As soon as Pan finished speaking, he saw an ax falling. The light of the ax had just touched the chaos. The chaos was broken instantly, and the infinite world was opened up crazily under the light of the ax.

Formation, destruction, and space circulate in this infinite world in an instant. The birth and destruction of the world in an instant turn into a force that shakes chaos.

The avenue is invisible, the avenue is sound.

The giant kun-like god and demon who was the fastest before directly faced Pan's axe.

"Damn it! Pan, you really don't deserve to be a human being!"

Ju Kun cursed angrily.

Facing this axe, he had no power to resist. He felt the light of the axe, and in the end he could only curse, even before his own path could be unleashed.

The gods and demons have fallen!

Chaos shook, but Guiyuan saw a spiritual light emerging from the giant kun and was about to escape.

But Pan was struck down by another axe, and boundless spiritual light bloomed in the dim chaos.

[You have observed Pan’s Origin Axe, and you have absorbed it into your own Kaitian Seal. You have gained many insights into the way of origin...]

On the other side, Yuan Shi also seemed to have some enlightenment and didn't care about the prehistoric sky that Pan had mentioned before, as well as the inexplicable appearance of the chaotic gods and demons.

Instead, he began to understand everything about the ‘Axe of Origin’.

Pan did not stop, and the pan ax in his hand kept being swung. The seemingly ordinary light of the ax kept flying in the chaos, and then exploded instantly in the chaos.

It expanded rapidly in the chaos at an indescribable speed.

The avenue of power is roaring, it is Pan's own avenue, and it is also the avenue of 'Pan'.

The chaotic god and demon, who seemed to come from outside the world, roared forward and tried to stop Pan, but was instantly killed and then crushed by the endless light of the axe. His blood and bones were crushed by Jing Zhaoci.

[You have observed the Ax of Doom, which contains the power of the end of the era. You have integrated it into your own body and deduced its way to the end...]

[You have observed the Pan Dao. The Pan Dao is born from its origin, existence, and end. It is controlled by strength and becomes a disk again! You absorb it into yourself...]

[Combined with your own understanding, transform into your own epoch cycle, and push your own Taisu turtle to start swallowing chaos. 】

In an instant, the amount of information from Jing Zhaozhao rushed into Guiyuan's mind like crazy.

This information is analyzed, digested, and absorbed, and the divine turtle used to carry the Guiyuan Realm in the Tao Fruit continues to change at this moment.

The Taisu Turtle that had just been perfected was now emitting an extremely strong aura, and a figure appeared on the Taisu Turtle's shell.

There are three groups of aura swirling around this figure at this moment, sometimes turning into three Taoists, sometimes turning into one, and surprisingly it is...



The end!

And after observing the axe, Guiyuan felt that his understanding of the three was deepening crazily, and he had already touched a deeper level.


The origin still needs to be opened up, smashing the chaos with supreme strength, breaking the disorder, establishing order, and letting yourself exist in the oldest place, this is the origin.

At the beginning of eternity, Fang is the origin.

But now, there is already a trace of the charm of freedom and eternity. He has not been born in the eternity, but he has been born in the eternity.

And the end.

The end still requires destruction, destroying the old framework before we can move forward. This is the end.

The end of eternity is the end.

But now there is endless eternity, no need to destroy, no need to cycle, only existence, progress...


Survival also requires a concept to carry it, and only carrying it can it survive.

It has existed for eternity and is now.

Now there is a sense that he only has it for eternity and will disappear if he does not have it for eternity.

The feeling of returning to Yuan is very strange, when I keep watching these chaotic gods and demons from the outside being slaughtered.

He seemed to see a vast river running through the boundless world of chaos. Just a little bit seemed to occupy his sight at this moment.

Guiyuan knew this 'river' at this moment, and the river was just what he thought. Everyone's understanding of Tao is different, and their understanding of Tao is also different.

Some people see that the mother river of time and space is like a boundless ocean, and even the boundless realm of chaos is sinking and floating in it.

The mother river of time and space that some people see is just one river, a long river that runs through all the chaos in the infinite chaos world...

[You have observed the mother river of time and has no source and no end...]

[Your understanding of time and space has deepened, and your Tao Fruit continues to absorb its Tao charm, forming a time and space mother river that runs through all your worlds...]

[You have glimpsed a deeper understanding, the personality of the Supreme Being...]

Guiyuan's mind was filled with endless thoughts arising and dying, and he felt the deep realization. He suddenly discovered that the personality was not illusory, but was born from the thoughts of living beings.

Yuanshi, Taishang, and Lingbao are not as empty as Emperor Wa said.

At least, the Supreme Personality exists in entity.

It is now the mother river of time and space.

The mother river of time and space is the external manifestation of the Supreme Personality. Among the three personalities of Yuanshi, Taishang, and Lingbao, the Supreme Personality is the most difficult to comprehend.

Taishang is first yin and yang, then inaction, then continues, and finally self-existence.

Mere existence is extremely empty.

What is survival, how to survive, how to practice survival, but now he has been given a standard, and by understanding the mother river of time and space, he may be able to embark on the path to mastering the Supreme Personality more quickly.

Outside, as Pan's ax was waved one after another, the three people in Pan's body became more and more aware, and there were fewer and fewer Chaos gods and demons in the chaos.

Only a few statues were left to confront Pan.

"Pan! You are trying to control all the personalities and become yourself! If you become it, how will we deal with it!"

Around an illusory figure, there is a tributary of the mother river of time and space flowing.

There is a square world of chaos among the tributaries. Time shines on the chaos like light. It is aligned up and down, expanding left and right, and the space supports the chaos.

Time and space transform into thousands of things, and thousands of ways arise and die for them!

In a matter of seconds, all phenomena emerged, all ways appeared, and in the midst of chaos and chaos, a square multiverse was born!

Time and space turn into the grand mist, open up ten thousand ways, run through time with time, carry ten thousand ways through space, and transform the universe!

"How to deal with yourself? If you hadn't come here in person, I might have to explain it to you, but I'm just another person, so I'd better accept death."

The ax fell with one blow, time and space were shattered, the grand mist was turning into dust, the chaos was shattered, everything withered, and the Tao figure naturally disappeared.

"You are just trying to get the fruits of my way and fight for the way. How to deal with yourself? It's a joke. You have lived for endless years, and you have lived like a dog!"

These chaotic gods and demons are crazily affecting Pan with their own ways. Even if they die, they will turn into extremely difficult forces, such as resentment. These are essentially their ways.

He wants to let his way contaminate the disk.

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