The country of deep darkness.

"Hei Ye, you haven't told the news about that person yet? Could it be that you surrendered to the enemy and joined forces with the outer gods in the starry sky?"

The God of Steam and Machinery looked at the Goddess of Night and said coldly.

Hearing the God of Steam and Machinery talking about the Outer Gods beyond the stars, even the Storm Lord and Herabergen, who were relatively friendly with the Night Goddess, had their eyes changed in an instant.

The look she looked at the goddess of the night was no longer so friendly.

After all, the outer gods are their common enemy.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the Lord of Storms and the God of Wisdom, the God of Steam and Machinery felt much less uneasy.

He didn't expect it.

In an instant, two of his allies fell instantly.

Even though they are all the Seven Great Gods, there are also factions within the gods.

Like Herabogen, the Night Goddess, and the Lord of Storms are one group, and He, the God of War, the Eternal Sun, and the Earth Mother are one group.

But now.

In an instant, the God of War and the Eternal Sun fell.

He instantly became the weakest.

He can only rely on the Lord of Storms and their fear and panic of the true god's fall to temporarily unite.

The goddess of the night was just silent. It was impossible to say that the man came from the ancient times. The problem was that he knew about the ancient times, but these people did not. Only he and Huang Tao knew that he was from the old era.

Now with the addition of Guiyuan, even these gods are actually just juniors in front of him.

Perhaps the only one of his generation was the ancient sun god who had been betrayed by them.

He knew that the ancient sun god was from the same era as him, but the country was different.

Moreover, He was originally hung in Origin Castle.

The time for reappearing on this continent was much slower than that of the ancient Sun God.

These are His secrets.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to say that if he made it up, he could still find it with the methods of these true gods.

"If you don't say anything, we will only regard you as a traitor!"

The God of Steam and Machinery roared, as countless gears on his body were turning, as if those gears gave him extremely terrifying power, and extremely high-temperature steam emitted from his body.

The bright lights shining all around are the light of progress and the light of development.

When the Goddess of Night saw the God of Steam and Machinery, she manifested the form of a mythical creature. Not to be outdone, He held a huge sickle tightly in her hand, and the black gauze around her body showed the stars.


'Mother Earth Goddess' Lilith naturally doesn't want to fight. After all, she is quite close to the goddess of the night, and he knows the goddess of the night.

It was not stated clearly, but that person must have been the one keeping the secret.

Adam stared at the goddess of the night, "If you contact the Outer God, it will be an unforgivable act for us!"

The Eternal Fierce Sun was originally His back-up man. He already knew that he might not be able to hold on. Although He unified the continent, the problem was that His image in the hearts of believers had begun to be linked to God.

Because He is already close to omniscience and omnipotence, to those believers, He is God.

Even if His name is Sun God.

But the name of God is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so they pushed the three gods to eat Him to ease the resurgence of God in His body.

And the main thing is that he discovered that by using the solar path to become a true god, God's consciousness would have too much influence on him, and he would instead be a visionary, relying on fantasy to do everything.

If there is a last resort, there is still a chance to turn back.

But after all, the sun path was still the authority he was most familiar with, so when he was eaten, he polluted the eternal blazing sun, and he could fuse the authority back from his body at any time.

But now that the Eternal Fierce Sun is dead, His plan to become the Old One has fallen short. Not only is His path to becoming a god, but His path to becoming the Old One is also cut off.

That's why He is so angry.

But He was also panicked, and the Eternal Blazing Sun was killed.

Who in the past broke through the blockade of the Lord of Mysteries and God and came here.

He had to know.

But the goddess of the night just watched indifferently, trying to kill him with these people's methods, it's difficult, they are all true gods, even if Adam and Amon have many methods.

But He Amanysis is not simple either.

"He betrayed the gods! Kill him!"

Adam growled, and the God of Steam and Machinery was the first to make a move.

Mechanical warriors made of clockworks and gears are walking out of his body, wrapped in white divine power. Countless steam and gears have become the core of building these warriors.

Countless divine powers provided these warriors with terrifying power, and they rushed towards the goddess of the night in an instant.

At the same time.

The sickle in the hand of the Night Goddess cut out instantly.

The mechanical warriors were cut in half instantly. Among the seven gods, the God of Steam and Machinery was the weakest, but luckier.

It just happened that Huang Tao started the industrial revolution, and he stole the results and digested most of the potions of the Sequence 1 Civilization Enlighteners, otherwise it would have been out of control long ago.

The rest of the people saw the God of Steam and the Goddess of Night taking action in an instant and quickly backed away.

The God of Steam yelled: "Mother Goddess of the Earth, don't do it yet!! She will kill your son!"

Lilith is also very difficult to deal with.

The main reason is that the power of the moon he needs is still in the hands of the Night Goddess. The original plan was for him to help the Night Goddess kill the God of War.

The goddess of the night took away the power of the moon and gave it back to Him.

Who knows, suddenly the God of War is dead.

In other words, the goddess of the night no longer needs Him.

The Night Goddess just glanced at the Earth Mother Goddess.

The moment Guiyuan appeared, he knew that all his plans had no effect.

Guiyuan's dimensionality-reducing blow to these true gods is equivalent to what their true gods do to existences below Sequence 2.

Any plan or idea will have no effect when the gap in strength is too large.

And there is no existence that can stop Guiyuan.

next moment.

Someone else took action, it was Adam.

‘Writer’ sequence.

He continues to weave the destiny of the goddess of the night.

"The goddess of the night betrayed the gods. She became the lackey of the outer gods, intending to subvert the entire earth."

"The goddess of night will be killed by the other true gods..."

"The extraordinary characteristics in the goddess of the night will resist, and the consciousness hidden in her body will eventually wake up..."

Although he once had a win-win deal with the goddess of the night, the existence that appeared destroyed all his arrangements, and the only one who knew about this existence was the goddess of the night.

The power of the Night Goddess is constantly being interfered with, and the power of the Dreamer Sequence is extremely weird, even if the Night Goddess is already a true god, it is difficult to avoid it.

The Night Goddess, who was originally in a crushing state, began to fall behind. Various black mist began to spread out from her body, and two pairs of arms appeared between her ribs.

Right now.


Suddenly invisible waves struck from a distance, and the fighting that broke out throughout the Deep Dark Country stopped.

At this moment.

A figure slowly appeared in the Kingdom of Deep Darkness, and whispered, "Are you looking for me?"

The previous chapter has been modified. The one who dies is the Eternal Burning Sun.

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