The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 358 Everything is ready, all that is needed is Source Castle

The one who came out was naturally Gui Yuan. He quietly looked at the gods who were watching him warily.

After becoming a pillar-level Old One, it can be said that he is already invincible in the mysterious world. Even if God and Tianzun are truly resurrected, he can dare to fight.

Let alone these people.

He hooked his fingers, and Adam instantly fell into his hand, held by Gui Yuan like a chicken. All the gods were stunned at this moment.

This is Adam.

The eldest son of the ancient sun god.

But I heard Guiyuan suddenly say: "Adam, or the ancient sun god?"

All the gods present were stunned. Is Adam the ancient sun god?

"Who are you anyway? You have not existed since I was born!"

"I'm coming from the outside, and the game is over at this point."

Guiyuan waved his hand, and the uniqueness of the eternal blazing sun in the hands of the goddess of the night fell into his hands. The next moment.

A figure wearing a white robe appeared in front of the gods, and his face was not much different from the person in front of him.

But this man is like Adam, wearing a white robe. If you don't look at his face, he even looks a bit like another Adam.

next moment.

Several light groups floated out of Adam's body. Adam's aura instantly fell crazily, and the precipitated light groups instantly fell into the corpse of God.

A warm smile appeared on the face of the corpse of God, and endless light emitted from the whole body. The gods swallowed their saliva.

This person actually stepped into the ranks of true gods in one step, and his uniqueness could be digested instantly, without any ceremony to become a god?

Guiyuan looked at the corpse of God and said, "Have you found where the Sea of ​​Chaos is?"

"found it."

The corpse of God stepped out and disappeared from everyone's eyes. This mysterious world was weaker than the Yangshen world. Now he was invincible in the mysterious world. His last enemy was only the one who was awakening at a crazy speed.

Then his eyes fell on Lilith and said quietly: "Lilith, I need your strength to find the mother nest."

As soon as these words came out.

All the gods were stunned. Isn't the Earth Mother the Queen of Giants?

Why did she suddenly become Lilith? Wasn't Lilith dead long ago?

Lilith's vest was instantly uncovered by Guiyuan. At this moment, the ancestor of the blood clan, Lilith's eyes were a little helpless and she couldn't help but look at the goddess of the night.

After all, he still has some connection with the goddess of the night.

The goddess of the night shrugged, saying that there was nothing she could do.

"Don't worry. I'm just here for positioning!"

Guiyuan stretched out his hand and gently touched Lilith's forehead with his fingertips, and an invisible force slowly flowed into her body.

The power of the earth sequence is cleverly extracted by Guiyuan.

The goddess of the night was also very sensible and quickly took out the power of the moon sequence and threw it to Guiyuan.

These two forces began to gather in Guiyuan's hands,

Perception began to extend, penetrated the layers of fog, and finally locked the location of the mother nest.

His figure floated like a ghost and disappeared instantly, leaving only the stunned gods.

Finally somewhere in the Western Continent.

Guiyuan found the mother nest, a huge piece of meat like a black cloud with many tentacles.

Like a germ blanket.

Endless pollution spreads from it.

"Have a baby, I want to have a baby..." Endless messages rushed to Guiyuan like crazy, but Guiyuan had no expression on his face.

This guy really loves giving birth!

Even the split Sephiroth likes to have children.

The corpse of the brood immediately pounced on it and swallowed the brood without saying a word. The terrifying power spread out instantly, which was the power of reproduction.

"The Avenue of really the top existence in any world."

Guiyuan looked towards the sky through the seal of the Western Continent.

The power of the Brood Corpse is not enough yet to reach the pillar level.

Because this is only a part of the power, even if the source material can be restored by itself, the problem is that the power cannot be restored.

If you want the Brood Corpse to reach the pillar-level level of old, you must devour the other parts.

His eyes turned to the bright moon in the sky. The old one who was once a pillar, but had lost most of his power, was still the most powerful existence among the Outer Gods after the origin of the 'Mother's Nest'.

So He is entrenched on the moon, which is the closest to the Earth.

Guiyuan didn't hesitate, piercing the night sky like a shooting star, heading straight for the moon.

Feel that vacuum.

This is the first time Guiyuan has left the mysterious world of Earth.

There is endless pollution in today's universe.

Moreover, the original power and the barrier created by God and Tianzun are gone.

Face the pollution from many external gods.

That sour and refreshing.

If it were not for returning to Yuan, there would be Hunyuan essence.

It’s really hard to bear.

Guiyuan fell on the moon, and in an instant, the vast red tide attacked Guiyuan.

Endless gibbering, the power that deformed the body emerged, eroding Guiyuan, but was instantly destroyed by the final power in Guiyuan's body.

"If you are still the pillar of support you once were, I may still have to work hard, but I'll forget it for now."

The only thing that can resist the end is the origin.

In the mysterious world, there is only one existence that can represent the origin.


Guiyuan said softly, and the river of death instantly emerged from his body.

The moment when the river of the end appears.

The whole moon is shaking.

The two tides of black and red collided.

The blood-red tide was instantly eroded by black, and at this moment the corpse of the Brood fell into the red tide.

The battle was fierce and short.

The endless bloody tide is swallowed up by the Brood Corpse. The power of the Brood Corpse is increasing crazily, and the fallen mother goddess wants to occupy the Brood Corpse.

But it was suppressed in an instant, and the Hunyuan Dao Fruit was like an immeasurable weight, instantly crushing the remaining consciousness of the fallen mother goddess.


A terrifying murmur echoed in the universe.

The entire universe was trembling, and even the many outer gods watching this battle in the distance were trembling from the terrifying murmurs.

Guiyuan stood on the ruins of the moon, feeling the increasingly terrifying whispers in his ears, "It seems that God's Corpse succeeded."

The most terrifying pollution in the mysterious world, for him, as long as he has not yet reached the Hunyuan level of power, it cannot shake his Hunyuan essence.

Now only one of the three corpses is missing.


Guiyuan's eyes fell on the earth. He had already seen Klein, who happened to be in a meeting above the spiritual world.

After seeing the incarnation of Tianzun, the Mysterious Corpse had already found the location of Source Castle.

It’s just that it’s not over yet anyway, let’s let Klein feel the pleasure of being a time traveler.

He must get the Source Castle. It's a pity. If Klein takes the path of a younger generation, maybe he still has a chance to become a true god.

However, the mysterious world must be reshaped. The potion system can be retained, but the Yangshen system must be introduced. There are various means to erase the consciousness and laws in the potion.

Redirect the evil path back to the right path.

I went to take the exam today, so I didn’t update in the early morning. Please forgive me. Now that the exam is over, we will resume updating three times a day.

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