The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 78 In the middle period of Da Luo, the divine flower blooms

The skin of the giant beast looks hard, and there are cracks in the hard skin with streams of light shining like magma, like golden armor.

The limbs are thick and powerful, and the soles of the feet are covered with thick scales. The most eye-catching feature is the huge golden horn on the top of its head, which is like a sharp sword, curved and tough.


The golden-horned giant beast roared loudly, seeming to announce its arrival in this world.

Then the golden-horned beast looked at Shen Fei with a pair of golden pupils. Feeling the friendly aura on his body, he couldn't help but lean towards Shen Fei. The golden-horned beast uttered human words, "Father God!"


Shen Fei looked at his creation, took a photo, uploaded it to the group, and said with a smile: "Go and play. And don't destroy the spiritual things here!"

"Roar!" The golden-horned beast flapped its wings and left in front of Shen Fei, soaring in the sky, diving into the sea and flying out from the sea from time to time.

[Ancient Giant Turtle: @Thunder God, is he like the golden-horned giant beast in your world? 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): Group leader, has a golden-horned giant beast broken through the world and come to your world? 】

[Thor: It's fierce, and the golden-horned giant beast was born. It should look similar to what we see through the egg, but the group leader looks bigger. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: This was created by me in order to understand the laws of creation and the laws of the soul. So far, the results look pretty good. It is still a newborn body and has not yet become an immortal. 】

[Thor: Create a golden-horned behemoth? The group leader is so awesome that he actually created a world lord level creature at random! 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): The group leader is so awesome! Create living beings. 】

[Peter: I always feel that I am in the same group as the group leader, which makes me set my sights too high. Both inside and outside the words are about creating the world and creating creatures. All we talk about are laws and avenues. Made me really think I was that awesome. 】

[Huang Rong: That is your illusion. 】

[Liu Shen: Did the group leader create it out of thin air? 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: There is still a little bit of the golden-horned giant beast's blood as sustenance, and the soul is fabricated out of thin air. 】

[Liu Shen: Is this Da Luo’s method? Unexpectedly, the group leader has also done research on creating souls. I was stuck at this step at the beginning and could not evolve tens of millions of things. 】

a perfect world.

Liu Shen was not surprised when she saw the golden-horned giant beast. In fact, with her previous methods, she could use some special spiritual objects to pinch it out. All she had to do was call it the golden-horned giant beast.

But when Shen Fei said he was fabricating souls out of thin air, she was surprised.

This kind of difficulty and fabricating it with spiritual objects are two different concepts.

Not to mention the creatures that can survive in the primitive world, this is not the so-called creation of creatures in a small world.

For example, the world where Feng Xiaotian lives can create living beings at the God level of creation, but the problem is that the living beings he creates are only small thousand living beings.

And the group leader is directly responsible for creating thousands of living beings.

This golden-horned giant beast was placed in the perfect world at the beginning, and it was also on the level of the ten ancient evils of the generation.

The world of the group leader is too advanced, and the laws are too suppressed. It's like the Supreme Being in the lower realm can plow 30,000 miles of land and destroy mountains and rivers, but when he goes to the upper realm, he can only break boulders.

Some of the weaker ones may not even survive. If they are just small thousand creatures, they may collapse in an instant.

For some worlds, creating life may not be difficult.

It depends on what kind of creature is created.

In a world with stricter laws, it is more difficult to master powers such as the laws of creation.

Laws can infinitely expand the power of a monk. The more sparse and lacking the laws are, the more laws are mobilized, the greater the power of the increase will be. It seems that it can easily create living beings.

But where the rules are stricter and more perfect, the weak rules that are invoked will cause restrictions.

It sounds very unpleasant, similar to the fact that a being who is obviously invincible in the lower world will work like a bull in the upper world, but the pursuit of life evolution is the desire imprinted in the soul of all living beings.

Keep climbing forward until you are invincible in all the worlds. That is the goal of all monks.

The key is that only where the laws are stricter and more perfect can there be a further path.

A metaphor that Liu Shen once heard is very good. Cultivation is to cultivate the strong self from a drop of water into a drop of ink.

Putting water in water is no different than putting ink in ink and it looks like it disappears into it.

But if this drop of ink gets into the water, you will infect the entire glass of water.

"Liu Shen, Liu Shen!" Calls from outside brought Liu Shen out of his thoughts.

The little boy carried Zhu Yan and came under Liu Shen.

"Liu Shen, I already have 70,000 kilograms of strength now. I feel that my body's strength is still improving, but the speed is slow..." The little boy couldn't help but ask again.

"Although you used extremely powerful blood essence to build the foundation, even though you have great power hidden inside.

Your physical strength is reaching its limit, not your strength.

There is a group of rock waterfalls seventy miles away. The waterfalls there weigh tens of thousands of kilograms. You have been practicing there during this period. You can only use your strength to hold it. You cannot use the giant turtle magic. Use powerful external force to force the hidden waterfalls. The strength of your body comes out! "Liu Shen said in a message.

"Ah? You can't use the Giant Turtle Treasure Technique?" The little boy was a little disappointed. During this time, he really fell in love with the Giant Turtle Treasure Technique he got after that foundation building. The defensive power was really too powerful.

Once used, those wild giant beasts can't hit him at all, and he has no fear even if he stands where he is.

"Do you still want to win against your brother? He has double eyes, has the qualifications of an ancient saint, a god, and even obtained the Supreme Bone. He is destined to be far beyond ordinary geniuses. He was born in an ancient country, and the whole family's efforts to cultivate him will inevitably It would be very scary.

Only by constantly pushing your limits can you achieve your goals and find your parents and grandfather. "

"I see!"

Xiao Bu nodded, and suddenly he asked with some confusion: "Liu Shen, you haven't told me who the owner of the giant turtle magic is? Why didn't there be a giant turtle in the ten ancient evils you mentioned last time?"

He felt that the giant turtle's magic was so powerful that once he used it, his feet would touch the ground and remain motionless for eternity. Those who were several times stronger could not even move his steps.

"The ancient giant turtle, that is a greater existence! Even greater than the Ten Evils. If you have a chance in the future, you will probably see him."

"Huh? Can I see him too? Is he still alive?"

"As long as you practice hard, you will see him. He knows your existence, so he allowed me to give you that drop of blood to build your foundation."

"Okay! I will practice hard and then go see that existence!" The little boy knew that the giant turtle was still alive, and he was a little surprised. This existence that was greater than the ten evils of ancient times actually knew about him!

Full of motivation for a moment, he hugged Zhu Yan and left Shicun.

"It seems that if this little guy sees the group leader, he won't target me."

Liu Shen branched out a branch and called the old patriarch.

"Liu Shen?"

The old patriarch asked quickly. He still remembers the blood phenomenon that Liu Shen took out that time. In addition, not long ago, a steady stream of enemies came and were still killed by Liu Shen. During this catastrophe, Liu Shen even They also moved villages here.

He knew that Liu Shen's origin was beyond his imagination.

"This is a prescription. After Shi Hao comes back from training, you can use this elixir to make him swallow it to stimulate the potential in his body to the greatest extent. The materials he used to build the foundation last time are very strong. During this time, these It is best to unleash all your strength.

Otherwise it will be wasted. "


"Yeah. It only depends on how many years the little one can beat that little brat Shi Yi."

When the old patriarch heard Liu Shen talking about Shi Yi, his face was solemn, "Don't worry, Shi Hao is a child of our Shicun. I will try my best to help him get this justice!"


Liu Shen nodded, that boy Shi Yi is not simple. At her time, the ancient heavy pupil could try to be invincible, not to mention joining the Butian Sect with the Butian Tradition, and its training intensity was not inferior to that of the ancient times. Relics.

It's a pity that his ancient legacy and his mother misled his mind.

However, God Liu will not interfere. This is Shi Hao's experience.

With the blood of the Immortal Emperor building the foundation, Huang will definitely grow faster than Huang in the original work!

Shen Fei just chatted in the group for a few words and then stopped talking. Instead, he was carefully comprehending the Law of Wood, which has some connection with the Law of Creation.

Then with the help of his own magical power, he reversed the five elements and used the remaining four elements that had entered the middle stage of Daluo to deduce the law of wood. Driven by the four elements, Shen Fei's understanding of the law of wood was improving crazily.

Coupled with the incarnation of heaven in the three worlds, he can enter the state of enlightenment from time to time.

The energy on Shen Fei's body became more and more ethereal. In Jin'ao Island, a huge world seemed to emerge in a trance, and there were three special light groups surrounding this world like stars over the moon.

The Daluo Daoguo in Shen Fei's Yuan Shen emerged and floated out precariously. The nine laws in the Yuan Shen blended with the Yuan Shen, and the Yuan Shen began to strengthen at an incredible speed.

Originally, 'God' was supposed to be Shen Fei's weakest item. He could open up the inner world, comprehend nine laws, and incarnate as the way of heaven three times. After that, he could comprehend more and more laws.

‘Shen’ even exceeds ‘qi’.

After waiting for a few days, the immortal Qingyun first formed above Shen Fei's head. It was filled with a myriad of atmospheres and emitted immeasurable fairy light. A sacred flower slowly bloomed, and its pieces were crystal clear.

Another world was born inside, the sky and the earth separated and merged, the star gods flickered, and suddenly the Yin and Yang laws in Shen Fei's mind poured into the inner world. In the inner world that originally had only daylight, the two star gods, the sun and the sun, realized themselves, and the sun and the moon alternated.

The moment the flowers bloomed, Shen Fei's mind seemed to rise to another dimension again. The long river of fate that had appeared before appeared again in front of his eyes. However, the long river of fate soon disappeared, and another endless river appeared.

‘The passage of time! ’

Shen Feifu reached his heart and said to himself.


This endless river seems to record the changes in the world in the prehistoric times and the lives of endless creatures. At the end of the long river of time, there seem to be countless figures flashing. At a glance, a great horror blooms in the heart.

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