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Chapter 403: Using the body to cure the cancer, Styx becomes a Taoist?

The inner demon old man thought he was dead too.

But at this moment, he saw the 'Sakyamuni' in front of him. Suddenly, a bouquet of flowers appeared on his fingers. He stared at the old man with a smile and asked: "What is a demon? What is a Buddha!"

Black lotuses bloom quietly, sparkling and fragrant. The petals fall from the sky, and each petal turns into a path of magic.


The inner demon old man was shaken, and a bright light bloomed in his eyes.

In the rain of flowers all over the sky, laws emerged one after another, the runes flickered, and countless words poured down like waterfalls.

The sound of the scriptures roars, reverberating like celestial music!

"Too many, are they all magic laws?"

The inner demon old man swept his consciousness and immediately discovered the different magic laws. For a moment, his eyes widened and he could no longer remain calm.

It’s so mysterious!

He couldn't imagine why this Sakyamuni was so proficient in magic. The big heart magic he mastered was dwarfed by the supreme magic revealed by this Sakyamuni at this moment.

But his big-hearted magic has already been the origin of the demonic path, except further up, the legendary word "魔" which symbolizes the "beginning of the demonic path".

There is no magic way that is superior to the magic of Daxin.

But at this time, he actually saw it on a body that seemed to be from the Buddhist sect.

Guiyuan looked at the old man with the inner demon who was stunned in front of him, and felt that the giant Buddha in his spiritual world was explaining the supreme magic principle.

But this is just an appearance, but there are actually many Buddhist principles in it.

If the inner demon old man cannot transform the demon Buddha and achieve the status of Buddha, he will become the demon suppressed by the Buddha Shakyamuni and become the source of power to return to his origin.

Although both of them, whether they are demons or enlightened Buddhas, can provide power to Guiyuan, they are actually a little different.

Without a transformation process, it would be much better for the inner demon old man to realize that the power provided by the Buddha to Guiyuan would be much better than if he became a demon.

After returning to Yuan, he sat quietly cross-legged and waited for the inner demon old man to become enlightened.

After one hundred and sixty days and nights, the demonic energy in the old man's body began to dissipate and turned into profound Buddhist principles. The old man slowly opened his eyes, and the demonic energy in his eyes turned into pure Buddhist light.

And the black robe on his body has already turned into a Buddha robe.

"Kasyapa, I have met Sakyamuni!"

The old man with inner demons who had already been enlightened as 'Kasyapa' stood up and saluted Guiyuan, with tears streaming down his face, "I don't see Sakyamuni today, and I am trapped in the world after all.

On this day, you can see the Buddha holding flowers and smiling, and you will know the true way of the world. "

Guiyuan nodded with a smile and said: "This method is very good. It will help us to enlighten all sentient beings. From now on, you can enlighten all sentient beings by yourself."


Kassapa nodded. As for how to enlighten sentient beings, one only needs to use the method of "mind-to-mind contact" to let them understand Sakyamuni's principles. The enlightened ones can attain Buddhahood, while the sinking ones still need to be trapped among all sentient beings.

Guiyuan returned to the Yuhua Celestial Palace. Now with the Goddess of Auspiciousness and Kasyapa, he now needs to spread the Buddhist principles of Sakyamuni to the Xuanhuang World before he can take action next time.

With Kassapa, he was able to preach quite quickly. Based on the philosophy of mind that he deduced from the world of Yang God, there is a magical power of enlightenment in the philosophy of mind, which was born by combining the Sanskrit philosophy of the world of Yang God.

Heart to heart.

No words are needed, only understanding is needed to understand the spiritual world of the leader. This is a more intuitive and efficient preaching method than words.

It just means that to use this method, the person being dominated needs to have extremely high levels of understanding.

But in the eternal world, there are many things, even many living creatures. In the future, billions of living beings will be the minimum limit, or in other words, there is really no shortage of living beings in the vast world.

If the base is large, there will always be many enlightened people. This will be the seed for Guiyuan to spread the human-immortal martial arts. He intends to combine Buddhism with the human-immortal martial arts.

Or call it, releasing martial arts.

Now that Kasyapa has begun to transform his own Immortal Dao foundation into Human Immortal Martial Dao, the foundation of this world has been planted, and Fang Han is indeed advancing very quickly.

But with the spread of Kasyapa, the spread of Shiwu should be spread quickly.

"After General Hua Tiandu merged with the Tao, the Four Thousand Years Birthday Banquet ascended to the Immortal Realm. It happened that I also broke through to the Dharmakaya Realm and entered the Buddhist Realm. I quickly advanced and took charge of the Buddhist Realm.

Then use Kassapa as the hub to establish the ‘mind-Buddha realm’. Those who practice Buddhism can see Sakyamuni and focus on cultivating them from Buddhist practice...

In the three thousand realms of the lower world, there are big waves and sand..."

Guiyuan planned the things that needed to be done in the eternal world step by step. He couldn't be slow. If he was slow, it would be difficult to do it as fast as Fang Han's promotion.

It can't be too fast, otherwise it will probably attract the attention of those behind the scenes who are controlling the development of the entire big world.


Hua Tiandu, dressed in Taoist robes, appeared in front of Guiyuan. Although he called him the master, there was not much admiration in his tone.

Hua Tiandu and Feng Baiyu themselves have tested each other. Hua Tiandu now relies on Taiyi Sect, because Taiyi Sect has a quota to go to the immortal world, so there is no need to work hard to survive the immortal tribulation and open the door to the immortal world.

As long as the realm is sufficient, you can go to the fairy world to practice.

Who doesn't want to go, and the reason why Feng Baiyu didn't let Hua Tiandu leave the Yuhua Sect before was that he even shot Hua Tiandu to death.

It is because of the Tianwu Treasury in Hua Tiandu's hands, the treasure house left by Panwu Immortal Lord. The Xuanhuang World has an extremely glorious history. It was even comparable to many upper realms in the heavenly world and the Buddhist world.

It is even more powerful than some upper realms. There are countless Tianjun-level players, and there are even Hongmeng Taoists who are supreme beings in the immortal world.

Just because there is a World Tree in the Xuanhuang World.

As a result, when the Xuanhuang World was attacked by the gods, many upper realms did not come to help, and watched as the Xuanhuang World was cut into pieces.

Now even true immortals can show off their evil deeds in the Xuanhuang World.

"Hua Tiandu is...not bad."

In an instant, Hua Tiandu didn't even react, and Guiyuan's body was filled with endless Taoist charm.

After a while, Hua Tiandu walked out of Yuhuatian Palace as if nothing happened.

But Guiyuan, who was sitting cross-legged, was comprehending the "power of cancer" in Hua Tiandu. Of course, cancer was just the door to eternal life.

But it should be all the existing ‘defects’, ‘imperfections’, ‘disadvantages’, etc. that are dragging down the Gate of Eternal Life.

[You have understood the true meaning of the 'incomplete' Hunyuan, and you have integrated it into your own three disasters and nine disasters. 】

[You combine the three thousand avenues of the eternal world that you have comprehended. The three thousand avenues are derived from the gate of eternal life. The true meaning of 'incomplete' can break all the three thousand avenues of the gate of eternal life. 】

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows. He somewhat understood what this cancer was. It was actually the unnecessary 'sickness' in each reincarnation when the Gate of Eternal Life was reincarnated in the first three thousand eras.

The Gate of Eternal Life has made progress every time, but it is too radical. It does not wait for the past shortcomings to be eliminated before promoting it again.

This method made rapid progress, but repeated 'sickness' led to a huge trouble.

"This kind of power is really special. The worlds we encountered before will spontaneously resolve it. Only the eternal world can accumulate it and even sublimate it into a power that is one with him.

Although they are one body, they are obstacles. "

Guiyuan shook his head. This can be regarded as a gain. Hua Tiandu has been 'integrated' by him, and Hua Tiandu's 'own' consciousness will not have any impact.

In his memory, he only talked to him about some conflicts between him and Fang Han, but in his subconscious, he would start to target Fang Han extremely.

Just when Guiyuan was about to continue with his next plan, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and said to himself: "Has the Styx become a path?"

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