The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 409 Taiyi saves the suffering master, Jin Ao suppresses the prison

Although the underworld is too pure, it is in line with his character. Now is the right time to understand his way of salvation in the underworld.

And compared to walking in the wilderness, looking for people in need of help.

It is definitely much better to use the underworld as a channel, and it will be easier to understand the way.

"Under Feng Chan's sect, Taiyi saves the suffering real person for Taiyi, and saves the suffering of all sentient beings..."

The big seal in Emperor Fengdu's hand came out, and streams of purple-green energy fell on Taiyi.

In an instant.

Taiyi sat cross-legged and chanted wonderful sutras, as if he had fallen into an epiphany.

"The gods of the ten directions, as numerous as sand and dust, have transformed into the realms of the ten directions. They have helped save the heavens and humans. They have gathered their merits with their energy and have united their voices to save the sinners. The sinners are really pitiable. I am now preaching the wonderful sutra, and I will recite it without rest. Return without pausing, you will enjoy great blessings in heaven, and there will be no sound of pain in hell..."

"The disciple of the Yuanshi Saint is a good one, with a high level of understanding. In just a moment, he has already formed his own innate Taoist scriptures from the Yuanshi Dao and the road to salvation..."

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows. Taiyi's future efforts to save Ku Tianzun do have something to say. Although their understanding and qualifications are only the essence of Yimu, they are also innate. They are naturally inferior to those who regard their 'ancestor' as their heel.

But it is still the best choice. Looking at the qualifications, no wonder he will still be active in the Conferred Gods in the future.

Moreover, Taiyi's later rescuer Tianzun was completely transcendent from other existences in the Taoist position.

"It is my great fortune to be praised by the Great Immortal Guiyuan."

Yuan Shi, who had always been serious, also showed a smile, and Tongtian said: "What about my Jie Jiao?"

"I wonder who is the disciple of the Tongtian Saint who has entered my underworld?"

"Nothing appropriate."

Following the words, a figure appeared in front of everyone. Wudang put on the Taoist robe of the Qing Dynasty. After paying homage to the saints, Wudang also knew where his responsibilities lay.

Compared to the rest of the Jie Cult, she likes freedom and has a calm temperament, which makes her suitable for the underworld. However, Wu Dang is also a little bit embarrassed by practicing the 'Creation of Creation' path.

Of course, priests do not have to follow their own path. Every priest has their own power, but this can easily make other gods tired.

"Sage Tongtian, your disciples can join the Reincarnation Department and promote the development of the Six Paths, but they are likely to be fascinated by the energy of reincarnation. Even though they work hard on a daily basis, they may have less Yin Virtue than Master Taiyi.

But because you are close to reincarnation, you may be able to understand some of the ways of reincarnation. "

Tongtian looked at Wudang, who nodded and said: "Reincarnation is the most important thing in the world. Wudang is so lucky to be able to enter it naturally. How can it not be hard to seek the way..."

"Okay, then I'll trouble the Emperor Fengdu."

"Under the sect of Seal, Wudang is the Holy Mother of Wudang Palm, who was born to promote reincarnation for all living beings..."

The big seal in Emperor Fengdu's hand flew out again, and the purple-green energy condensed into a talisman and fell on Wudang. Wudang took the talisman and his whole body began to change. The Taoist robe disappeared and turned into a divine robe.

After that, everyone's eyes turned to Guiyuan. Almost all those who came here planned to have some plans in the underworld, and now only Guiyuan was there.

"I wonder if Emperor Fengdu has my priesthood in the underworld."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned. Even Zhunti, who was suffering in the pure land, opened his eyes.

Good guy.

Zhunti was able to live in the house because he had a deal with Pingxin, but he also came to suffer, not to be a god, and they were all Hunyuan, so who would work under Fengdu.

Like Yuanshi, Tongtian always asked disciples to come.

"Great Immortal Guiyuan's words are serious." Feng Du was a little confused. That's not right. Aren't most of them the disciples' fate?

Didn't he remember that Great Immortal Guiyuan had disciples?

He had seen it before when he and Empress Pingxin went to Jin'ao Island to consult the Great Immortal Guiyuan. Based on the karma between Guiyuan and them, Guiyuan could actually give Fengdu real power if he spoke.

Like the Ten Halls of Yama, the Punishment Department, etc.

But even if Great Immortal Guiyuan stayed there in person, even if it was just an incarnation, Fengdu wouldn't dare to use it.

Moreover, the most suitable priesthood for Guiyuan Immortal is probably to support the Netherworld.

"Half master is also interested in my reincarnation?" Just when Fengdu was in a dilemma, a purple and green figure appeared, with a six-path reincarnation disk above his head, and countless living beings hanging down.

When this figure appeared, everyone except Guiyuan saluted.

"Greetings to Empress Pingxin."

"Come and understand the tunnel of the ancient world." Guiyuan said. Since the ancient world was opened up by the 'pan' of nine stars in all realms, it means that the secret of the ancient world is not as simple as he thought.

It is indeed worthy of further study.

Pingxin was also a little embarrassed. She had given permission for Fengdu to let Taiyi and Wudang in before, but Guiyuan's words were just as Fengdu said, it was a bit difficult to deal with.

"Otherwise, there are still ten palaces of Yama in Fengdu, and half of the masters deign to serve as several deities?" Ping thought for a while, if he needed to understand the truth, of course it would be better to have real power.

"Hmm... How about I go to the Infinite Hell to suppress those vicious people? This may alleviate a lot of pressure in the Infinite Hell."

Guiyuan thought for a while, but instead of agreeing to Pingxin, he asked.

The Infinite Hell is the lowest level of the underworld, the closest to the origin of the tunnel, and may allow it to gain some insight.

And he needs time to comprehend. Even if he acts as Yama, it won't consume too much of his thoughts, but he can still do it leisurely.

"Of course you can."

Pingxin nodded and said bluntly: "I canonize him as the Lord of the Earth. Returning to Yuan can transform the person who carries the endless hell, so that he can bear the weight of hell. His merits are immeasurable."

In Guiyuan, one of the Chaos Golden Ao particles walked out and turned into a Chaos Golden Ao and went straight into the endless hell in the underworld.

The hell that originally held many guilty people was shaking a little now.

In the time and space of the underworld, a total of nineteen levels of hell, including the endless hell, have been propped up a lot.

But there is an endless giant turtle underneath that carries the sins of all souls, but it also uses this aura to suppress those with overwhelming karma in the endless hell.

After seeing many things, the figures of the Taoists gradually disappeared, but Tongtian did not go to Sanxian Island, but to Beihai, and at the same time Yuanshi.

Outside Jin'ao Island.

Tongtian and Yuanshi walked side by side. Guiyuan looked at Yuanshi and Tongtian on the island. He didn't expect these two guys to come. He planned to understand the path to the Golden Immortal of Great Enlightenment that he had just learned.

See if it can be similar to the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit and the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit, condensed into a Great Enlightenment Golden Immortal Dao Fruit.

If it can be condensed, that touch of awareness will spread throughout the boundless realm of chaos. Even if there is a catastrophic disaster and you die, you can come back and prove your way again.

The earthly immortals open up the world, the heavenly immortals spread all over the world, and the golden immortals are a point of immeasurable immortality.

But as soon as he returned to Jin'ao Island, Yuan Shi and Tong Tian came looking for him.

"You two, please come in."

The grand formation on Jin'ao Island was opened. Yuanshi and Tongtian walked into it, but they discovered that although it looked like an island from the outside, there were already many overlaps in it, and there was infinite space here.

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