The consciousness hidden in Buzhou Mountain emerged, and in an instant the entire long river of time and destiny appeared.



The two great banks of the long river of time and the long river of fate, the eternal rivers are intertwined at this moment.

Melting with the consciousness emerging from Buzhou Mountain.

This consciousness comes from the depths of Buzhou Mountain.

That is the most primitive and powerful consciousness left by Pangu.

In an instant, a terrifying figure appeared, even more terrifying than the Pangu Yuanshen just now.

The long river of time and the long river of fate are crawling at this person's feet. Even the Great Luo Jinxian and even the quasi-sage seem to be supreme.

Nowadays, they are like little house pets.

In the ancient world, no matter the supreme power, there was no way around this person. These two words, Pangu!

This is not some summoned Pangu, this is the real Pangu consciousness.

The long river of time and the long river of fate were both shaped by Pangu, in front of him.

Naturally very well-behaved.


Like the sound of the great road, two streams of light flew out from Kunlun Mountain. They were the Yin-Yang Diagram and Pangu Flag, and another stream flew out from the heaven on the top of Buzhou Mountain.

Three streams of light fell into the hands of Pangu's consciousness.

next moment.

A brilliant light appeared in the sky and earth in an instant.

It was so vast that when they saw this bright light for the first time, many people with great supernatural powers shed their first tears in their lives.

Not only was it touching, but it was so dazzling.

It was so dazzling that not only their physical bodies, but also their souls felt the concept of "light".

All sentient beings in the past, present and future have seen this light.

Western Spirit Mountain.

"Even if Guiyuan survives this time, he will be seriously injured. Who made him jump like that! I really thought that the prehistoric era was his world!"

Zhunti looked pale and shed tears, but said coldly.

He died twice at the hands of Guiyuan.

Resources in the West are scarce to begin with, so he can only rely on himself to cultivate himself in the future. It is impossible to say that he can cultivate through luck and merit.

Then their debt will be paid off.

Jieyin on the side had a look of sorrow on his face and tears streaming down his face, "Indeed, this ax is more powerful than the one used by Senior Brother Sanqing just now.

Just now the entire prehistoric power was mobilized. "

Zhunti looked at Pangu's consciousness rising from Buzhou Mountain, and even he felt the endless edge of the rising power.

That flash of axe.

It seemed like it was going to split him open.

"Brother, you said..." Zhunti suddenly spoke.

"Be careful what you say!" Jie Yin stopped Zhunti from continuing, "Now is the time when the disease is at its strongest. Misfortunes come from the mouth, and words spoken are bound to be wrong."


Zhunti nodded and narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at Buzhou Shan.

Kunlun Mountain Sanqing Palace.

Sanqing, who had just been resurrected with the power of heaven, saw this scene, but Tongtian frowned, "Why do I feel that nothing will happen to him!"

“The method of returning to the Yuan is mysterious and unpredictable, whether it is the incarnation that appears suddenly or the Chaos Bead.

and his avenue of understanding.

It all shows that he is full of secrets.

If he can use other means to bear this axe, he can also see his true nature clearly. "The 'Tao' of Yuanshi is contrary to Tongtian.

But at this moment, he maintains the same view as Tongtian.


Taiqing thought that even though he used Buzhoushan's consciousness to threaten Guiyuan before, Guiyuan had no chance of stopping and insisted on settling the cause and effect with them.

Guiyuan is not a fool.

Since this was the case before, there must have been ways to deal with it.


Lingxiao Palace.

After watching Guiyuan completely wipe out the Sanqing, the power rising from Buzhou Mountain, Taiyi forcibly suppressed the Donghuang Bell that was trembling crazily in his soul.

When Sanqing condensed Pangu Yuanshen before, he had already started to tremble.

Now it instantly turned into a stream of light and flew into the hands of Pangu's consciousness.

This also made Taiyi look a little ugly. He thought that the Donghuang Bell was already his spiritual treasure.

But I didn’t expect that Pangu’s imprint would be so deep.

The Wu Clan's Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation was already partially attractive before. After he became a quasi-sage, he refined the Donghuang Bell again.

This allowed him to already control his body in the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation.

Now there is an additional Pangu Yuanshen that can be summoned by the Sanqing Formation. He almost flew out just now, but he relied on the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to suppress him.

And now.

As soon as this Pangu consciousness emerged.

He flew away directly.

"This time, Guiyuan will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die. It's just Pangu's consciousness..." Di Jun also felt that Guiyuan would definitely not be unscathed under this axe.

Di Jun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Taiyi also seemed to know what his elder brother was thinking.

The emergence of Pangu's consciousness made many people with great supernatural powers wander in their thoughts.

After all, they thought that in the prehistoric era, all kinds of frosts were competing for freedom. Who knew that Pangu, who had transformed into heaven and earth and created all things, was still here.

what about

Guiyuan's face was solemn, feeling the crisis that made his innate spiritual sense jump wildly.

No wonder Hongjun must bring Buzhoushan down in the future.

There is always an 'axe of Darkmos' hanging over your head.

You want to get it away no matter what.

After all, you don’t know when it will suddenly chop you on the head.

A trace of determination flashed in Guiyuan's eyes, and he mobilized all the power of Hunyuan.

Hunyuan Daoguo swayed, and a long river of great avenue suddenly emerged behind him, crossing the wilderness, boundless, mighty, and boundless.

"The reverse result becomes the cause, the mark of fate reappears in the chaotic green lotus!" Many spiritual treasures collided together and turned into a crystal clear green lotus.

"Dinghai Divine Bead! Destiny is banned! Chaos Bead comes out!" The bead flashing with infinite chaotic light once again appeared between Guiyuan's eyebrows.

"Time and Space Brand!! Pangu Ax Appears!"

Guiyuan grabbed the void, as if he had grabbed something extremely heavy. He paused and forcibly pulled out an illusory axe.

The Hunyuan tortoise shell aura emerged.

The Hunyuan turtle shell is gathered from the witchcraft weapons of the twelve ancestral witches, plus the previous Pangu essence and blood.

It is enough to serve as the body of Pangu.

In an instant, Guiyuan's figure disappeared instantly, and a incomplete chaotic green lotus emerged.

Lotus blooms.

A figure stepped out, holding a Pangu ax in hand, a bright chaos bead appearing on the top of his head, stepping on a chaotic green lotus, and slashed hard towards the bright light.

"The era opens! Infinite!"


A loud noise, like the sound of creation at the beginning of the ancient world, shook every corner of the ancient world.

This is not only an explosion of sound, but also an ultimate release of energy.

It transcended the limits of perception of all living beings and became an existence that could not be described in words. All those watching the battle only saw light.

The ultimate light.

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