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Chapter 77 The birth of the ancient golden-horned beast!

The two laws of gold and sky kept appearing in front of Shen Fei, and his blood kept changing. Finally, a small egg about the golden-horned beast that he obtained from the blood appeared in front of him.

Yes, it's an egg.

Shen Fei didn't expect to leap forward and directly create a complete golden-horned giant beast, and this blood was more like the blood of the golden-horned giant beast plus the polymer in the egg.

It just condenses into an egg.

Shen Fei was not in a hurry. Now that he had a body, the most important thing was his soul.

How is the soul born...

If the soul is limited, then why are there more creatures all the time but the soul is still enough?

The soul or 'spirit' is what distinguishes living things from dead things.

The soul is something unique to intelligent life, a spiritual body that carries wisdom and consciousness.

Everyone has a unique soul, just like human fingerprints, which are always marked with a unique label. Even clones will not have the same soul.

Shen Fei muttered to himself as if he was possessed by a demon, and kept moving his hands, and the law of the soul appeared.

But he couldn't figure out how to create the soul. Even though he looked over the world below, he still didn't have any clue.

Creating living beings is not like the so-called enlightenment. All things have animism, which is more or less spiritual. In other words, the higher the world, the heavier the spirituality of all things. Therefore, enlightenment in the ancient world is more like 'ripening'. .

You don't even need to have much understanding of the laws of the soul, just mature your spirituality directly.

But Shen Fei created this out of thin air, and it became increasingly difficult every day.

Time flies, and the sun and moon slip away silently.

Shen Fei did not stop, and kept pondering. He felt that he was almost realizing it, "The body carries the soul, the body is the place of the soul, and the soul is the spirit of the body."

Shen Fei did not continue to use the soul law to fabricate it out of thin air, but took out the golden-horned giant beast egg floating next to it, and the soul law was directly submerged into the egg.

At the same time, the law of creation was also integrated into it. At this time, the body, the law of soul, and the law of creation merged together like a mutation, and Shen Fei's eyes became brighter and brighter.

“Why is it that in the higher world, the souls of dead creatures are extremely difficult to dissipate? It’s because in the higher world, all things have spirituality, and all other things can carry their souls.

Spirituality is the boundary between spirit and matter. If I use matter as the basis, spirituality must be born first, and then a soul that can think and comprehend will appear..."

"I fell into a misunderstanding before and wanted to directly create the soul, but the soul law creates the soul, which is more like stimulating the birth of spirituality through dead objects, and then quickly catalyzes the birth of spirituality into the soul."

Shen Fei murmured to himself, the golden-horned giant beast's egg got bigger and bigger, and finally turned into the golden-horned giant beast's egg in Shen Fei's memory, floating in front of Shen Fei.

Compared with before, according to Shen Fei's perception, the golden-horned giant beast egg is now full of spirituality.

"Next, we just need to wait for the laws of creation to slowly blend the newly born spirituality with the physical body. When he is born, the soul is born. At that time, he will be a complete living being."

Shen Fei's face looked a little happy. It was quite a sense of accomplishment to give birth to a creature with his own hands. This was truly made out of nothing. Nothing from the ancient world was used, only the laws and the blood of the golden-horned giant beast that Shen Fei brought out.

That's a real dead thing.

The creation of Nuwa and Styx was a complete trick, directly using spiritual objects to create living beings, which greatly reduced the difficulty. To be honest, if Nuwa had not created people, would she have been able to become a saint? It’s really something else to say.

Later, he relied on merit and Hongmeng Purple Energy to become a saint.

It can be said that Shen Fei's difficulty is higher than that of Nuwa and Styx, but Shen Fei also took a trick. Instead of directly creating a complete golden-horned behemoth, he directly made an egg first and let it feel The process of gestation perfects the soul.

[You created a creature with your own hands, and you realized how to mediate creation...]

Shen Fei was very happy in his heart. Sure enough, he understood his way, followed his path, and created living beings, which pushed his soul law and creation law to the middle stage of Da Luo, and even almost to the late stage.

The Law of Gold has also been pushed to the middle stage of Da Luo.

At this time, Shen Fei looked up and saw a group of merits floating in the sky, "These are all merits? And are they the merits of the Great Dao?"

Shen Fei did not absorb it, but controlled it to form a faint golden wheel behind his back.

Blessing to the soul.

"The way of heaven has not yet been perfected, and it is impossible to send down the merits of heaven, but creating living beings is a great blessing, and I am truly created out of nothing, adding the concept of 'human'.

Therefore, the great avenue that is still in charge of the prehistoric times has given some great virtues. "

This is quite profitable. The merits of the Great Dao are much better than the merits of the Heavenly Dao. The main reason is that the merits of the Great Dao are the creations of the merits and virtues among the three thousand great avenues, while the merits of the Heavenly Dao are transformed from the original mixed merits and laws.

Perhaps for a saint, this is not too little, but for someone like Shen Fei who intends to go on a journey to prove the Tao, the merits of heaven will also fall on other things, and it is impossible for him to absorb them.

Once the origin of the prehistoric world is absorbed too much, the cause and effect between oneself and the prehistoric world will be too great.

As an analogy, think of Honghuang as a company.

When the Dao is in charge, the merit of the Dao is that part of the original capital is allocated to you, and when the Dao of Heaven is in charge, it is the shares given to the 'Honghuang Company'.

The latter sounds very good, but it’s shares!

The greater the prehistoric period, the greater the benefits.

But if you originally planned to start your own business, no matter how you work in the "Honghuang Company", the end point will be the general manager. Of course, there is also a way to usurp the company and carry out the "Tian Family Generation Qi" thing.

But now there is a general manager, and the other workers must get past him first if they want to usurp the company.

That is to say, he and Hongjun formed a "Tao Zheng".

It would be better to get more original capital, start your own business, and possibly create a company of your own that is not weaker than the "Prehistoric Company".

Zixiao Palace.

Yuqing was asking how to take a further step in the Daluo Way. Hongjun was about to answer when he suddenly stopped and looked through the Zixiao Palace, through the chaos, and landed in the wilderness, where he saw the mass of merits of the Daluo.

His eyes flickered for a moment, then he looked away.

Many Da Luo in Zixiao Palace are still looking forward to how to take a further step in Da Luo Jinxian. Seeing Hongjun, he was stunned. Could it be that Dao Ancestor also didn't know?

"If you want to further become a saint in Daluo, there are three ways.

The first method is to prove the Tao through force. The Great God Pangu used the method of opening the sky to prove the Tao. He obtained great magic power, great perseverance, and great supernatural powers. No one can teach you this path, you can only understand it yourself.

Today, there is only one person in the wilderness who is still practicing this path.

The second method is to use the three corpses to prove the Tao. I use the three corpses to prove the Tao, cut off the three corpses of good and evil self, and use myself to get close to the Tao and understand the Tao.

Third, to achieve enlightenment through merit and deeds, this is a path left by the Great God Pangu to all sentient beings. He can distribute the merits and demerits of his own great path to open heaven to all sentient beings, and by obtaining merits, one can also become a saint.

Therefore, it is also divided into three methods: upper, middle and lower. "

The three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace heard this saying. It turned out that the great god Pangu took the path of proving the Tao through force. No wonder he was able to open up the ancient world. However, the death of the great god Pangu was enough to show that the path of proving the Tao through force was too difficult.

But there is still one person practicing this path?

Who is so bold?

"Teacher, who else can have such great perseverance, great magic power, and great supernatural powers?"

Shangqing couldn't help but ask, after all, that was the path taken by the Great God Pangu. Even Pangu and the Three Purities found it difficult, but there were still people walking on it?

If it succeeds, wouldn't it be comparable to the great god Pangu?

When Shangqing asked this question, a figure suddenly appeared in the minds of several people.

Yu Taiyi fought fiercely with Da Luo, and even beat Da Luo violently. This was especially true for Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun and Gui Yuan. Gui Yuan used nine laws to condense Da Luo Dao Fruit, which was unprecedented.

"Return to Yuan."

Sure enough, Sanqing, brother and sister Nuwa, brother Dijun, Zhen Yuanzi Hongyun and Kunpeng all had their eyes fixed.

The other Zixiao guests were a little stunned, who was Guiyuan?

But Hongjun didn't explain.

Yuqing boasted that Pangu and the Three Pure Ones were innate. If there was no one in the ancient world who could prove the Tao, he would definitely not ask.

But now that Guiyuan is on his way, the rest of the three roads can go on the upper road, but they can't?

Ask again, "Then using force to prove the Tao..."

"It can't be taught. If you want to follow the path of enlightenment through force, you can leave now. Enlightenment through force is just a very general term, and everyone has his own path.

It cannot be said. It is useless to say it. When it arrives, it will arrive. If it does not arrive, it will not arrive. "Hongjun interrupted Yuqing.

At this time, Taiqing stood up and saluted and said, "Teacher, please have mercy on us and teach us the method of killing three corpses!"

Proving the Tao with force is too illusory. Instead, the middle path, where the three corpses are killed and close to the avenue, is more suitable for them. After all, there is Hongjun Pearl in front of them.

"Please, teacher, take pity on us and teach us the method of killing three corpses!"

The rest of Zixiao's guests also stood up and saluted.

Hongjun nodded: "Okay!"

The sermon continued, but at this time, all the Zixiao guests had a name in their hearts, ‘Guiyuan! ’

A person who is walking the path of spiritual enlightenment.

Ancient times.

Shen Fei frowned and looked up at Tianwai. Just now he felt eyes falling on him. Needless to say, it must be Hongjun, and only Hongjun had such strength.

It seems that the great virtues attracted him.

After all, the catastrophe of the ferocious beasts has passed, and the great merits have been gained, but the sudden arrival of a group of great merits is still eye-catching.

"It's about to be born."

Shen Fei threw the thought away and his eyes fell on the golden-horned giant beast egg that was becoming more and more spiritual, and the egg was already several hundred meters long.

The first creature he created was about to be born, and the aura of life inside the egg became stronger and stronger.

'boom! ’

Tiny cracks began to appear in the eggshell. A golden sharp point instantly pierced the eggshell, and a large hole broke in the eggshell. With the big hole as the center, cracks continued to appear, densely distributed throughout the eggshell.

Pieces of eggshells continued to fall, and a giant beast emerged from the eggshells.

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