The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 349 Aren’t you talking about swords? Why are you really a flying fairy!

When Lu Xiaofeng saw Ximen Chuixue, her uneasiness subsided a little. She looked at Huamanlou and said, "Who do you think will win this time?"

"Ye Gucheng."

Hua Manlou didn't even hesitate. Originally, he naturally supported his good friend, Ximen Chuixue, but since he knew that the group leader had banned Ye Gucheng.

Just know.

The top of the Forbidden City has become the stage for the group leaders.

The reason why this Forbidden Showdown can continue is because the group leader still needs a stage.


Lu Xiaofeng was surprised. Huamanlou was a good friend of Ximen Chuixue. He thought Huamanlou would talk about Ximen Chuixue, but who knew it was actually Ye Gucheng.

"You'll know after you read it. You'll know what I'm talking about."

Hua Manlou didn't say anything about the group chat with Lu Xiaofeng, because it took a long time for even him to accept it.

Lu Xiaofeng is not a modern person.

He would just dismiss it as a fantasy.

It's better not to say anything.

Lu Xiaofeng muttered, "It's so annoying."

"Where's Ye Gucheng?"

Lu Xiaofeng was a little curious why Ye Gucheng hadn't appeared yet.

Sikong Zhaixing, who was on the side, said with a smile: "I know something. The big move tonight is not just to watch Ximen Chuixue..."

And just then.

A sudden scream from the direction of the Hall of Supreme Harmony startled everyone, and all eyes were instantly attracted by the sudden change.

I saw Xiaoxiang swordsman Wei Ziyun, the number one master in Ouchi, following a middle-aged man with a stern look on his face. He actually held two blood-stained human heads in his hands.

Apparently a fierce battle had just ended. The middle-aged man was wearing a dragon robe and had an extraordinary bearing. He was the current emperor.

"The Emperor has arrived!" With a loud shout, all the guards knelt down on the ground. Even Huamanlou, Lu Xiaofeng and others knelt down and looked up at the Emperor.

They didn't understand what happened, why the emperor suddenly appeared.

"Everyone, get up."

All the martial arts masters who had knelt down stood up.

The emperor's eyes were like lightning, sweeping over everyone present, and suddenly announced loudly: "I have found out that the Crown Prince of Nanwang is plotting a rebellion. Fortunately, Ye Gucheng defended the dragon and turned the tide and kept the peace of the court.

Today, I hereby announce to the world that I canonize Ye Gucheng as the master of the Zhenwu Hall, and bestow a golden sword to rule the world forever! "

The atmosphere at the top of the Forbidden City was filled with shock and confusion due to the emperor's announcement.

Everyone was whispering and didn't understand why Ye Gucheng was suddenly canonized as the master of Zhenwu Hall and was praised for his merits in protecting the dragon.

Isn't tonight the showdown between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng?

Why was it suddenly involved in the drama of Prince Nan's rebellion? Many martial arts masters were stunned.

"What's going on, so what's going on?"

Everyone looked confused, but Lu Xiaofeng frowned. He had actually gotten a lot of information, but he was just missing the last piece of the puzzle.

Hearing what the emperor said, the last piece of his puzzle was put together.

Suddenly he asked: "Are you the emperor or the crown prince of Prince Nan!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Lu Xiaofeng is openly questioning the emperor's identity!

Sikong Zhaixing was a master of disguise, and he quickly thought about it, if Prince Nan wanted to rebel.

With the current power of the Ming Dynasty, it is definitely impossible to force it.

It can only be soft.

Lu Xiaofeng suspected that the emperor had been replaced.

The emperor smiled slightly and said: "As expected of Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows. If it weren't for Ye Gucheng, I'm afraid the person standing in front of you right now would be Prince Nan."

"But Ye Gucheng is Prince Nan's swordsmanship teacher!"

"So I don't know, you can ask him."

When the emperor recalled the scene, he actually didn't understand it very well.

"Isn't Ye Gucheng here yet?"

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Hua Manlou, who had a calm expression on her face, and couldn't help but say.

Right now.

Countless hums resounded from heaven and earth.

The swords on all the swordsmen began to tremble.

And at this time.

The jade plate-like full moon suddenly had a shadow, and everyone swallowed their saliva.


"Is that Ye Gucheng?"

"That's actually Ye Gucheng!!"

Soon, they saw clearly who the shadow of the full moon was.

Dressed in white, he flutters like an immortal in the sky.


Lu Xiaofeng swallowed, this was too outrageous.

When Ye Gucheng appeared in a brilliant way like the arrival of the sword fairy from the sky, the atmosphere at the top of the Forbidden City became extremely solemn.

The sword energy soars into the sky, and every step he takes steps on the invisible sword light, as if he can really control the sword intention between heaven and earth.

Ximen Chuixue's sword eyebrows couldn't help but tremble. He held the trembling sword tightly, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in his eyes.

He knew that Ye Gucheng had superb swordsmanship, but he didn't expect that he would appear in this way.

Is this still a swordsman?

Isn't this really the sword immortal descending to earth?

" this Ye Gucheng? Is this really a human sword?"

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned. In his memory, Ye Gucheng's flying fairy was indeed extremely bright, but that didn't mean that the flying fairy was a real fairy.

I thought the ‘flying immortal’ you mentioned was a sword, but I didn’t expect that it was really a flying immortal! !

Just flying through the void, stepping on a sharp sword, descending like a sword fairy in a storybook.

Lu Xiaofeng knew that this duel was meaningless.

His eyes couldn't help but fall on Hua Manlou's face.

Huamanlou seems to have already expected it

The honest monk's clasped hands trembled slightly, and a trace of awe flashed in his eyes. He whispered: "Amitabha, who is this Ye Gucheng? Is he really a human?"

Sikong Zhaixing swallowed his saliva. Even though he claimed to be the best in Qinggong, there was no way he could learn this kind of volleying.

This is no longer the category of Qinggong.

Mu Daoren, who is also a swordsman, has a solemn expression. As an elder of the Wudang Sect, he has a deep understanding of the way of swordsmanship.

He, Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng are both swordsmen in the world. At this moment, after Ye Gucheng appeared, his sword was trembling crazily, as if he had seen the immortal among the swords.

Even the emperor's fingers are trembling a bit at this moment.

Although he knew that Ye Gucheng's martial arts was very high, he didn't expect it to be so high. While others were still practicing martial arts, he was already cultivating immortality.

He thought of what Ye Gucheng said to him.

‘I will grant you the title of Master of the Zhenwu Hall, and I will help you suppress the Ming Dynasty for three hundred years! ’

Before, he only watched Ye Gucheng deal with Prince Nan and the men in black, and saw the miraculous swordsmanship of the flying sword.

Only then will he agree.

Because he was worried that the flying sword would fall on his head instantly and cut off his head like the head of Prince Nan.

Now it seems that this is indeed possible for Guiyuan, who is as fluttering as an immortal!

Guiyuan stopped in the void, waved his hand, and the golden sword in the emperor's hand instantly fell into his hand, and said quietly: "In the future, when the imperial court establishes the Zhenwu Hall, I will establish a martial arts level and pass it down to thousands of people. Law.

Preach martial arts! "

During this period of time, Guiyuan had already figured out the "Martial Arts" in this world. He was completely lame and looked miraculous.

But for the evolution of the nature of life.

Not even Jin Yong’s martial arts universe can compare.

Say it.

All the martial arts masters in the Forbidden City saw Ye Gucheng suddenly pull out the sword from his waist, suddenly turned around, faced the full moon, and whispered loudly, "This sword is the best sword to reshape martial arts!!!"

In an instant.

White light, brighter than the full moon, burst out from Ye Gucheng's sword.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Is this... sword energy?"

Mu Taoist was stunned at this moment. When he saw the sword light, he suddenly felt that his so-called plan and his so-called grand plan were too erratic.

In his understanding, the so-called sword energy is actually just the air formed by the sound of the sword passing by.

Swordsmen compete more with swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

But what Ye Gucheng showed at this moment was real sword energy.

At this moment, Mu Taoist saw Ye Gucheng in white clothes, looking like a mayfly looking at the blue sky.

The legendary world of Lu Xiaofeng ends

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