Ancient times.

Since the last wedding of the Human Emperor in the Human Dynasty, Gui, one of the Human Ancestors, entered the legendary realm, that is, the path of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The whole prehistoric era has aroused a craze for practicing the 'Human Immortal Martial Arts', which is comparable to the time when the method of killing three corpses was first spread.

At that time, many innate saints were stuck at the Daluo level, and it was extremely difficult to step into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Mainly, at that time, the Great Law had already faded away. It was very difficult to comprehend the Great Law and become a Hunyuan Golden Immortal. It was much more difficult than before.

It was Hongjun who guided them to a simpler path.

But now, a path that is as good as killing three corpses has appeared, and it is also possible to practice to the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. The key is that although Human Immortal Martial Arts requires a lot of resources, most of them are spiritual energy.

It doesn't need to be like killing three corpses, it also needs innate spiritual treasures.

This is appropriate for the practice of many beings.

For a time, it can be said that Renchao was visited by thousands of immortals, just to learn the advanced experience of Renchao's martial arts. After all, Renchao was the first to take this path.

Of course, Guiyuan, who created the Human Immortal Martial Arts, should be the best, but Guiyuan is now Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, who dares to go to Beihai to disturb him.

Moreover, when the human dynasty is now growing in power, it is natural for them to want to make good friends with these people. For a while, the human dynasty actually had the same power as the Immortal Court, a burning fire.

But at this moment.

To the west of the human body, a figure sits cross-legged on a karma red lotus with twelve tiers of hair, like fiery red glass, surrounded by karma fire burning in the void.

Endless Dao Yun appeared all around, and two long swords appeared behind him. The long swords carried extremely pure killing power, but now they were not just killing.

There is a hint of remaining power.

This aura swept through the entire prehistoric world. Anyone who came to the presence of Daluo Jinxian could feel this aura, and everyone focused their attention here.

Saint Taiqing, who was refining alchemy in Shouyang Mountain, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes fell on this person, and he felt the extremely terrifying killing power and the 'law' that symbolized the strictness of justice.

The yin and yang of his eyes turned into inaction, and the inaction was all done. The strands of a prehistoric world turned into his eyes, and he murmured: "The River Styx, that's not right... or rather, Fengdu, is about to return to its place."

"If he returns to his throne, Emperor Fengdu will be in charge of the underworld and will be responsible for sorting out the cause and effect of Si Ming's trial. He will be the absolute executioner of the prehistoric times.

In the future, Emperor Fengdu will probably become one of the most feared beings in the world. "

Of course, Taiqing only paid attention to it for a while and then stopped paying attention.

This Emperor Fengdu is an extremely terrifying existence to all existences in the prehistoric times. After all, when the time comes to judge you, even if you have been calculated by the 'Si Ming', your merits and karma will have been offset.

The final reincarnation has been decided, and the person subject to execution also has some freedom. For example, if you are sent to the twelfth to fifteenth floor, naturally the twelfth floor is the best.

Moreover, on the way to arrest, he asked politely, but he came to beat him without saying a word. Those are two different concepts. In short, Emperor Fengdu was the leader of the law enforcement brigade.

Emperor Fengdu has discretion as to how strong the 'enforcement' should be.

As long as you don't exceed the limit.

But for the Human Cult, which has only one disciple, it naturally doesn't matter, and those people from the human race who practice the golden elixir path, Fengdu does not dare to have any punishment that exceeds the limit.

You know, even Feng became a Taoist because of Gui Yuan’s guidance.

In the west, the majestic Buddha chant that sounded every moment suddenly stopped at this time, and the great Buddha who spanned the world in the hearts of countless sentient beings in the west stood up at this moment.

The Buddha disappears.

And the guidance of the two saints of the west reappeared. Most of the breath that was lost after being bombarded by Guiyuan has now been restored, and on the other side is Zhunti, who is stepping on the golden cloud of merit.

But there haven't been many changes in Zhunti.

Jie Yin looked at the now prosperous West. The West that had previously been barren due to the Demon Ancestor's self-destruction and withered all souls now seemed to be thriving.

And all of this is inseparable from Zhunti's hard work, running around here and there, a saint, but his life is more tiring than when he was in Daluo or as a quasi-sage.

Even if the Lord of Saints can use the power of heaven to rush on his way, you must know that Zhunti is going to other places to win over existences to join the West, not to do anything upright.

Although their original Ninety-Nine Great Aspirations were to promote the growth of all creatures in the wild, the West was their base after all, so they were naturally biased.

Sometimes things are done that benefit the West but harm the interests of the rest of the world a little bit.

If the movement is too big, it will be difficult to be discovered by other Hunyuan level beings.

Of course, Zhun Meng now dare not go to the north. The north has already defaulted to Guiyuan's territory at this moment. Guiyuan can now be said to be completely superior to saints like them.

Zhunti didn't want to face Guiyuan's fist again.

If he died again, he didn't know how many years it would take to recover.

"Senior brother, now that Fengdu has ascended the throne, what we and Empress Pingxin said before should be implemented."

Zhunti said, Jingyin thought of the contract they made with Pingxin, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. If they want to perfect their path, it is impossible to escape reincarnation.

They have to borrow a little bit of the power of reincarnation.

But in reincarnation, they discovered over the years that no matter what means they used, they couldn't touch it at all. Only then did they realize that peace is reincarnation, and reincarnation is peace.

Without Pingxin's permission, no one can touch reincarnation.

"A new path... I heard that this path was also created by Guiyuan..." Zhunti shook his head, and then became a little silent when he heard the name.

"Forget it, don't worry about this for now, Styx is going to be enlightened. Let's go."

Jieying tried his best to figure it out, but he couldn't figure out anything. It seemed like it was just a special case when Empress Pingxin became enlightened, but now that Styx has become enlightened, he might be able to find some clues.

Not only them, but also Yuanshi in Kunlun Mountain, Tongtian, who has been changed to Biyou Palace on Biyou Island, has come here, overlooking the increasingly terrifying atmosphere of the Styx.

They want to see how an authentic saint attains enlightenment.

The saints of the way of heaven mostly focus on teaching, which is in line with the role of the way of heaven in the prehistoric times, setting general trends and guiding all living beings towards a future that is beneficial to the prehistoric times.

The earth is the carrier, and in fact it is the vitality of all the spirits in the world. Therefore, the saints of the earth definitely did not become saints by founding a great religion and guiding all living beings to attain the Tao.

Moreover, the return of Fengdu may allow them to see the difference between an authentic saint and a heavenly saint.

Which one is strong and which one is weak.

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