Even the soul can no longer observe what happened.

Under this collision, fate was shattered, cause and effect were reversed, and Yin and Yang were destroyed.

The stars trembled, the void twisted, and the entire avenue seemed to be reshaped.

At the center of the explosion, the battle between Guiyuan and the extremely bright light reached its climax.

Guiyuan's body was almost torn apart under the impact of this force.

The wisps of 'quality' that make up him are constantly dissipating under this power, and his aura is constantly weakening.


Another huge explosion burst out.

A bright light that was slightly dimmer than the previous collision emerged between heaven and earth again.

Where Guiyuan and the ax light collided, a huge hole in the void instantly appeared. The vast energy of chaos was spreading out from the big hole, constantly assimilating everything in the prehistoric times.

"Guiyuan fell?"

Everyone didn't care about the sudden appearance of the huge hole in the void for the first time.

Rather, feel the breath of returning to the origin between heaven and earth.

But other than that big hole.

But there is no breath anymore.

Kunlun Mountains.

Taiqing frowned slightly, "Guiyuan fell?"

He used the power of heaven to sweep around the place where the battle was taking place, and the aura of Guiyuan really disappeared.

Disappeared without a trace.

Yuan Shi closed his eyes tightly. He became a saint with the way of heaven and could control the most power of heaven. The power of heaven increased his soul.

In an instant, the entire prehistoric world was reflected in his soul.

With the power of his saint-level soul, he swept across the entire prehistoric world. Except for some extremely secret places, it was difficult to cover other places.

But he didn't find any aura of Guiyuan.

Western Spirit Mountain.

"Really fallen?"

Zhunti and Jieyin were also doing such a thing, and soon they looked at each other. Zhunti's eyes were full of doubts, according to their guess.

Although Guiyuan does have the possibility of falling.

But with him being so mysterious, the most likely outcome was serious injury.

But he didn't expect that he actually died.

"Is it because the prehistoric times cannot tolerate Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?"

Zhunti muttered to himself.

At this moment.

"Quickly take action to quell Tianque! If it continues to expand, the prehistoric world will be destroyed!"

In the ancient sky, a vast river of purple energy emerged, and a figure came walking on the purple energy, holding a bamboo stick in his hand, and a jade plate behind him rotated, as if there were laws of the great law flowing out of it.

With a wave of his hand, countless great laws were released to block the expanding hole in the void.

It was Hongjun.

However, Hongjun didn't look in very good condition at this moment, with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

With the saint's cultivation level, it is naturally impossible for such injuries to occur. The only possibility is that there is power in these traces that even Hongjun cannot erase.

And the only one with this kind of power is Emperor Wa.

Seeing this, Kunlun Sanqing lowered his head and said, "I will follow the teacher's orders!"

Boundless yin and yang energy emerged from Taiqing's palm, and the yin and yang spirit essence that had just flown back to his palm was lost. All the mana he had stored in it had been consumed.

In an instant.

Taiqing continued to obtain endless mana from the way of heaven and instilled it into the Yin and Yang diagram.

The yin and yang soil flew out again, turning into a white jade and golden bridge and falling to the center of the void, blocking the incoming chaotic energy.

The law of the great avenue emerged, and the power of fixed earth fire and feng shui emerged, trying to suppress the large hole in the void that filled the air at an extremely fast speed.

But it was found that it only slowed down the spread of the big hole.

The hole in the void is still expanding, if it was before.

Even if a quasi-sage fights against each other, it will indeed destroy the ancient world, but since the three paths of heaven, earth and man have returned to their respective positions, many saints have been born to stabilize the laws of heaven and earth.

Even if it was a fight between quasi-sages, even if the void was shattered, for today's prehistoric people, it was just a few superficial injuries, and they recovered in an instant.

Just like before when Guiyuan smashed the Western Formation and fought with Pangu Yuanshen, the damage caused could also be slowly recovered through time.

And especially in some spiritual mountains, the ground veins are stable, but the recovery speed is relatively slow.

But this time, in this big hole in the void, the energy of chaos is still flowing, and there is no sign of recovery at all.

next moment.

The other saints also took action one after another. If the prehistoric era was destroyed, none of them would feel comfortable!

Even if their combined power can restore the ancient world.

But how could their methods be comparable to Pangu's.

By then, none of them, the saints, will be able to live in the prehistoric world after re-refining, and they will have no choice but to go to chaos.

But after the saints took action, six saints took action, including Hongjun.

All they do is greatly slow down the spread of the void.

Although it slowed down to the point where it was almost motionless, in the eyes of many saints, this did not solve the problem.

This goes on for a long time.

This big hole will get bigger and bigger, until it swallows up the whole world.

Moreover, the incoming chaotic energy is extremely difficult to deal with.

This chaotic energy has no effect on them, but for Daluo Jinxian and the following creatures, it is like the most deadly force.

The essence of Chaos Qi is similar to the Hunyuan level.

Many people with great supernatural powers saw that even the saints had not healed the big hole in the void.

"This big hole will never be removed, right? What will happen to the chaotic energy then?"

Tai Zhen frowned.

"No, many saints must have a way..." Chang Xi looked at the big hole that almost swallowed everything, the big hole in the void leading to chaos.

And now there is still power left over from the collision between Guiyuan and Pangu's consciousness in the big hole.

But contrary to everyone's expectations, they found that the saints were indeed helpless.

"This is the gap caused by the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If there is another collision with the power of the Open Sky, only by eliminating the power of the Open Sky can we stop it!" Ping Xin appeared next to the big hole.

Looking at Sanqing with his eyes, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, making Sanqing's face stiffen.

‘Empress Pingxin won’t blame us for Guiyuan’s fall. ’

Tongtian couldn't help but send a message to his eldest brother, although they were not afraid of Pingxin when they joined forces.

But Pingxin is in charge of reincarnation and is the master of the tunnel.

Even if you can't punish them, you can still punish their disciples.

Although they have not yet accepted disciples, they have become saints by establishing a religion. If they want to become stronger as saints, it is inevitable to accept disciples.

Ping Xin's eyes fell into the void, and a graceful figure walked out of the void. Flowers fell from the sky and golden lotuses surged from the ground.

It is Nuwa.

"Does Emperor Wa have any idea? Emperor Wa has the Qiankun Cauldron in his hand, which can make up for the vacancy in the fetal membrane of heaven and earth!"

Yes, this is actually because the battle between Guiyuan and Pangu's consciousness burst the fetal membranes of heaven and earth, leaving a huge gap.

In the past, quasi-sage level battles could not break the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, so the prehistoric world would slowly recover.

Nuwa said quietly: "There is no need for me to take action."

"Who is still good at the art of creation?"

"Return to Yuan."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure walked out of the big hole in the void. He was wearing a white robe that was branded with all things in the world. His aura was calm and quiet, as if he had just come back from an outing.

All the great supernatural beings and saints were stunned.

It turns out that Guiyuan did not die.

This is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that the aura on Guiyuan's body does not even fluctuate at all. The aura is still like the sea and the abyss, and the Yuan is as one.

That is to say.

He was unscathed in the collision with the ax of Pangu consciousness.

All the great supernatural powers couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Isn't this too outrageous?

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