The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode 186: Thin Lovers

Erica walked to the front of Klaus, still unable to contain the overflowing delight and still proceeded to walk like a lady, stopping her leg.

"... shabby, Klaus"

"... I've been waiting for you, Your Majesty"

Klaus lifts the hips he was folding and smiles to show them. I was kind of just a little happy that I had a few tears in my eyes, and Erica smiled as well.

"Thank you for your help. I'd really like to thank you."

"Our hotel Larchia prides itself on being a royal accommodation. It is only natural that the Royal Crisis, that is, the crisis of our Hotel Larchia, should follow promptly."

"Thank you, but that's no reason for you to risk yourself. So take it and put it down."

So she laughs, and Erica lowers her head by picking the edge of her skirt.

"Thank you, Klaus. It would be cruel to ask you to accept the" I "acknowledgement right now, so would you accept this as an individual's acknowledgement as Erica Orenfeld van Flame?

I felt Klaus' attitude like he was in a panic, and Erica told him to take control. Klaus exhaled loosely after a long period of inactivity in the words.

"... ok. Now take it as an individual's … 'Dear Erica' acknowledgment - oh, I forgot this." Welcome home, Erica. "

"" I'm home. "And that's how you get it. Thank you so much, Klaus."

Keep your head up and have a beautiful, beautiful smile. To that smile, which is so beautiful, Klaus unexpectedly remembers the feeling of holding his breath too.

... I guess that shouldn't have happened.

"Bye, Klaus! I'm sorry to bother you!

So Klaus' response is delayed by one step. Erica hung her hand on the entrance door to Hotel Larchia with Klaus to the side that solidified to the door.

…… …… Oh, wait, Master Erica!

It was frightening, for a moment. Like sewing for a moment, Erica slipped the door open and into the hotel.

"........................... see?

Galan, saw the entrance as and stopped the movement.

"... Oh, that? The... what? So, no one?

It is now three days before the arrival of a Messenger announcing his' return 'from Erica's Royal Castle to this Hotel Larchia. When the carriage departed from the royal castle, it stood up to the messenger of the rash.

"... Huh?

... Well, I just said it, but Erica is also the "benefactor of life", taking it face-to-face, beginning with Kota. Even if you pull it out, your buddy returns from the enemy land.

"... Klaus?

"... well... Mr. Cotta, Mr. Ayano, Mr. Scion... yes, he seems busy"

It's not strange to be welcomed with a full smile. In fact, even Erica - well, it would be illuminating if they really did, but they all lined up at the entrance and said, 'Welcome home!' "I'm home! 'What a bit of a touching scene I even dreamed of. When it opens the lid, it is here. The boulder doesn't have half the impact.

"... well, yes. Are you guys busy? Well, I can't help it... Wow, right?

For a bit of what I expected, the embarrassment pushes me over with a doubling. In addition, Erica strayed from her gaze in a panic of seemingly awkward Klaus.

"Is that it, Erica?"

I had eyes with Ayano coming down the stairs with a ton of rhythm. There was some embarrassment earlier, and roughly Erica was unusual in her expression on her face - well, there was something I was glad about - and she showed it with a full smile.

"Ah, ayano! I'm home!

Erica's words, her smile, and Ayano's face.

"Uh, welcome back. It was today, Erica"

- Floating, no.

"Oh, that?

"Hmm? What's up, Erica? Like a pigeon like that ate a bean cannon machine gun?

"Ha, pigeons are beans - what?

"I'm so surprised. What's wrong?"

What's wrong with this line, he goes out to his throat and Erica swallows the words. To the boulder, he said, 'Touch me a little more!' I can't say Erica.

"Doesn't matter...?

"Really? I mean, Erica? You're a little fat, aren't you? You were just eating delicious food inside the royal castle, weren't you? Don't even exercise at work, didn't you eat and sleep and eat and sleep?

"Nah, you're fat! Nothing..."

Well, I'm certainly not exercising in a light house arrest life.


"Oh? You mean there's no denial, Bingo? Oh? You're fat now?

"Hey, I didn't! Even the skirt will fit right in!

"If you're caught off guard, you'll be fine. Teens are still good, because when you're over twenties, you don't lose medium fat ~. No, bulimia!

"Me, bulimia! I didn't do that!

"Yes, yes... it wasn't if I was doing this! Sorry, Erica! I'll see you in a minute."

"Ugh, yeah, again - hey, hey! Ayano!?"

Ayano pops out the door, not even listening to Erica's stillness, sliding through its side. Erica's outstretched hand is kind of annoying.

"... oh, I'm busy, and so is Ayano"

"............... right? You can't help being busy, can you?

Yeah. I can't help being busy. That's right, Erica put her extended hand back and put the gaze she was pointing at the entrance back to the entrance.

"Oh? Isn't that Erica?"


I had eyes with Sonia, who had a little face from the deepest part of the entrance.

"Sonia, I'm home!

"Welcome home, Master Erica. More like a breath disaster."

"Ugh, yeah! How's Sonia?

"Yeah, thanks to you. By the way, Master Erica?

"Hmm? What! What's wrong with you!

"... why do you feel so energetic?

"Beh, it's not like there's anything else!? What's more important than that?

"El...... didn't you see Elise?

"............ to?

"I'm Elise Burkhardt. Don't you know where he is? I was looking around earlier, but I couldn't find it."

"What, Elise? I haven't seen it... I mean, I just got back, too."

"Really? A little more...... well, shall we look for one in the basement? Good day, Erica."

"Oh, yeah. Good afternoon."

Erica also bows her head, as she panicked, to Sonia, who bows her head gracefully. In Erica's ear like that, Sonia's footsteps rang and left.

"... Ha ha. Even if Sonia doesn't have to look for it herself, she should let the employee know. Hey, hey? Master Erica? Don't you think so?

"…………… yes"

Erica dropping her shoulders to be depressed. You can't even find words to hang on to that figure, and Klaus says that with a loving laugh.

"Klau - hmm? Oh, Master Erica? Master Erica! Oh, my God, you're home so early!

There was a voice hanging over Erica's head like that. Theon.


"I thought it would be a little later in the messenger's story. I'm sorry, I can even welcome you - eh, Erica!? Why? Why do you have those crying eyes!?

Erica's tear glands also loosen up on the 'gentle' word that was finally hung. Such a luminous self, Erica gave it a gleaming grin after a slight luminous laugh.

"Ha, I'm home, Scion!

"Welcome home, Master Erica. Good luck - and thank you. Save me, save us. I've always wanted to thank you - so Master Erica!? Why are you crying?

Erica in Zion's words, a cup of breast. No, I don't hold a lot of fighting power enough to be full, but anyway, Erica's chest is overflowing with warm stuff.

"Ugh, yeah, it's okay! Glad everyone's okay!

"Thanks to Erica."

"Beh, it's not my fault! Than that, Theon? It's been a long time since I've been here, and I don't want to talk to you for a second?

Show such Erica's words with a look that just a little bit of Theon seemed uncomfortable with.

"Uh... I'm sorry, Master Erica. I need a little help, too."


"I'm getting a little work done here. Let's talk about it at night."

"Ugh, shh? And Theon's the job? Ugh, you're lying, right? You're free, right?

"... you're a rude person, and so is Erica. Isn't that terrible?

"Because it's Scion!

"What do you mean!? I'm too busy looking like this!

"Huh? And Theon's busy? That's a lie! 'Cause it's Theon, right? Absolutely, you're supposed to be skipping by saying,' Busy isn't right for sex 'or something!

"... who's you?"

Don't tell me to do it, I slowly put my pong and hand on Erica's shoulder after Theon shook his neck left and right to show it.

"Ready, Master Erica? I 'm-- well, yeah... right. I do want to avoid the trouble and just do what I want to do. But? Even I understand that the boulder is in a state of emergency right now. Does that make you look like a lazy person trying to skip work?

"You've decided to see it!

"It would be too rude!

"Because it's Theon!

"Overlapping. What do you mean! Anyway! Think in common sense! I'm busy too! See you at night!

You're totally in a bad mood, you piss off your shoulder and Theon walks with Zukazuka and his big crotch toward the entrance door. A slightly sympathetic gaze pours out of Klaus at Erica, who stares at her like that.

"... Klaus"

"... Yes"

"Theon told me... 'Think in common sense'..."

"... heart, I guess"

I don't just want Theon to tell me. With such a subtle look on Erica's face and heart, Klaus unexpectedly misses his gaze as well. And I saw Emily walking over here at the end of Klaus' gaze like that.

"Dear Emily?

"Huh? Ah! Oh, Emily!

"... Dear Erica? Oh, welcome home, Master Erica! I've been waiting for you!

Emili walks fast with a full smile on her face. Eventually, Emili, who had reached beneath them, showed them with a deep hip break against Erica.

"Welcome home, Master Erica. I've been waiting for you."

"Eh, Emily! I'm home!

"Yes...... welcome home, I've been waiting for you"

"Ugh, yeah! He's home! I'm home!


Do you have feelings of universality, or tears in Emili's eyes? There's something glowing in Erica's eyes, too, on Emily like that. I witnessed a beautiful master love, and Klaus' cheeks loosened.

"... sorry, Emily"

- It won't loosen. Klaus calls Emily with a slightly convulsed grin and just a little freaked out.

"Yes? What is it, Master Klaus?

"Um... well, it's hard to say... what's your duty today?

"... oh. You were on duty today."

"... what? And, duty?

"Yes. Now we are in trouble for this hotel Larchia. It is painful to rent a room as large as that for free... we are on duty and are here to help."

"... both my father and I, of course, don't mind at all... Emily's cleaning and cooking are top notch products, so she's helping us out because of the difficulties."


"So Master Erica? Let me behave my hand cooking today! I'll put more on your arms, so please keep your hopes up!

That's what I said, 'Mmm!' And after lightly making and showing her, she smiled and thanked her. Keep your back on Erica. Emili proceeded to walk into the dining room.


Erica, endless silence. I'm already scared to look that way. Klaus just turns away. And, to those two ears, the rambling sound of 'Dan' sounded.

"Mr. Klaus!

"Ah, Ko, Mr. Coata?

"I'm sorry, I'm going to go to the Larchia branch of the Solvanian Foreign Office for a moment! Maria is due to come, could you please keep her through to my room!

"Yeah, yeah... well, I don't mind that"

"Thank you! Then I'll come out a little bit, so I'll take care of it later."

That's what I say, running through Klaus and Erica's side.

- Yes, beside Klaus and Erica.


Finally, I didn't even notice. To the boulder, I think this treatment to the boulder is terrible, and Erica is much more powerful and holds her fists in both hands. Seeing what Erica did, Klaus shook his head left and right like he'd given up, taking his hands gently to his ear.

"- This, thin lover whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!!

Klaus exhaled a deep deep sigh as he heard Erica scream over his hands in his ear.

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