The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Lesson 185: The Return of Her Majesty the Queen

One carriage slowly progresses along Alex Boulevard paved with cobblestones. I'm used to seeing it - and another passenger in this carriage spoke to Erica, who was staring out the window at the streets with some very nostalgic eyes.

"No. And Erica is His Majesty the Emperor. What a wonderful story. I didn't expect His Majesty to be born in the black of my eyes. Surprise me!

Chris. Erica responded to Chris' words by pointing her gaze at the city.

"Instead, I'm surprised you briefly adjudicated such 'important' to me? Besides, Coata and the others are waiting for the Hotel Larchia."

Say that and turn your gaze around the city again.

"- Send it in one carriage, with no guard attached, I can't believe it? This is what the Regent will do until he gets aboard?

Erica turning a heartfelt, frigid eye. To Erica like that, wave her right hand dauntingly and Chris laughs and shows it.

"The road to Hotel Larchia, that being said, is so-so narrow. It would be annoying if I took many and many carriages, even to residents. It costs money."

"... because it's the carriage of His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the Regent? Aren't you usually supposed to follow a guard?

"Not the other way around. With me and Erica on board, I'm not wearing an escort."

"... what does that mean?

"There are only three types of people in this city. People who don't like us, people who don't like Erica and the rest of us, people who aren't interested either. You don't hate us because you like Erica if you give her back. You don't think Coata or Theon or Aria would do anything dangerous to Erica, do you? In the first place, I don't want to take that risk, but I don't want to send it to you. If you wait, you get Eye Cancer."

"... who doesn't like me?

"It was a little bad to say, but the people who dislike and say Erica are not the ones who are happy with the national politics of the Flame kingdom today. You don't think people like that buy me bad luck, do you?


"People who are not interested are not interested in the first place. By and large, even Master Angelica got out of Kosovo alone and played in the city with cancer. Larchia's not a peaceful city. It's okay."

He opens his mouth to rebut as he sighs at Chris, who laughs and shows off his karakula, and closes his mouth. It makes sense, I thought... most importantly, because I thought it was useless to say anything.

"... so?

"Hmm? So?

"Don't fall in love. You said it yourself, didn't you?" As your god, take charge of King Flame ". You're a good hostage, aren't you? What good would it do you to let me out of the field like that?

Erica stares at Chris with a staring glance. After giving such Erica's gaze a nosy look for just a moment, Chris exhaled and showed it.

"Assuming there were thoughts, do you think I'd say?

"I don't think so."

"Really, it's useless to just ask?

"Right. But it's not 'free' to ask. I know, Chris?" Free "is invaluable. Isn't it wonderful that money doesn't hang?

"... not royal words"

"I'm going to be the 'proprietor', I am. I run a territory called Rondo de Terra."

That's what I say with a strained heart, Erica. He gives such a pocan look to Erica, and then Chris loosens his cheek.

"... 'Proprietor', have you come? You're not Erica, a hard-working man who has experienced boulders and poor lords. Don't cry when Master Reese sees you?

"It's not like your mother's going to cry about this. Besides, unfortunately, I even love this' hard work '. If you have enough people to trust, I'd rather have a hard time with you."


"... what?

"No... even if you're exposed to such sexuality, think. What is it, Master Erica? What's your abusive hobby?

"... what?... Huh! Oh, no! What are you talking about?

"" I'm comfortable struggling, "Chiu said. - Oh! Is it because you want me to stick my chest out because you want me to stick it in? How much......"

"Chi, you're saying it's not! Don't be with Theon, right?!

"... I don't know about exposing people's sexuality, Master Erica"

Scion not here, bullet. Besides, he's a pretty deadly guy.

"... ha. Well, there's nothing more to hide. I don't care if I talk to Erica and Theon without exposing her."

Chris opens his mouth as he mixes a grumpy sigh to control Erica, who tries to recruit her while turning a bright red face.

"Kind of looks like Erica's been mistaken, doesn't she? I never meant to treat Erica as a 'hostage'?


"Well, I did let my behavior be restricted. Yeah, but you're not making me feel so bad, are you? In the first place, didn't I say 'hostages'?


Ask me, I realize. It is true that restrictions were placed on entry and exit from the room, but other than that, they are too favourable for the treatment of 'hostages'. With a three-meal nap, plus Chris himself as a talker and a gift for clothes and accessories.

"... right. Sure, it might not have been a hostage."

"Bye. What I asked Erica for was not 'hostages', but 'gods'. Lord Erica as the rightful king of the kingdom of Flame."


"Isn't His Majesty the King, the Emperor? There's no better reason to disagree than to raise your stature, is there?

"... I'm not at hand, am I? Your... yeah, you think this' regime 'of yours is the cornerstone?

"I don't think so. Just, you know, think they do some 'trust', don't you? Especially not even the face of the nine-member committee. Lotte's politics were too harsh. Easy to do, you tell me? Is that how you dismiss us, Erica? It's still rough, Flame Kingdom, and even if you think it's poison, shouldn't you be using us for ae?

to the clean flow of the White River. Austerity finances are much better, but it is only natural, naturally, that a regime that turns gold to some extent will become more popular in the ancient times and now, both east and west of the West.

"These are, of course, measures made possible by the presence of a gold sign named Queen Erica Orenfeld van Flame. Yes, but it also had some eye-catchers."

"... for nothing, do you think?

"Don't you? I'm sorry to bother Erica any more."

Chris giggles and shows with a poisoned look. Erica sighs deeply at the figure.

"Oh, that's sweet, isn't it? So you're telling me you're gonna give 'hostages' freedom too?

"No, he said he wasn't a hostage. Roughly, Master Erica? Think about it? Lady Erica's mother. Lady Leezelotte? Really, the mother you raised is Angelica, right?

"... what does that mean?

Take a big, big sigh of sigh at Erica, who says she doesn't know what her heart means.

"You think an obedient 'hostage' will be placed in the 'daughter' of gentle but harsh Master Lieselotte and Angelica, who is also free to run? How thick is the skin on your face, Master Erica? Don't tell me."

That's what I'm gonna tell you, Chris. He opens his mouth to that appearance - and Erica shakes her neck to the left and right to close his nearly open mouth.

"... I didn't think you'd be questioned for 'hostage' qualities, neither did I."

"If Erica's been in Larchia forever, I'm sure the Coatas will come and help us, right? It's not that much trouble... aren't you going to? I'm not going to, but if I'm going to make Erica a 'shield', Erica, even my tongue is going to bite off and die. If that happens, you can see the morale going up over there, right? Like when you were Jessica. You know, the war between Lyme and the Kingdom of Larchia is not enough."


Erica, I can't say anything. 'If I were you, I could do it,' he said, cutting to think so and slipping away his gaze. Chris took over the words, pulling in the bitterness that was floating on Erica like that.

"... next time, I'll tell you. If, after Erica returns to Terra, he comes at his soldiers to reclaim this king's capital, Larchia, we will fight with all the strength we can. Then I'm sure Larkia will be engulfed in war. I'm sure the people who live in Larchia will be in trouble."


"What about Erica's father, mother, and Angelica's desire to turn this city into a sea of fire?

"... I see. The whole Larchia thing is a wack of 'hostages'?

"I don't care how you take it. If you interpret it the way you like it, you'll get it."

That said, he distracts himself from Erica, and Chris sends his gaze to the streets outside the window.

"... well, I'm not the person who lived in this city either. I don't like this city, and I have an attachment. If I can, I don't want to make this city a sea of fire. To ash... so many memories without you."


"Jake, I can tell you from me that the Flame Empire is the Flame Empire, and the Flame Kingdom is the Flame Kingdom. Let's get along, Chiu. I don't know if we can do this without going away."

"... that's a very good suggestion."

"I guess so, I agree. Yes, but, Master Erica? You can't go to war with us, can you?


"Master Erica hasn't lost anything. Cancer. I can return to Terra, which was a territory, and I can be His Majesty the Emperor above the Duke. No one from Terra is gone, neither is Cota, nor Emily, nor His Highness Sonia."


"Sure, we assassinated Lotte. But, Master Erica? How many wars and how many murders do you think we Westerners and Flame kingdoms have had in the last hundred years? You don't mean that's right? No, but..."

Take a breath.

"- The number of people killed is' one ', not just increased."

"- You!

"Just take it from Erica and Liz. Lotte is' important '. You're a trader, aren't you, Erica? Let's figure it out in numbers, not emotions. Lotte, are you going to sacrifice the lives of the vast majority of the others to one mourning battle?

What Chris is saying is wrong and right. It would be sad and painful for someone close to him to die, but there is no better reason to sacrifice others than to be a trader.


"... I know you're not convinced. If I were you, I wouldn't be convinced."

"... what? To the habit I said to myself."

"It's not Ed's takeover or sale, around here. Peaceful coexistence, you can't even say it."

"I don't want Ed to tell me."

In a dual sense, meaning 'I guess this happened because of you' and 'Can I throw up the same line even if Chris is assassinated'.

"Well, I don't leave the judgment around here to Master Erica. Just - remember, if we're gonna fight, we're gonna do everything we can to 'do it' too."

At the same time as Chris' words, the carriage wheels make a kick-ass noise and stop. After the signs of a man descending from your table, the door of Gondola was opened with humility.

"... Lady Erica. Everybody's waiting. Let's see your face."

Smile and smile and show Chris. After giving the words a slightly hesitant look, Erica nodded small.

"... I didn't hate you personally. As a child, I was pissed off that we did 'evil' together, that we studied together, that we had dinner together... now I really enjoyed the days I lived in that royal castle when I was young"

"... Me too, Master Erica. He must have come as a hostage to the Royal Castle of Larchia. Weird story, it was a lot more fun than being in Westria."

"... what's next, the battlefield?

"... what do you think? Hopefully, we'll have a nice meal and a spill."

It could be difficult - how dare Erica smile bitterly at Chris, who looks exactly like another HR. It also for a moment, as I rose from my seat, I took a step, another step and a walk towards the exit.

"... Bye, Your Highness Chris"

"... then, Master Erica"

That's the last word I ever exchanged. Without ever looking back, Erica did take a step towards Klaus Burkhardt, who bowed his head in silence in front of the entrance to Hotel Larchia.

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