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Chapter 388: Marriage is the last piece of the puzzle!

The auras of these figures intertwined to form a vast scene of people. At the same time, there were also immortals who practiced the golden elixir path. They were still just golden immortals.

On the contrary, the people from the three religions who were watching the ceremony secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. You said that because the human race is suitable for practicing human immortal martial arts, there are a large number of Taiyi Golden Immortal level beings.

There is another explanation.

However, although these practitioners of the Golden Elixir Dao have different traditions from them, they still belong to the Immortal Dao, and many of them may even be their juniors.

If they are surpassed on the immortal path, then they are really pure waste.

Might as well use it to fill up the sea.

Flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and the vast black and yellow energy swept thousands of miles.

Countless magic powers condensed into an extremely long golden bridge. The chariot pulled by the nine dragons, nine phoenixes and nine unicorns stepped onto it and galloped along the golden bridge.

And Jinqiao's goal is the place where they were born, the coast of the East China Sea.

Due to the continuous development of the Human Dynasty and the canonization of the king of the Eastern Human Dynasty, the Human Emperor Palace was directly moved to the central part of the current Human Dynasty territory to control the overall situation.

But the place where he was born is still a holy land belonging to the human race, and they will maintain it as if there is a nest on weekdays.

The Golden Bridge extends from the middle to the coast of the East China Sea, and someone has already prepared it on the coast of the East China Sea. It is the Emperor Wa who has just arrived.

And beside her was Gui who was already wearing a phoenix crown and a wedding robe.

This wedding was actually planned by Emperor Wa, and many of the processes involved were also planned by Emperor Wa, just to perfect the wedding etiquette.

It's not just for human marriage, it actually involves cause and effect.

Cause and effect is often inseparable from etiquette. It is often the beginning of cause and effect. Putting aside weddings, apprenticeships, respectful invitations, etc., all start from etiquette to form cause and effect.

The chariot stopped on the shore of the East China Sea. Yuan stepped out of the chariot and walked to Emperor Wa, "My child has seen the Holy Mother!"

Yuan knelt down and saluted, then stood up. Emperor Wa handed Gui's hand to Yuan and said, "From now on, you two will become husband and wife, and we will go and return together. Regardless of us, we are one!"

"By the order of the Holy Mother!"

After that, the red hydrangea floating in the sky suddenly spread out a thin red thread, like the hardest divine gold in the world, and incomparable mysterious laws emerged from the thin thread.

Then I saw that one end of this thin red thread was wrapped around Yuan and the other end was wrapped around Gui. Their hands were tied together by this thin thread.

The two of them walked onto the Golden Bridge together. At this moment, many powerful Taiyi men escorted around, the Immortal of the Golden Immortal shouted: "I wish the emperor and the queen will always be united, go together and return together!"

"I wish the emperor and the queen will always be united and go together and return together!"

When these people shouted, they all used up their magic power and legal principles, shaking the world, like the sound of Tao, under the repeated overlapping, not only the territory of the human dynasty, but even the territories outside the human dynasty were resounding at this moment Calling.

Yuan He returned to the Human Emperor's Palace, and at this moment, the entrance to the main hall of the Human Emperor's Palace was covered with a carpet woven from innate red silk, and it was surrounded by lamps made of innate colored glaze.

Yuan and Gui walked step by step in front of Gui Yuan and Emperor Wa.

On the side, Sui Ren's voice was like thunder, shaking the world, and shouted: "Bow down to Pangu!!"

All the creatures in the prehistoric era are grateful to Pangu for his kindness in incarnating all things. If it were not for Pangu, there would be no existence of all the creatures in the prehistoric era.

No matter what his purpose is.

Yuan Hegui bowed in the direction of Buzhou Mountain. The most representative one in the ancient world is naturally Buzhou Mountain, which was transformed into the backbone of Pangu.

After the Great God Pangu incarnated all things, his spine was still supporting the world on his behalf.

"Second worship to the Holy Father and Holy Mother!"

Yuan Hegui turned around and bowed to Guiyuan and Emperor Wa who were sitting in the main hall. Guiyuan naturally accepted it with peace of mind.

Although he did not try his best, he can still be regarded as opening up the road to self-improvement for the human race and spreading the human immortal martial arts. Now the human race has this phenomenon.

The self-improvement of the human race is naturally inseparable, but Guiyuan's assistance is also indispensable.

Needless to say about the Holy Mother.

The creator of the human race, Yuan Hegui is paying homage to his own origin.

Those who have forgotten their origins, no matter how high they reach, are still rootless people.

"Wife greetings!!"

Suiren shouted, and Yuan and Gui worshiped each other. This symbolized that Yuan and Gui would become husband and wife in the future, and after this ceremony.

The cause and effect between them is deeper.

Compared with the ancient times, if they like each other, they can form a Taoist couple, the yin and yang are compatible, and they can even live together directly.

The celestial marriage is a little more perfect. At least Emperor Jun came to take over the action of marrying Xihe, but he only reported to heaven to achieve the celestial marriage.

Nowadays, human marriage has been perfected again. In addition to getting married, there is also the etiquette of paying homage to Pangu, paying homage to the source, and Taoist couples worshiping each other.

This means that the formation of your Taoist couple is under the witness of Pangu, the source, and the cause and effect between you is witnessed by someone.

I will be more cautious when forming a Taoist couple in the future.

This is the theory of coordinating Yin and Yang.

After Yuan Hegui completed all the understanding, he heard Emperor Wa softly shout, "I am the Lord of Tao, Emperor Wa.

With the way of mastering marriage, there are three marriages between heaven, earth and man. Now Yuan and Gui are married, perfecting the three cardinal principles, and human marriage is completed! "

As soon as Emperor Wa finished speaking, he saw that he and Emperor Jun were in a celestial marriage, but it was not a reward of merit from heaven, but a picture of humanity, and the holy virtue of Huang Chengcheng's humanity emerged.

Reflecting the surroundings, eight of them fell into Gui Heyuan's body, one layer fell into the red hydrangea, and another layer fell on the head of Emperor Wa, but Emperor Wa casually knocked it into the red hydrangea.

For her, today's humane virtues cannot enhance her strength, but will contaminate his own strength.

The aura of Gui Heyuan is rising steadily in this humane holy virtue, and the aura of Yuan is getting deeper and deeper. Because he is a human emperor, the majesty of the emperor on his body is getting stronger and stronger.

The image of the birth of the human race appeared around Gui's body. This vast holy virtue of humanity helped her to continuously condense the Dharma around her body, which was compared to the image of the human dynasty in Yuan Dynasty.

The Dharma of Gui seems to be that endless human races are constantly being born, starting over and over again, in an endless stream. If the Dharma of Yuan is to govern and educate.

Then the principle of return is reproduction and rebirth.

Behind Yu Gui, endless energy lingered, turning into a huge statue. It looked a bit similar to Emperor Wa, but it was different. Emperor Wa's aura was that of fraternity and the creation of the universe.

But the dharma behind Gui is immortality, multiplication, one is many, and many are one!

Gui's dharma body, which was condensed in an instant, stepped into the scroll of humanity, and countless human races lived under it. Compared with Yuan's Tao, Gui's Tao was easier to follow. She only needed to focus on the human race.

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