Yuanshi and Tongtian felt the aura on Guiyuan's body changing again and again, and looked at each other, both seeing the other's surprise.

What kind of monster is Guiyuan?

According to their feelings, after reaching the Hunyuan level, their progress is no longer as good as before.

And it's normal. Even the elder brother who is quite mysterious in their hearts will find that his cultivation has fallen into shackles every time he talks about Taoism.

They became saints through great teachings, and only by practicing their path can they move forward. Of course, in addition to Mahayana teachings and transforming sentient beings, there are also Hinayana cultivating oneself.

As they became saints, and the methods they used to return to the Yuan Dynasty, it was like a seed that inspired the deepest part of their Pangu inheritance.

Once you understand the great path you have understood, it can still be sublimated.

Origin, existence, end.

But the road to sublimation is so difficult, so they came to look for Guiyuan, but found that Guiyuan only relied on the incomplete formations mastered by the two of them.

Actually took another step forward.

Not long after, Guiyuan opened his eyes again. Now when he broke through the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, he saw the River of Great Dao, and then realized that the Turtle of the Dao has been perfected.

Dao Dao can be called Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian in ancient times, and it can also be called Taisu Daluo Jinxian in all realms.

Now with the help of the legacy of Pangu in this world, it is finally built.

The Great Formation of the Era was transformed by the Way of the Era, coupled with the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, and the "Pangu" was used to continuously open the sky, turning it into a square of chaos. It was just chaos compared to his own achievements.

These chaos are all false, and then turned into a parallel world with the Guiyuan World that was born now and the many worlds involved.

Later, by practicing false cultivation and cultivating the true nature, the power that exploded from the continuous changes of eras in these parallel worlds turned into Taisu Qi.

"Perhaps... this may also be the reason why many days have affected so many worlds, or the result, they can carry a Zun Tai Su Da Luo Jinxian, or even higher.

Even the chaos on this side cannot bear the two Taisu Daluo Golden Immortals. Not to mention the rest of the world...

Could it be that Yang Mei and Hongjun also saw the way forward and were fighting over this great wasteland? In the end, Yang Mei defeated Chaos. "

Guiyuan thought about it and found that it would be extremely difficult to evolve so many worlds if he didn't have help from other worlds.

Even if you say you can use chaos to evolve the world.

But it was too difficult to turn chaos into a square world and then carry out a complete epoch cycle. Only then did Guiyuan know.

The convenience of becoming a transcendent is so terrifying. If one world is not enough, then the other world is the best. And he figured out why the original world is so good.

It’s clean, there’s no need to eliminate things that don’t fit with your own path, or chaos…

Guiyuan's billions of thoughts came and went, and then he looked at Yuanshi and Tongtian, and said: "In that case, let's talk about it, maybe you will gain something."



Yuanshi and Tongtian nodded. The purpose of their coming was actually to find a way forward, so it would be best to discuss it now.

The three of them are all at the Hunyuan level, and their thoughts have collided with Jing trillions of times in an instant. In an instant, Yuanshi and Tongtian have gained many insights, and their auras have leaked a little.

In an instant, countless innate auras on the entire Jin'ao Island were reversed into chaotic auras, and all things were born and prospered. Many spiritual roots even gave birth to spiritual wisdom, shaking the surroundings.

They are not preaching, but talking about Taoism. Naturally, there is no need for a big scene, as long as they themselves gain something.

For a time, the three of them sat as heaven, earth and man, but their auras began to flow, with Guiyuan as the leader, controlling Yuanshi and Tongtian.

Suddenly, as if a membrane had been crossed, before he could react, he felt as if he was trapped in an extremely warm environment.

The endless power around them enters their 'body'.


"Where is this...?"

Guiyuan frowned, but found that green light appeared around him, and at this time, Yuanshi and Tongtian appeared beside him.

"This...this is the time when Father God was born."

Tongtian murmured, and this green light was also very familiar to them. It was the light of the chaotic green lotus. Guiyuan raised his eyebrows, and he also sensed it.

They are currently in the body of a supreme being, or in other words, the breath of the three of them is this supreme being.

"We have transformed into the soul of the Great God Pangu at this time?"

Guiyuan suddenly felt something in his mind, and a Tao sound actually came out from his mouth, "Tao!"

And just then.

They found that the green light around them began to expand, and they already found themselves in a dim and hazy place, with no up, down, left, right, time, space, order and laws, and no traces of prehistoric times.

"I, Pan! Use tens of thousands of squares of chaos to open up the prehistoric world and destroy the prehistoric world! I want to prove the prehistoric world again!!"

Guiyuan's mouth suddenly came out with an extremely rough sound, which had a sense of vicissitudes accumulated over the years, as well as that determination.

Yuanshi and Tongtian haven't understood yet, but Guiyuan's heart is filled with countless emotions...

Tens of thousands of squares of chaos, will we open up the prehistoric sky again and ban the current prehistoric sky?

This side of the prehistoric world is essentially Pan Yu's attempt to open up the prehistoric world again. This is his method of enlightenment, but this time he failed.

‘Good guy, this heart is indeed very big! ’

It seemed that this roar alerted many, many beings.

Originally, in this chaos, Tao and reason were broken down into the most basic and simple particles. Here, time is indescribable and space cannot be measured.

All concepts are vague, coexisting with each other in the strangest way, and deducing infinite variables.

Existences appeared at this moment, using their own nature to force these variables to gather together. Under the gathering of those variables, living beings evolved!

Three thousand Chaos Demon Gods!

Standing in the chaos, a demon god spread his aura, and an extremely powerful aura erupted, crossing the endless chaos towards the three people of Guiyuan, or 'Pan'.

"Pan, you are rebelling against Tiangang! How can the ancient world allow you to open up!"

A demonic ape rushed towards Pan, and with one step he was already in Pan's sight. The vast viciousness of chaos swept out, and a vast Taoist sound erupted from his mouth.

Then there was a vast giant beast, cutting through the chaos, rushing straight towards it, "Damn it! If you open up the ancient world, wouldn't we respect you! Absolutely not!"

A supreme figure exudes an unpredictable aura that resembles a demon or a god, manifesting itself like avenues.

Three thousand chaos gods and demons gathered here, looking straight at Pan.

"You are here... now is the right time to use your way to sublime my personality and evolve my path!

Straight into Daluotian! "

‘Da Luotian? ’

Guiyuan's mouth was talking uncontrollably, or he was now 'Pan'.

He learned another piece of information, Da Luotian?

While Guiyuan was still thinking about it, he started to speak again, "Watch out, this ax will be very handsome!"

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