had nothing to do with him.

And this time.

A voice sounded in his ears, it was Nuwa.

"Be careful this time. In addition to enemies within the realm, there may also be enemies outside the realm."

"An enemy from outside?"

Guiyuan was thinking, and suddenly a spiritual light flew through the chaos and fell on Guiyuan's hand.

One volume of Yuanshen.

In a billionth of an instant, Guiyuan had already read the information inside.

He also knew what Nuwa meant by what she just said.

Because when the transcendent person advances to the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, which is the Seven Stars of the Realms.

The essence of their true spirit will shift.

It will also disturb the eternal time throughout the entire infinite realm.

Because when you reach the level of the transcendent being of the Seven Stars of All Worlds, your mere existence will affect many lower-level worlds that have their own self and others.

Many of the original aspects of him and me are likely to change a little.

In this case, Nuwa called it Yingying.

Because of the transcendent being of the seven stars in all realms.

In fact, if placed in a chaotic realm, a small chaotic world can be born in it.

This is also the reason why the seven stars of all realms can wander in the boundless realm of chaos.

Because he himself is a party of chaos.

But when the essence of the true spirit sublimates.

It is very likely that his own personality will be exposed, or his former enemies who are also detached people will come to block his way.

"This is the calamity of enlightenment. I can't take action. It is also your last level of suffering. If you can survive it, the sea and the sky will be brighter!"

Nuwa finished her last sentence.

"The calamity of enlightenment..."

Guiyuan naturally cannot retreat.

He has already come this far, and he is just a little short of attaining Hunyuan, and there will be nothing left to tie him down in the wild.

Guiyuan's boundless body remains in the chaos, and the wave of chaos can kill Daluo Jinxian at will.

To Guiyuan today, it is actually just a small wave.

When the wave of chaos hit Guiyuan's turtle shell, it was directly consumed by the laws on the turtle shell and turned into the purest power, which was swallowed up.

next moment.

In Guiyuan's body, the origin of the world created by the destruction of Guiyuan World emerged instantly.

The origin of the vast and boundless world began to spread in chaos.

Guiyuan opened the sky this time.

It can no longer be opened up in the body, and the Guiyuan Realm needs to be opened up again in the chaos.

After being opened up, the Guiyuan Realm will be carried by the Great Avenue Divine Turtle.

And the saints who came from the wilderness saw this spiritual light.

"This...the origin of such a huge world?"

Taiqing was a little stunned, there must be too many world origins here.

With their status, they naturally know the origin of the world, which is the purest power in this world.

But in the wilderness.

It is impossible to obtain the origin of the world because it is blocked at the core of the world.

It is guarded by the three forces of heaven, earth and man.

The reason why their saints have infinite power and infinite magic power in the ancient world is because they are connected to the origin of the world through the way of heaven or humanity.

Where did Guiyuan get the origin of such a huge world...

Zhunti and Jieyin looked at each other.

"If you can get these origins, brother, your method of using dreams to prove the Tao can be improved to a higher level."

"And after turning the virtual into reality, many of our great ambitions can be realized..."

Zhunti's voice echoed in Jie Yin's heart, and Jie Yin secretly took a deep breath.

This is indeed a tremendous opportunity.

Although he didn't know how Guiyuan obtained it, the source of such a huge world.

If he were allowed to evolve the Three Thousand Buddha Kingdom and the Hengsha World, it would indeed save him a lot of time.

But taking action now is likely to offend Gui Yuan.

Jie Yin and Zhunti were thinking.

The long avenue that seemed to run through the chaos instantly emerged, and the infinite avenue began to linger in the chaos.

"Open the sky!"

Return to the original blessing to the soul.

Among the three flowers of heaven, earth and man, a supreme being appeared in the center of the ceiling.

When this existence appeared, vast power swept out.

Heaven and earth are not divided, Yin and Yang are not judged, all things are not born, all phenomena are not sprouted, the special name is Wu, this is zero.

Infinite evolution arises out of great ease. When the Qi machine is developed, the business is started, there are images to be found, and shapes to be traced, this is one.

From zero to one, one becomes ten thousand.

All things in heaven and earth are born from existence, and existence is born from nothingness.

"Open the sky!"

The eyes of the derived King Yuanshi bloomed with immeasurable divine light.

With a sudden roar, his body expanded to an incredible size, seeming to fill the entire chaos.

The process of opening the sky has long been extremely familiar to him, compared to the original Zhongqian prehistoric world.

Today's Guiyuan world is nothing more than a little more origin of the world and a little more things to consider.

This is how things should be, grasp the essence, and the rest is nothing more than the amount!

The Yuanshi Heavenly King swung his fist towards the origin of the world of Guiyuan Realm that had been prepared.


at this moment.

The origin of the world exploded to pieces, and the origin of the world that was blasted open by the way of creation began to be filled with boundless aura.

The energy of chaos that continues to engulf the surroundings is growing vigorously.

The vast, everlasting, and broad aura appears one after another into the world born from this.

The aura on Guiyuan's body was rising crazily, and the aura seemed to shake the whole chaos.

Everything in Guiyuan is sublimating, and the power of Hunyuan contained in the soul, body, and mana begins to grow crazily.

The power of Hunyuan is not a kind of power.

Rather, it is an essential sublimation.

Jing, Qi and Shen are in one body. He can be Jing, Qi or God.

He is more like a structure.

Hunyuan Jinxian had only just touched upon this field for the first time.

But Hunyuan Daluo is completely based in this field.

And this time.

Guiyuan's rising aura disturbed the entire chaos.

The waves of chaos began to turn into chaotic disasters with an aura of destruction.

Chaos Thunder, Chaos Water, Chaos Fire, Chaos Wind, and Chaos Earth followed one after another.

The Four Symbols of Chaos and the Divine Thunder of Chaos swept across Guiyuan and the Guiyuan world that was beginning to evolve.



When the disaster of chaos fell on Guiyuan, one after another could easily destroy the quasi-sage.

Not even making a splash.

A whisper, "Hongmeng returns to the ruins!"

In an instant.

Countless mana turned into ruins that seemed to swallow everything.

This was evolved from Guiyuan's Hongmeng Parasitic Technique.

It just turned the Hongmeng Insect into an infinite amount of ruins, seeming to swallow up the entire chaos.

The endless energy of chaos continues to become the power of Guiyuan under Hongmeng Guixu.

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