The three of them sat facing each other, and Guiyuan asked with a smile: "I wonder what the reason for the two saints coming to my little Jin'ao Island is?"

"I came here specifically to find fellow Taoist Guiyuan to ask some questions." Tongtian was straightforward and stated his purpose directly.

Yuan Shi also nodded silently. Although he had the pride of Pangu Zongzong, in the beginning, he gave Gui Yuan an ax because he didn't know what method he used.

Finally he realized it.

But now he is stuck in a bottleneck. If he wants to continue his path of origin, he must try to open the sky to verify his ideas.

But the problem is, the sky is not opened by fragments.

"Please tell me? Why should I answer you in the first place? You were the ones who prevented me from becoming enlightened in the first place. In the face of God Pangu, I killed you once to settle the cause and effect.

But that doesn’t mean you have to answer the question when you come to the door, right? "

Guiyuan said quietly, he naturally knew what Yuanshi and Tongtian wanted to ask, which was nothing more than about the origin and the end.

It can be said.

Guiyuan was their guide from the beginning. Although the methods he used were a bit violent, it actually put Yuanshi and Tongtian on a higher-dimensional path.

Now that their understanding is getting deeper, it is normal to have doubts, and Guiyuan understands that this prehistoric world was opened up by a nine-star statue of all realms.

It can be said that 'Pangu' is dead, but 'Pan' is definitely not dead.

If he noticed something, it would not necessarily be the case that the Sanqing received some inheritance. The main reason was the Pangu Yuanshen formation formed by the origin, existence, and end of the Sanqing.

Although these three paths were still very immature at the beginning, they have already begun to show their signs, indicating that they have mastered the corresponding paths.

Tongtian was silent for a while, and several spiritual lights appeared in his hand, "These are three spiritual treasures: the water and fire gourd, the purple electric hammer, and the six soul flags.

If fellow Taoist Guiyuan is willing, I can make fellow Taoist the deputy leader of Jiejiao, who only controls luck and is not involved in cause and effect..."

After saying that, Yuan Shi next to him was stunned. Three innate spiritual treasures, including two innate top-grade spiritual treasures, plus sharing of luck?

For a while, Yuanshi's prepared conditions were a bit hard to explain. Compared with the conditions Tongtian said, he prepared too little.

Guiyuan's eyes fell on Yuanshi and he smiled: "Is it possible that Saint Yuanshi hasn't figured out how to repay the cause and effect?"

The Tao should not be preached lightly.

Guiyuan did not say that he wanted to support Sanqing. He just said that at present, Sanqing should have discovered Hongjun's original work.

It's just that they are still heavenly saints, and the imprint of the method of killing three corpses is still in their path, so they can't openly oppose Hongjun.

Compared with Emperor Wa, who used his own high-dimensional perspective to break Hongjun's three corpses.

Hou Tu himself was an ancestral witch and had not practiced the method of killing three corpses. In addition, Hou Tu had used Pangu's charm to refine the reincarnation and then reincarnate in the most perfect posture.

At least Minghe and Zhen Yuanzi also had Pingxin to help them, and they used reincarnation to wash away the mark of killing the three corpses.

They Sanqing can only plan on their own.

Yuanshi was silent for a while, then a small gourd, a lamp and a spiritual light appeared in his hand, "This is the small gourd on the gourd vine, and this jade-glazed lamp, which can detect the whereabouts of all spirits.

As well as the understanding of weapon refining, if the Great Immortal Guiyuan is interested, I can also make the Great Immortal Guiyuan the deputy leader of Chanjiao. "

Guiyuan touched his chin, and he suddenly remembered that he and Queen Mother Xi had jointly killed Ran Deng back then. If he didn't have Ran Deng as the deputy leader, why should he become one himself?

"No... I also got the Dinghai Divine Pearl from the prehistoric day Ran Deng. It seems that I am indeed destined to the 'Randeng'..."

Guiyuan thought about it, and to be honest, it was not impossible, and he also made it clear that he only enjoyed luck, not cause and effect.

The two of them probably also want to use his power to stabilize their own religion.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of thoughts came and went. He quickly made a plan and put away all the spiritual treasures they took out.

[You have understood the ‘knowledge of weapon refining’ from the Seven Stars of All Realms, which is called Dao at the top, and tools at the bottom... You can blend your spiritual treasures with Dao fruits, and use your means to understand the Dao. 】

[You have understood the art of weapons...]

Guiyuan understood all the great ways of weapons in a short period of time, and made a slight improvement in himself.

At this moment, his natal spiritual treasure Hunyuan Tortoise Shell also began to spontaneously adjust the Dao patterns on it to achieve the most perfect state.

"As for the position of deputy leader of the two religions... it can indeed be considered. It would be okay to lend me a hand to stabilize your luck, but I also have a request."

"any request?"

Tongtian didn't expect that Guiyuan would actually agree, but he heard Guiyuan say: "I need your original three-purity formation."

At the beginning of the Hunyuan catastrophe, when Guiyuan was reckoning with cause and effect, the three pure states merged into one, and the Pangu Yuanshen, which was composed of the origin, existence, and the end, appeared.

They definitely don't mean to realize it spontaneously, because they themselves still have a partial understanding of these three paths, and it takes a lot of time just to understand their own path.

But they can gather formations.

It can only be explained that the 'plate' of the nine stars in all realms was left to Sanqing. Tongtian and Yuanshi couldn't help but raise their eyebrows when they heard the request of Guiyuan.

Yuanshi was silent for a while and then said: "Okay, but each of our Sanqing masters one-third of this formation, one of which is in the hands of the eldest brother..."

After saying that, the spiritual light appeared and fell into Guiyuan's hands.

When Tongtian saw that Yuanshi was so decisive, he naturally couldn't lag behind. Spiritual lights appeared in his hands and fell into Guiyuan's hands.

Guiyuan absorbed the spiritual light, and the methods of origin and end continued to flow in his heart.

At the same time, there are many formations in his memory such as Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation, Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, Earth Fetal Membrane Formation, Hunyuan Heluo Formation, Shanhe Sheji Formation...

The secrets of all the formations emerged at this moment, all absorbed by these two.

Finally, the twelve capital gods and evil formations emerged and intertwined with them.

[You have understood the origin and final formation of the great formation, and a lot of formation knowledge continues to emerge in your mind, turning it into a continuous formation...]

[You combine Pangu’s physical body and Pangu’s soul to transform into Pangu, and try to deduce the foundation of the Tao that is most suitable for you...]

[You have understood a trace of the Tao charm of Tai Su's body, and you try to use the process of Dao flowers to defend the Tao to deduce the method of cultivating to Tai Su...]

[You have perfected your natal magical power - the turtle of the avenue, which can transform into the turtle of Taisu! 】

At this moment, the insights he had gained before returning to the Yuan Dynasty to comprehend the Qi of Tai Su and how Dao Hua passed through his own avenue all emerged. The Tao of Tai Su was full of uncertainty.

He needs to try to figure out a practical path.

Taisu is just a realm.

How to become Taisu step by step was a problem he had been thinking about recently. Now, with the help of the formations given by Tongtian and Yuanshi, he finally solved it.

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