"In Ping Xin's hands, in the underworld."

"She transformed into something?" Guiyuan nodded. His earth was Yin, and it was normal for him to be born in the underworld. As for him, he had never heard of it before.

Maybe it's because it was born in the underworld.

The underworld is completely Ping Xin's private place. Even if he could go there, it would be impossible to scan all the secrets inside it inch by inch.

"No, because without reincarnation, the underworld is inherently incomplete and cannot transform. It was not born until the reincarnation was transformed."

"Then how to get married perfectly?"

"Isn't it enough to use this as the reincarnation body?"

"Are you going to stuff an innate sacred thing into it?" The essence of Jitu is the earth attribute related to the yin and yang of the heavenly stems, and it is an innate number with extremely strong heels.

Even if it is reincarnation, it must have an innate sacred body in it to control its body, otherwise it will only be obliterated by the Tao charm of the essence of the earth.

Not to mention the essence of the earth that was born in the underworld, the yin energy contained in it may naturally destroy the soul reincarnated in it.

In addition, this is a top-notch innate god and demon, and even ordinary innate gods may not be able to control it.

According to the standards of reincarnation, you must be a person of great merit. Only after reincarnation can you have the merit to be reincarnated as an innate number.

They are fallen, they are innately sacred, and they are people of great merit. There are very few choices here.


Guiyuan's voice was a little strange, "Are you planning to reincarnate Hongyun as the spirit of your own land?"

"Yes, it shouldn't be difficult to deduce. Hongyun himself is a man of great merit. In addition, he has a good relationship with Zhen Yuanzi. If Zhen Yuanzi knows about our arrangements in the future.

He won't be angry either.

In addition, Hongjun's original arrangement would definitely not be that simple, and Hongyun must still have Hongjun's methods on it.

Let Hongyun mix in more other things to dilute Hongjun's methods. Then he will be supervised by several people at the same time to see how Hongjun's skills are activated! "

Emperor Wa smiled and said: "This move can be said to kill three birds with one stone."

Guiyuan couldn't help but complain in his heart. This sounded indeed right, and it could be said to be the best choice.

No matter what arrangements Hongjun had for Hongyun, it was nothing more than giving him an offer that he couldn't refuse, or rather couldn't refuse, to help Hongjun.

But now if Hongyun is reincarnated into the realm of vomiting, he may even become Zhen Yuanzi's Taoist companion.

Then he has more choices.

In other words, Hongjun's arrangement is likely to fail.

However, Hongyun was the Qian Dao before, but after reincarnation, he became the Kun Dao.

The key is to switch to Kun Dao. Then, under the arrangement of Emperor Wa and Heping Xin, they will get married on earth.

Even after reincarnation, you are indeed a new person, and you cannot become one until you attain Maharaja again.

And it depends on how this Daluo chooses.

But most of them will choose their previous life. After all, reincarnation only means that they failed in seeking the truth in the previous life, but succeeded in this life.

I'm still me.

But if she had been reincarnated as the essence of her own land, and even married Zhen Yuanzi, would she still admit that she was Hongyun in her previous life?

Guiyuan could only say that he was impressed.

"What about the Earth Emperor of the human race?"

"The Three Emperors of Heaven, Earth, Man, and the Five Emperors themselves are the result of the division of the humane holy position, which prevents the emergence of humanistic saints.

It won't cause the human race to collapse, but it won't cause the human race to lose control either.

Isn't this the old boy Hongjun's usual trick, but now the position of Human Emperor has been determined.

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors will never appear again.

Even if it comes out, it will be Yuan's abdication, not a fight. "

Emperor Wa said softly.

Guiyuan's expression was understood, and this statement actually made sense. When Guiyuan still wanted to ask something, Emperor Wa said: "Go down!"

Guiyuan looked down at the Human Emperor's Palace. The ceremony had officially begun. He didn't want to talk too much. After all, the main business now was the marriage.

In the Hall of the Human Emperor, the figures of Emperor Wa and Guiyuan appeared in the two positions belonging to the Holy Mother and the Holy Father. Originally, everyone was still wondering why Emperor Wa and Immortal Guiyuan had not returned to their places.

Seeing the two of them, everyone quickly stood up and saluted.

"Meet Emperor Wa!"

"Meet the Great Immortal Guiyuan!"

"No gift!"


Emperor Wa and Guiyuan nodded. A red hydrangea appeared in Emperor Wa's hand, floating in the sky. The vast saint's voice came out, "Marriage, start!!"

Say it.

Nine golden dragons, nine colorful phoenixes, and nine jade unicorns all pulled the chariot and arrived. One after another figures stepped out from among the people. Dharma and principles were intertwined, emitting an extremely terrifying aura.

The heaven and earth shook.

The many people with great supernatural powers who came to watch the ceremony, as well as the immortals from the two sects of Interpretation and Interception, were stunned.

Qiong Xiao couldn't help but pull her eldest sister Yun Xiao, and asked: "What realm are they in? Why do they feel that every one of them is stronger than us!"

"These are the existences of the peak Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Duobao explained, his eyes filled with shock.

Because there are so many Taiyi beings in front of them, even the total number of Taiyi realms they have combined are not as many as the figures appearing at this moment.

That is to say.

In the realm of Taiyi, these disciples of saints are not even as good as the people who appear to welcome the bride.

For a moment, a sense of frustration emerged in Duobao's heart. He suddenly understood why the master wanted him to join the Ren Dynasty and gain some experience.

On the other side, the people who explain the teachings are even more so.

One of them, Zhen Liusun, swallowed his saliva and said: "These are all in the Taiyi realm, and why do I feel like they can kill me at will by just one person?"

Guangchengzi's eyes also showed a trace of horror, "This is a warrior trained in human immortal martial arts. He has extremely strong fighting ability. If you face him head-on, you may indeed lose."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other Chanjiao disciples also changed.

You must know that they are disciples of saints, they practice the saint's method, and they understand the saint's way.

Brother Guangcheng suddenly said that they might not be as good as the human Taiyi who seemed to be almost manufactured in batches in the same realm.

But Guangchengzi's words suddenly changed, "You don't need to belittle yourselves. Your path in the future will be much deeper than theirs. Human Immortal Martial Arts is extremely suitable for the human race.

Just because they can create Taiyi doesn't mean they can create Daluo! "

Everyone felt some comfort when they heard that Guangchengzi regarded me as me, but after all, they are still Taiyi Golden Immortal, and now they see that there are a lot of existences in the human dynasty that are not weaker than Taiyi Golden Immortal.

For a moment, I began to wonder if I was a waste.

Not only those from the two sects of Chanjie, but also people from the Western sect, including the leading pharmacist, were also full of surprise when they saw this.

It's just that the disciples of the Western Sect are not like the two Sects of Interpretation and Interpretation. Most of them come from the quasi-Tidu sect. It is actually not difficult for them to join the Sage Sect.

I don’t think that I am better than others because I am a disciple of a saint.

So they won't doubt themselves.

"The people of the dynasty must win over them. Even if they don't use coercion, they must find ways to make the living beings of the dynasty, especially the people of the human race, believe in Western religions!"

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