The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode 184: Things You Can See, Things You Can't See

People are equinoxes who act with some anticipation. The prediction that 'this is how it will happen' is so important in living a life that you can't read ahead of time that there is no need to explain it. People who can make expectations beyond a certain level are regarded as good, and when they reach a higher level, they are praised for their wisdom or their thousand-mile eyes.

"... seriously"

As the lord of the maritime empire, Carlos I, who for decades built an unsolicited power called the Kingdom of Solvania - no, the Kingdom of Solvania, which was nothing more than a kingdom of the continent of Orkena, into a great empire that could neither be pushed nor pushed in a generation, may be said to be the bearer of wisdom in that respect. The owner of an arm that accurately read the given data and built the 'future' out of it, but the return from Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Flame, Edward, with such Carlos I was enough to flaunt him.

"... admit it, Erica's home"

It's impossible story if it's normal. You don't have to bother letting go of the hostages you captured around the corner. There is no better way to do that than without the benefit of doing it, so there shouldn't be.

"... I don't know, really"

Sit deep down on your back and then exhale deeply to show. Over and over again, that's where I took my eyes off the paperwork that stared at the hole and gently rubbed my tired eyes with my index finger and thumb, the concon and three times, the door was knocked.

"It's open. Come on in."

"Excuse me. Your Majesty, I brought you some tea. Do you need it?

"Thanks. I'll take it. Why don't you leave it there?

Carlos I cheeks loose in Maria's appearance with a pot and cup on top of silver. I don't suppose I'm doing it for anything else, but Maria really puts in a coffee break at a good time. Do you want to go somewhere else? 'I smiled bitterly at the thought of what had no benefit, and Carlos I proceeded to a round table placed in the center of the room.

"Doya? Maria, you want a drink?

"Hmm... right. Your majesty seems troubled, and I'll be with you."


"Did you lose it?

"Am I easy to understand without that?

"There was a wrinkle between my eyebrows."

In this way, and another bitter smile on Maria showing wrinkled between her eyebrows with her forefingers on both hands, Carlos I reaches for Maria's brewed tea. After enjoying the aromatic aroma for a while, it is included in a bite. Maria's cheeks are loose in Carlos I, who thinks too much and stains her tired head, and whose sinister face is loose as a lie.

"Is it tasty?

"Let it go. Boulder, Hotel Larchia. You're using tea leaves."

"That's a lie, but say something like," Maria's brewed, "right?

"Tell that to the man you like. You don't want me to tell you? Don't you have to fly when you're with me? I'm retiring soon."

"Oh, what a treat! I don't like that!

Maria dyes her cheeks bright red to Carlos I's words. Carlos I's cheeks loosen even more to Maria, who has such a 'bumpy' reaction.

"... hey, Maria? You're in the air, aren't you? How about that reaction?

Loose, no. Maria lost her gaze with tremendous momentum at Carlos I's gaze, which made her look as though she was worried the other way around.

"Beh, is there nothing ae or not!

"No, I don't mind sora... ho, but? I'm worried about you, aren't I? It's as light as this, it's a little more rusty. I'm sorry I didn't take that so seriously."

"I don't know..."

"Nothing, I rubbed it on the iron. I don't know... but it's too late. Not much. Excuse me? If I keep doing that, the guy who tries to take advantage of you will go to Colo's?

Because of the strong image of Mata Hari, or when it comes to "honeytrap," there is an image of a female spy setting up against a man, but there is also the opposite pattern, that is, a pattern in which a man fits a woman into a trap. In fame, he is an East German Romeo operative, but it is not a rare story between East and West, men and women, to be flushed by emotion.

"I don't care what they say..."

Well, I'm not talking about what happens because I'm worried. Carlos I shows his shoulders flaunted by such Maria's voiceless objections. Maria uttered words with her lips pointy, with a slightly annoying look on her face.

"Well, don't worry, Your Majesty. I don't have any worries! We don't care if we're married, we don't have time for men to skip the curtain!

"It's easy to hook up with a guy like that."

"A big favor! It's none of Your Majesty's business!

Buy words for sale. I know you're worried, but if you interpret it, you seem to be telling me, 'You're a choro, so watch out' - well, the fact of the matter is, the romantic relationship is totally peppery - but still, Maria decides she can't be seen in the maiden's pride and makes Carlos I look like her all the time. Carlos I stood shoulder to shoulder with such Maria's childish tricks.

"He said it had something to do with it. Maria Search-" The Viscount ""

"To Your Majesty from Saya..."

Take a breath.

"-... what? Viscount?

"Seya. Maria Searches. I grant you the status of Viscount of the Kingdom of Solvania. Exquisite, encouraging."

As if to give a candy balls, Maria raised her bare voice, desperately turning her head, unable to chase comprehension to Carlos I, who made it easy to say and show that, but still managed to understand the meaning of the word.

"And, Viscount!? Viscount, is that you!?

"Don't be a punk."

"That's a pattern!

"'Oh, thank you.'"

"That's a meeting!

"My chest is crushing! I don't care what you do!

"That's blame!

"Later... is there anything, Maria?

"Don't worry about it. I'm a jerk! No! No! And, Viscount!? Why are we here?

"Why... think about it - ya. The Terra branch of the Searches Chamber of Commerce hired me, and you lent yourself and this house to me as you moved on to the top of the continent of Orkena. Yan? You brought me a letter the other day, didn't you? Are you kidding me? He said he'd reward you next time he succeeded."

"I was saying! He said..."

I lent the store and became a nobleman, what a reward too big for a boulder. Yamauchi's abundance is amazing.

"In the future, Maria will have to go to the Royal Castle with a letter. I don't think I'm great for nobility or royalty... but I'm a tough guy, that place."

His Eminence the Chancellor is noble, and His Highness the Regent is a royal without any problems. Even the royal palace has noble people, and the royal castle itself is like an aristocratic social place in the first place. The fact that Kota and Ferber are civilians sometimes works against each other.

"Even if the king of another kingdom gave you an immediate title or. Anyway in the back, at least stand out and be fooled or harassed - not at all, but do it somewhat better. That's what I told you."

"Ho, ho, but..."

"I really wouldn't even foil it a little more if I gave you a title around the Count... because it's hard for me to live on boulders. We have many small nobles. Are you patient with a burn like a Viscount?

"Yes, no, the throne was enough! Enough..."

It's not like Maria was born into the civilian class and has a desire to hold the title, but still has no vague admiration for 'nobility', and hence 'princess in a beautiful dress', well, it's a lie. Carlos I carried on the words, smiling bitterly at Maria, who unknowingly flaunted the edge of her mouth.

"For the time being, it's just the title, but I'm telling Philip to look after it when it comes to territory. Well, there's no way we're gonna get that much more land.

"Can you get territory, too?

"Just the title, because you're dressed like one. Well, that being said, Maria's a territorialist. Do the amateur? I'm sending a deputy from the kingdom, so leave it to him, he'll fly. I'll take the money, but I'll make sure some of the tax money comes into Maria's pocket. Well, if you live carefully, you don't have to work to make it a tax area where you can live."



"No... I'm scared because I'm so exhausted? Is there something behind it?

I'm surprised, Carlos I take a seat to Maria, deepening the bitter smile that floated to her, and when she takes the script she was reading until earlier, she walks straight down to Maria and hands the script.

"What's this?

"Maria's 'deliverables' or. I got a reply to the letter I sent the other day."

"... are you even ae to look at?

"It's a fly. 'Cause, Maria, you're not a' civilian 'no more, you're a' nobleman 'with obligations. I'm telling you, Maria, would you rather work for the country than be a nobleman?


"I don't want you to spear anything. Yeah, but what? I don't think you'll be punished for doing so much, me."

"Ke, is that a dedication?

"There's no such thing as an elbow talk. Be a good consultant - or talk to me. Philip's over here, and if you say so, you can replace Philip."

"... will you serve us, such a major actor"

"No big player, nothing."

"It's a big part. No! I can't believe I'm replacing Master Philip... No, we can't..."

Maria lowers her eyebrows at her lack of confidence. Let Carlos lower his eyebrows for the rest of his life, as if to surpass Maria like that.

"There's no denying the feeling of blockage, actually. Blah, even if I talk to Philip, I'm sure he'll return the ae answer. - Heh, heh."

"Oh, no!

"There is. Me and Philip came all the way here together, buddy. I mean, Philip and I have a similar idea. Even if there are two people who think the same thing, the conclusions that come out of it are not the same."


"I've managed to do something about it so far. I don't know anything about this, though. I also thought when I was in Coata or Ayano... years or something, me? I'm starting to get confused about young kids."

"Oh, don't do that!

"I do. Saya to Maria, everything ae. What would you think if it was you? If Edward and Chris are getting old, you might know what they're thinking."

That's what I said, turn your gaze to Maria.

"- Why do Ed and Chris release Erica, who caught him in the corner, to the field of obsession? Where the hell is that intent?

"... that's not true... even if they say so suddenly..."

"I don't know. But ae. Yeah, but what do you think it might take? Hint, hint, hint."

Please - as usual, Carlos I like that in a light way. Under that gaze, Maria rotates her own brain cells in full. Think about it if you have any tips or any answers.

"... the..."


"... I'm sorry about the normal... liberating Erica? By freeing her, I wonder if Edward or Chris will ever have a fling."

Maria says that because she's not confident. Carlos I glanced over his shoulder like he was mildly disappointed in Maria's appearance.

"... you know, Maria? Oh, yeah? If you don't have any flies, don't come."

"Shit, I will! I didn't."

Maria speaks up so as to block such words of Carlos I.

"- Aren't you?

"Uh, we civilians... maybe not, but, well, we just did. Did you? Really... well, I don't know what to say in front of His Majesty, but I've never thought of 'for your country' or anything."


"Let's be precise, what we think is that when your chamber of commerce grows, you're a jerk, or I'd be happy if we succeeded... but if you try your best to take me around, you're a jerk - about a mon."

"... go on"

"Saya... how can you be ae? Here's the thing... I don't think Edward or Chris can take care of the Flame Kingdom. That's... that's you, isn't it? If the Kingdom of Solvania dies, there's no reason to think of it as a fly, is there? I don't know which way to take the Kingdom of Solvania or my own house... If we do it, I'll take my own Chamber of Commerce..."


"Let it be, let it be! As His Majesty said earlier, there must be flies somewhere. If your majesty or Philip thinks there's no fly in the Kingdom of Flame, there's no place to look in the first place, do you say... it's a different place to look...

I'm not sure about the last one. No eyes for Maria to show with a flicker, Carlos I meditated with his arms together. Open your eyes and fix your gaze on Maria for how long you've been doing so.

"... I see. Prerequisites are coming up, are you talking about Chiu? I've always thought of it as" for the nation, "but" for the individual, "you get it, don't you?

"Yes, no, you don't understand!? I don't know where you really are, but we're just saying it on our own!?

"No, I think that's an aerial line. I don't care what you think. It's a fool for the Flame Kingdom, but if you still think about it for individuals, you can do it another way. It was hard for me to think of. Handles, Maria."

Carlos I laugh with joy when I say that. The idea of "It is not for the good of the country, but it is for the good of the individual" did not come as a pin in real life, even if it could be recognized that the idea existed, because "individual" is the "state" and the interests of the individual and the state are unlimited and equal.

"... you see, Maria? What do you think that is? Ed or Chris, what do you mean, take it to one or the other?



"So... in our time, are you a jerk in the way we think?

"I told you earlier. That's what I want to hear."

Carlos I nodding with a smile. To that appearance, Maria opens her mouth only slightly out of her shoulders.

"Well... I can only think of about what His Majesty just said."

"What was I saying?

"That's right. You were fooling around earlier, weren't you?

"Were you fooling around? Yeah... what are you talking about, Maria?

Maria pointed her mouth in dissatisfaction with Carlos I, who puts a question mark on her head.

"When I say the interest of our age - after all, does it irritate you?

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