September 15th.

Ever since the sword god Ximen Chuixue promised the sword saint Ye Gucheng to fight at the top of the Forbidden City to decide the sword title.

For a time, the capital was turbulent.

People from all over the world are coming one after another. These people include powerful bosses, leaders of great sects that have been inherited for hundreds of years, and senior masters who have lived in seclusion in the world. They can't help but come to take a look at this moment. war.

After all, these are the Sword Saint Ye Gucheng and the Sword God Ximen Chuixue.

With the help of many forces, the battle at the top of the Forbidden City has almost become an unsurpassed battle in the world for hundreds of years.

Under the swarm of countless crazy people in the world.

Even if the place where they met was the top of the Forbidden City, even the Ming Dynasty, which was the pinnacle of imperial power and dominated the world, had to make concessions and distributed thirty pieces of silk and satin, allowing thirty martial arts masters to go to the top of the Forbidden City to watch the battle.

As for the rest of the people, if they dare to get close, they will be killed without mercy.

In order to cope with this rare decisive battle in a century, a total of 60,000 elite imperial troops gathered in the imperial city at this moment, and there were also many internal experts who surrounded the imperial palace.

To say that even a fly can't get in would be nonsense.

It's just that any master of martial arts is facing the elite of the Forbidden Army.

Also tired of being under siege.

Can they kill ten people, a hundred people, or a thousand people?

And they were fully armed Imperial Guards.

The real elites in the army are those that are completely separated from production and completely professional. They have the best resources and equipment, and the most rigorous training. Each of them is worth four or five of those no-name armies.

If the two armies actually fought, this kind of professional army would be able to defeat those bastards with a single charge.

The overall quality of the two is not at the same level at all.

The current emperor actually controls only about 200,000 such troops. This is the most fundamental guarantee for him to maintain his rule and preserve his throne.

This time, he mobilized a full quarter of his troops at once to surround the palace. Their intimidation was as if there were hundreds of thousands of troops there. Any master of martial arts would have to give up when he got there.

Tens of thousands of troops were directly hit by a barrage of arrows. Even if someone was as good as Lu Xiaofeng in Qinggong, they would not be able to survive such a dense rain of arrows.

It is precisely because of this kind of deterrence that even the world's endless rivers and lakes masters can only give in and obey the court's arrangements to fight for the thirty silks and satins.

It was approaching dusk, the night was as dark as water, and the world was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

Many martial arts masters holding silks and satins came outside the Forbidden City one after another. They couldn't help but feel a little timid as they stared at the tens of thousands of Forbidden soldiers wearing armor.

Soon, under the inspection one by one by the commander of the imperial palace, they arrived at the Hall of Supreme Harmony with silk and satin.

However, the commander of the imperial army was obviously not qualified in arithmetic and did not notice that there were more silks and satins.

In fact, these thirty silks and satins are all special and unique to the imperial palace.

There was no other silk in the world, so the commander of the imperial army did not count the items in detail. He only let people in after confirming that they were silk items from the palace.

In the Forbidden Palace, Lu Xiaofeng walked side by side with Hua Manlou, looking into Hua Manlou's eyes from time to time. Originally, when he was still investigating cases in various places, he helped Hua Manlou find a solution to treat her eyes.

Suddenly one day Huamanlou sent him a message saying that he had recovered his eyesight.

Moreover, he felt that Hua Manlou's martial arts was beyond his reach, but it was a secret belonging to his friend, so naturally he would not pry.

Instead, he felt extremely happy. In his opinion, Hua Manlou was a kindhearted person.

He should not be responsible for the suffering he suffered in the past, but he was a little curious, "Huamanlou said, why are you pushing for this duel..."

That's right.

Among the forces promoting this duel, there is also the Hua family where Hua Man Lou is located.

He has tried his best to promote this battle. This is the first time he has seen Hua Manlou doing such a thing.

Hua Manlou looked at the top of the Forbidden City, sighed and said to himself: "After this night, the world will change drastically!"

"A great change in the world? Although it is said that after this time, among the Jianghu, there has been a debate on whether Chui Xue's sword or Ye Gucheng's sword is sharper."

"But it won't cause a huge change in the world..."

"Look at how many people there are around here?" Huamanlou glanced around, and he knew that this time it was supposed to be Prince Nan's rebellion.

He had been on guard early in the morning, but he didn't expect that the leader of the group in this world was actually Ye Gucheng, and Ye Gucheng supported the Crown Prince Nan.

The group leader did not tell him what would happen, but said that tonight, he would appear in front of others and promote the development of the entire world.

With the group leader's methods, Huamanlou will definitely not doubt it now that he has said this.

Lu Xiaofeng glanced around at this time, and his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning.

This is far more people than the silk and satin he sent out.

Suddenly the amount of silk and satin doubled.

Then there is only one explanation.

These guys were holding real ribbons.

He seemed to have thought of something, unless it was his brothers who had the guts to sell this thing.

This token has already reached fifty thousand taels of gold outside.

The wages of avarice is death.


Lu Xiaofeng frowned, "Hua Man Lou, do you know anything?"

However, he suddenly felt very uneasy now.

This sudden increase in people.

And what Huamanlou said.

His intuition told him that under the full moon of the Hall of Supreme Harmony tonight, during their decisive battle, something amazing would happen, even more amazing than this decisive battle.

Wei Ziyun, headed by the Ouchi expert in charge of guarding, came to Lu Xiaofeng and asked him why there were so many people.

Lu Xiaofeng admitted that she didn't know either and told Wei Ziyun her speculation.

Wei Ziyun's face was ashen. The reason why they wanted to let people in was because they knew that there would be many people coming to watch this decisive battle, so it would be better to disperse them than to block them.

Now that these people have come in, there is no way to tell whether their tokens are true or false. If we want to drive these people out, it will inevitably cause conflicts. This is also the situation that the emperor least wants to see.

"Lu Xiaofeng, I'm going to send more people. You can help me keep an eye on it." Wei Ziyun said in a deep voice.

After saying this, he left the Hall of Supreme Harmony as soon as possible. He had to send twice as many people to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, otherwise, if something happened, it would be a huge disaster.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Wei Ziyun's leaving figure, then looked at the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and her heart began to feel heavy.

What, exactly, is going to happen tonight?

At this moment, someone screamed in surprise.

"It's Ximen Chuixue, Ximen Chuixue is here!"

Ximen Chuixue has disappeared from the world for almost three months.

Finally appeared here.

He walked far away from the Yudai Bridge on the Yudai River outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Dressed in a painting of white clothes, like a banished immortal, he walked slowly towards here.

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