"But if it is refined, will it disturb the Gate of Eternal Life, and Hua Tian is a pawn of the Immortal King of Creation..."

Linglong Immortal asked quickly, if the true form of the group leader comes, he will naturally not be afraid of anyone in the eternal world, but now there is only another person of the group leader.

She couldn't guarantee whether she could deal with the Immortal King of Creation.

After all, the Immortal King of Creation is the same level of powerhouse as her father in her previous life, and is even above it. Although the main body is trapped in the Gate of Eternal Life and cannot interfere with it personally, he has his own chess pieces in many worlds.

For example, Bai Haichan, who once guided Fang Han onto the extraordinary path, is the pawn of the Immortal King of Creation.

"Don't worry, the Immortal King of Creation is not enough to discover my means. I have already deduced it to the level of Hunyuan with Shenhe Dao. I intend to use Hua Tiandu to destroy the artifact spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life."

Guiyuan explained that after so many years of his last game with the "Primary", he had already deduced the magical power of combining body and Tao to the level of Hunyuan.

In other words, his current method of 'fitting one's body with the Tao' is actually almost the same as that of Hongjun before. Of course, the current Hongjun must be at a higher level.

But the Hunyuan level’s ‘fitting the body with the Tao’ should be enough for Hua Tiandu.

Hua Tiandu is essentially different from Fang Qingxue and others. Although Hua Tiandu was Hua Tianjun in his previous life, Hua Tiandu is only a part of Hua Tiandu, just like his alter ego.

When the Immortal King of Creation fought with the Lightning Mother Heavenly Lord, he was summoned by the Lightning Mother Heavenly Lord to crush the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures, and Hua Tianjun also fell.

The Immortal King of Creation should have been aware of the plan of the Lightning Mother Heavenly Lord and the Gate of Eternal Life Artifact Spirit a long time ago, or in other words, he has already controlled the cancer of the Gate of Eternal Life.

Combining Hua Tianjun's reincarnation and cancer, and planning to use Hua Tiandu to plan the door to eternal life, it can only be said that Guiyuan coincides with the idea of ​​the Immortal King of Creation.

But after all, there is only one door to eternal life.

And in the end, the Immortal King of Creation had already lost and became Fang Han's resource. In this case, it was better to let him come.

Moreover, the realm of the Immortal King of Creation cannot yet understand the method of combining Tao at the level of 'Hunyuan'.

If it were his true form, we might still be able to see some clues, but now the true form of the Immortal King of Creation is in the Gate of Eternal Life.

Therefore, in this world, Hua Tian is attacking, and Immortal King Creation cannot detect it.


Linglong Immortal Lord knew that the group leader would never do anything he was unsure about, so he nodded.

"By the way, do you know where the old man is?"

Guiyuan suddenly asked, "The old man of the heart demon is good at the way of the heart demon."

Although Guiyuan is also good at it, after all, he received Luo Hu's magic inheritance.

Although he was already in Hunyuan, he had already looked down on Luo Hu's inheritance. Only after breaking through Hunyuan did he realize that Luo Hu was indeed not dead, but had taken root in all things in the ancient world.

Even in heaven.

Therefore, there is a saying that the Taoist leader eliminates demons, and the Taoist leader eliminates demons.

Rahu could really return at any time, and compared to the others, Rahu had the greatest chance of returning.

"I hope he will be smarter. If he wants to come back from Liu Er, don't blame me for slapping him to death."

Guiyuan changed his mind and returned to the topic. He planned to enlighten the old man who had the inner demon.

The old man with the inner demon is the reincarnation of the inner demon king under the command of the Yuanshi Demon Lord, and he has clones in many worlds.

If it can be converted into him, it will speed up his ability to illuminate the spiritual concepts of all living beings.

Buddha and demon are two sides of one body. They master the demonic path that is close to Hunyuan, and then mix them with the concept of Buddha and demon as one body.

He did not believe that the old man with inner demons would not become enlightened.

Once enlightened.

With the demonic cultivation of the old man, I am afraid that he will become a supreme Buddha in no time.

"The old man with inner demon..."

A spiritual light appeared in Linglong Immortal Lord's hand, fell on Guiyuan's hand, and said: "Before, I planned to let him help me get the wish fruit.

It's no longer needed now, I've gone and got it. But I still keep the contact information he gave me. The group leader only needs to pour his magic power into it, and the inner demon old man will come. "


Guiyuan put it away and looked at the Human Emperor Brush that was still absorbing spiritual objects, "I'll go first. If he wakes up, tell him his true identity and ask him to give you the Human Emperor Dao Code.

Just pass it on to me. "


Guiyuan traveled through time and space and came to a certain place. Magic power appeared in his hands. In an instant, a thought in his aura was answered at this moment.

Suddenly, a mass of black energy condensed between heaven and earth, transforming into a black-robed figure, the moment he saw Guiyuan.

The inner demon old man said coldly: "Who are you? Why do you have the things I gave to Linglong Immortal!"

"I have something to do with you."

Guiyuan said quietly, and the old man shook his head and said: "I have nothing to do with you!"

After that, he was about to leave.

"You can leave and try." As soon as Guiyuan's words fell, the vast aura followed, turning into a supreme Buddha behind Guiyuan, looking at the old man with inner demons quietly.

"This is."

The old man with inner demons couldn't help but feel the chill of death coming from his soul.

His eyes were blood red, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes. Black air surged from his body, spinning like a whirlpool. In each black mist, there was a hazy demonic shadow roaring.

Under the crisis, the inner demon old man couldn't help but use the power of hundreds of millions of inner demon marks to bless himself across endless time and space.

"No matter what your purpose is, in the three thousand realms of the lower world, there is no one who can keep my inner demon old man, not even Linglong Immortal can do it!"

Say it.

The inner demon old man suddenly disappeared in front of Guiyuan.

"Five fingers suppress demons!"

The giant Buddha behind Guiyuan is swirling with immeasurable vitality at this moment, connecting to the supreme Buddha realm, just like the true Buddha descending into the world and subduing the devil.

A slap comes down from Gaia in an instant, and it seems to be able to penetrate the infinite world. Infinite sands of life are living in the palm of the hand. Enlightenment, suppression, enlightenment and other auras all emerge from the palm of the hand.

This demonic old man is proficient in big-hearted magic, plays with people's hearts, and is top-notch in life-saving skills.

He can even speak quietly from the heart of the person who has planted the seeds of inner demons at any time.

Even if someone is in the same realm as him, or even one level higher than him, it may be extremely difficult to catch him.

But what this kind of existence with thousands of incarnations fears most is the law of cause and effect.

Often with thousands of incarnations, the main body will not be much stronger. He must borrow the power of his countless incarnations, and the law of cause and effect can directly point to the main body and cut off the cause and effect between him and the many incarnations.

Just like this moment.

"What is this place?"

The old man who had been possessed by a demon in a certain place in the Xuanhuang world suddenly felt his soul throbbing and his expression was horrifying.

At this moment, the old man in the heart demon only felt that the world in front of him was changing in time and space.

An immeasurable great Buddha appeared in front of him. The great Buddha was surrounded by immeasurable and endless sand worlds and immeasurable eternal sentient beings.

The first time he saw this big Buddha, he knew the name of this Buddha naturally.


He felt that he was completely suppressed by the rules, no better than ordinary mortals, and even his connection with all incarnations was cut off.

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