The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode 183: Spreadbait and miscalculation

A meeting room nestled on the ground floor of Hotel Larchia. It is a room created for leaders from all over the country to lead the national government during their stay in Larchia. Sitting on a round table placed in the center of that room and staring at the paperwork, Carlos I raised his gaze, which had been poured into the paperwork on a door knocked three times with a ton of tongue.

"Yes, sir. Go ahead."

"Excuse me."

As the door opens, a discerning face enters the room. Carlos I smiled bitterly at that face, which seemed a little tired.

"What, Maria? Don't look tired."

I had a grudge for a moment against Carlos I like that. After turning her gaze, Maria sighed deeply.

"... I'm determined to be tired. Don't. Terra to Larchia, you busted a high-speed carriage and you came in a day without a break, right? Even so, shortly after breathing, he said, 'Bring a letter to the Royal Castle of Larchia'. Besides, the great lady over there won't mind coming out."

"Sorry about that."

"I don't think so, do I?

Shoulder over Maria's gaze. As Maria said, Carlos I, who would not have thought, shook one hand flickering.

"This is a big time for you. You can use what you're standing on, even a merchant, you tell me?

"What I've heard. Oh, no."

"Did you make it? Well, I'm staying at the Hotel Larchia. How can you do that? You get lucky in that sense?

"... well, that's... yes"

Hotel Larchia is a super famous hotel, to the extent that some merchants say, "It's the first time I've been able to stay at Hotel Larchia". It is not a merchant's pleasure that a merchant to the extent of Maria cannot stay there and can stay there.

"Besides, I have a reward for this' project 'once it's cleared up. Just hang on a little longer, okay?

"Well, it's a boarded ship, and I'll let you finish it. - A reward?

"Seya. Reward"

"Yeah... even if I ask, you're ae?

"Don't tell me yet. Yeah, but I'm sure Maria would like that, too?

Carlos I show you that with a smile on his face with Nico. Maria already fully understood that she would never tell me more than she said, "Don't tell me." She answered by clamping her shoulders.

"Okay. Yes, but Your Majesty? You're gonna tell me what you did with the letter you took? I don't like it when you do nasty things."

"Oh, shit. Are you nasty?

"If he does something like a fulfillment, he'll annoy us, too. Stop. We also have branches in the Searches Chamber of Commerce and in Westria."

Even Maria is from the Searching Chamber of Commerce. My own 'company' needs to be protected, and the dangerous bridge - now I feel it, but I don't want to cross it if I can.

"Don't worry, it's a fly. It's like an act of fulfillment."

"Really? Here we go."

"Fulfillment itself!

"- Worry about that, hey! is, fulfillment letter!?

"Seya! Let's do it!

Thumbs up. Maria, my mouth is not blocked by such a Carlos I trick.

"Hey, hey! Your Majesty?"

"No, don't worry about it, but yeah. At least Maria won't bother you."

"... are you sure?

"Homma homma. Even if you resent me, don't do it without Maria. Well, in the first place, I don't think we're going to get caught up in this one, so I'm going to ask Maria to do it again in the future."

"... my stomach hurts. Don't go yet. Amen?

Wave smiling at Maria, who gazes softly.

"When I say this one, it's called 'Sprinkle Bait'. We'll interact a few times in the future and finally puke! Do it, hon. But what action will you take in this one... Homma, look forward to it."

Say so.

"- Exquisitely troubled, Edward. Troubled, troubled, troubled... well, no matter how troubled it is, it's useless. I'll wrap my neck around it at the exit and put it in my stomach."

Carlos I smiled a fierce 'snake'.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

Deputy Director of the Department of the Interior of the Kingdom of Flame, Rudolph is also a man who is deputy director but has substantial control of the Department of the Interior of the Kingdom of Flame. Originally, he was only an assistant director of the Internal Affairs Bureau. He was capable to such an extent that he would certainly not be able to emerge under Lotte, but multiplied by the unrest ahead to assume the position of deputy director by making second-class advances. Nothing, even though the other Junying resigned from his position, he was the only one who was attached to the King's Palace. Let's also call it a salesman's appraisal in a way.

"... so?

I was Prime Minister when I heard about the 'founding' of the Flame Empire from Rudolph like that, and Edward, who now serves as Secretary of the Interior, did not move one eyebrow. I remember a cold sweat dripping down my spine on that iron-skinned look, even a thick-skinned rudolph on the face who shot the second director's chair at the price of betraying the Flame kingdom.

"How can I help you?

"On the contrary, I want your opinion. What am I supposed to do?

"Oh, that's..."

There is no insignificant ability, no vision, no driving to return a prompt answer to that question that was asked by accident. I fully understood that it was a talent to that point - and Ed, convinced enough that it was natural, breathed a small sigh and shook his hand with a flicker.

"Fine. I'll do the processing here later. Stand back..."

Talking that far, Ed accidentally stops talking.

"- Yeah, right. As of today, you will be promoted to Secretary of the Interior. For the handover surface, come on. Turn the paperwork. You can back off."

After a moment of confusion about Ed's sudden words, he waves again at Rudolph, who bows his head with joy all over his face, and Ed drops his eyes on the material at hand he gets from Rudolph.


The founding of the Flame Empire, as well as the founding of the Kingdom of Fandelfend, a supplement about the First King and the full support of the Kingdom of Solvania for it. Somehow, I was impressed by the early work I just said, "That's it." Drop your shoulder like you're in a little trouble.

"Ed. It's not the dress I'm gonna wear at the party tomorrow, but this red dress or this blue dress, which looks better?

At the same time as I dropped it, Chris came into the room without the sound of a knock. Ed breaks his iron skin companionship as he adores that look of twisting his neck with a dress in both hands.

"I think they both look good on His Highness"

"Already. Ed doesn't always do that, it won't help."

"Because I mean it. But that's right... I was wondering if the red dress would be better this time."

"Ho. Not blue?

"Because blue is the color that Erica likes. I was wondering if it would be nice to wear too much."

"Uh... right. I don't want to be compared to Erica."

"Although it would be Erica who would have trouble being compared. With His Highness Chris' beauty, it would be troublesome if Erica got jealous, wouldn't it? Give me this place. Well, if you're going to beat Erica by the end of her skin, I don't care if it's blue."

Saying it yourself, 'That's a sight to behold,' Ed thinks. I'm not going to deny Erica's beauty, but if it's still Chris and Erica, her attraction as a woman is exceptionally superior to Chris's. I'm not saying where the Lord is.

"Oh, yeah? No, that's all I can tell you... but Erica resents me. I'll leave it in the red dress this time."

Ed is filled warmly in his chest with that look of Chris laughing like a soldier - and at the same time more angry at the response of his native country, which raised this beautiful woman as a 'man'.

"Yeah, keep it that way. That's right, Your Highness, I have a few reports for you."

Pushing and killing anger to simmer, Ed tries to calmly carry on the words. Ed smiles and opens his mouth to Chris with a decent look while holding the dress.

"Earlier, Rudolph, Undersecretary of Internal Affairs, came with a protégé from the Kingdom of Solvania - oh, yeah. I'll promote Rudolph to Secretary of the Interior, would you mind?


"Your Highness?"

"... sorry, Ed. Who the hell is Rudolph?

"I can't."

"... are you going to make the director of the bureau impossible?

"Because my ability to see my complexion is picky. Think of it as the clerk pushing the judge."

"Is that right? That's true... but not suddenly?

"Because it's going to put in a little bit. I'll get back to it. The protégé of the Kingdom of Solvania… well, there are many things, but the main points are the founding of the Flame Empire and the emperor reign of Erika."

"... what?

"Make Erica Emperor of the Flame Empire. And he's going to elect that demon king of Rondo de Terra as king of the newly founded kingdom of Fandelfend. The Kingdom of Solvania fully agrees. The Empire will be the Rondo de Terra, and the Kingdom of Flame will remain the same, with Larchia as the King's capital."

"... can you do that?

"It's theoretically possible. Well, in theory,"

Become 'Emperor'. That in itself is not a very difficult story. It is possible to proclaim 'I will be emperor', and anyone with enough territory to do so will be emperor from that day on. There is just one thing, though, the question of 'whether other countries will admit it'.

"Solvania is acknowledging this time. Also, the Rondo de Terra and the National Alliance of Lime Cities, while the Kingdom of Larchia has an offensive alliance with Terra. There will be no obvious objection."

Here's the thing.

"Although Westria will disagree like a fiery fire. Laurent is also a delicate line as to whether he agrees or not. Inside, you wouldn't think it's funny...... the king over there is more sensitive to seeing the occasion. I was wondering if we would ever fight at the expense of our own country in the current state of affairs with internal troubles."

It is self-evident, even if it is not Ed, that there will be home disturbances in the Kingdom of Laurento in the not-too-distant future. The first prince is Bonkla, and if the second prince is good, it is also a problem that arises so that he can wake up. I don't think if the order of birth is the opposite, but I can't help it all.

"... let's sort it out. The founding of the Flame Empire...... 'Resurrection', but the Kingdom of Solvania would be in favour of the Resurrection. Lyme and Larchia are the countries that would agree conditionally or passively. The opposite is in Westria, and the passive opposite is the Kingdom of Laurento. Did you say Parsena was completely ignored?"

"... how about us?


"The Kingdom of Flame. Ed? Is Ed against anything?

"... as the 'Kingdom of Flame', there is no reason to disagree"

Alex Diehl, this continent of Orkena belonged to the "Flame Empire" and to the "Flame family". It was never what the Flames wanted that made the Empire their kingdom and a large number of other nations disturbed, only that it became so in the current flow.

"Reunite the lost continents in the name of 'Flame' and activate power. Because it is the sorrow of the Flame kingdom."

"... I don't think Erica or Liz think so?

"What about them, it's not. It is an organisational will, so to speak, as the 'Kingdom of Flame'. Or maybe it's the will of the Flame Empire... well, I have feelings for saying that anyway."

I'm not talking about who exactly. There is such a thing as air.

"I'm saying that Solvania, the maritime empire, will admit to the emperor himself. Appreciation is the only thing I'm talking about, and I don't have the muscle to complain. Earlier, I said that Westria disagreed, but what Westria disagreed with is an honest, irrelevant story. I'm a hundred times more scared of turning Solvania against my enemies, and it's troublesome."

I'm not going to refuse it unhindered when you're saying I'm going out of my way to do my honor. There's nothing I can't say no to for any reason, but when I do it, I say, "A favor in the corner! 'Cause I get confused, and I get into trouble later. I am talking about Solvania or Westria, which is more troublesome to bend the heso.

"Where did you say the boulder snake?"

I repeat, there's no reason to say no. The King or the Emperor, who is the superior being, is the fact that anyone born on the continent of Orkena knows, slipped off originally at his own disposal, and that's what you get again without labor. What's wrong with saying no, if it's supposed to be?

"That's not a very good way to put it... is it?

"Right. Making the Empire Rondo de Terra means that the place where Erica should be seated is not Larchia, but Terra. No matter how prosperous the room may be, the place where His Majesty the Emperor is still needs to be the Imperial Capital."

No matter how prosperous New York is, the White House doesn't travel from Washington, D.C., and reason goes hand in hand.

"Then this means I will have to release His Majesty the birdy Erica in the corner cage. If you ask me, he's a hostage, so His Majesty Erica..."


"That's why it's also horny to say no. It's a very difficult problem."

"... well"

Ed smiles at Chris with a sinking look on his face.

"But, well, it's not like there's no way. You don't have to be so worried, Your Highness. Just keep it between your ears."

Home affairs interference, the words are bad, but what Solvania is doing is the same thing. Ed laughs deeply at Carlos I's story that it would be difficult to justify his refusal if it were in the interest of the kingdom of Flame, a body with a scratch on his tibia, that seemed clear.

"It would be harmful to us and a story with 'interest' in the kingdom of Flame, but I can give you any reason. Difficult colors may be shown in the establishment of the Kingdom of Fundelfend, or Westria may be pushed forward. You can have a war, buy yourself some time. Stay together, there are many ways. If we don't get His Majesty Erica out of Larchia, we win this one."

Especially, even that is a possible ploy for Carlos I, I add in my chest. Even though the Lord of the Maritime Empire, he would have read about this one saying no, and he would have the knife to return it with him, Ed continued his words.

"Either way, you wouldn't even think of 'settled' in this proposal as Carlos for the rest of his life. I will do my best to be a first-hand, no matter what the expansion. Your Highness will bless you when you meet Erica at the party tomorrow."

Ed like that with a smile on his face. To the words, Chris flew his gaze into the hollow as he thought small, and then opened his mouth with a snack.

"The... Ed?


"Yeah... you know what?

"... what is it? Please take your time and tell me what you think."

That's what I say, Ed, smiling like a gentle teach. Chris clenched his fist as if he had made up his mind.

"The... about the Flame Empire, what is it? Um... I admit, why don't you translate it?

"... Hmm"

To Chris' words, once again Ed turns his gaze to Chris. After taking that gaze and looking away just a little awkwardly, Chris looked directly at Ed.

"You know what? Dear Erica, have you had any unwell cancer lately? Come on, I was a little worried."


"Well, for Ed, it would be like that, but for me to take it... Erica and Liz are monsters like my sister. This is a longer life than my life in Westria, for a really important sister, and that's funny. Ho, ho, I'm not worried you're not feeling well, you know, about that... hey, change your mood? I think even if I change my mood, it might be ae..."


"Well, I suppose the reign ceremony will be in Rondo de Terra, but I hope so, huh? If Lalkia wasn't here, there'd be a spin around, wouldn't there? Come on, come back soon... well..."

Hands behind your back, with mojo and uplift.

"... no... hey, of?

There is no such thing as a guarantee that a bird released into the field once will come back into the bird basket. There's no doubt about that, like all the birds who have gone free and come back from themselves. What Chris is saying is preposterous, an opinion of inner cuteness, and roughly the lowest possible foolishness, no, it's just an aspiration to call it 'measures'. To Chris' words, Ed shook his head left and right when he told him to do it.

"Shall we get to that?"

- Carlos I, misread.

"What, are you a jerk?

"Yeah. It's more of an out-of-heart thing to say. Have you never heard His Highness's opinion of what I say? Never, in my memory, defied His Highness's will?

- Originally, getting Erica out of Larchia is a foolish measure in the process, a measure that no one will take in the present situation.

"Well, I don't have it... but I just shook my head like I was scared..."

- And I think.

"His Highness Chris said and acted like he didn't trust me, so I just showed him in disdain. It's a lamentable story, not at all."

- Regardless, this is not Carlos I's fault. Rather, everyone thinks so, naturally, inevitably, there's no room for coincidence, a natural story. It's obvious.

"And it's not like I don't trust you! Trust Ed more than anyone!

"Really? It's thankful happiness."

- The story is that it does not apply to the new Chancellor of this Flame Kingdom.

"... uh hehe... thanks, Ed! I'm sure Erica will be delighted! I knew Ed would understand me better! Thanks, Ed! Love it!"

That's what I say to Chris, who smiles like the opening of Hua.

"- Yeah. I love it, too, Your Highness Chris"

Ed broke that iron skin, too, and looked really happy, laughing.

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