The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode 187: Where She Is

Erica Orenfeld van Flame had filled a pillow in the bed of a room reserved for one of the given rooms, the third floor of the Hotel Larchia. By lunch, Emily came to say she was ready for dinner, but refused to do so, and took the same attitude for a few hours. The reason is simple. Erica is stubborn in everyone's response earlier.

- That's not why.

The girl named Erica Orenfeld van Flame doesn't even think of what she did as' very amazing 'in the first place. No matter who made the joke and said' thanks to whom ', I never thought' it 'would be a great thing to be praised by anyone. No, this way of saying it has a narrative. I did a wonderful thing. I am sure that whoever sees it and whoever hears it will raise their hands and be praised. I protected my people until I put myself in danger. Well, it's obvious that whoever hears it is enough to be complimented.


And, normally, you can think of it. Good, but Erica thinks so too.

"... I'm sure I'll do it even if it's not me."

For example, on that occasion, what if Emily is the one who needs to stay? I'm sure she would have gladly made a choice to stay on the spot for everyone. As usual, Rin, still have a gentle smile.

For example, what if Ayano was the one who needed to stay? I'm sure she would have gladly made a choice to stay on the spot for everyone. As usual, with a crowd-loving, still riddled smile on your face.

On that occasion, for example, what if Scion is the one who needs' to stay '? I'm sure she'd love to.

I would have made a choice to stay on the spot for everyone. As usual, you look like a pain in the ass, and you still smile a cigarette on your face.

That's what Erica fully understands. Not to mention Emily, as Ayano helped Sonia, or as Shion went to look for Aleia documents for Kota, they are people who can move for people and never hate them. I guess that's pretty great as a human being in and of itself... well, at least Erica really thinks so, just because that happens to be the role Erica asked for on that occasion. A human like that said, 'I did it!' There's no way I can put my chest up. Even if it's not accurate, it's so normal that it's almost synonymous with Erica's lack of cause to be praised for not dumping garbage on the road.


So, by no means is she unhappy. I refused lunch because I'm not stubborn about it, and I simply don't have an appetite. So why, she doesn't have an appetite?

"... is that enough...?

She is not unhappy. "Anxiety."

... Well, I want you to look at it even when you think about it. The talented Emili, Sonia, princess of the great country Solvania, Toshiyoshion, chief researcher of the Academy, and Ayano, Virgin of Larchia. On Kota's side, all the women who give Kota their thoughts are talented and brilliant. All the people who can be supported by Hota and support Hota.

"... I... when I got back, couldn't I...?

Compared to Emily, 'importance' is out of step. Emily said she was helping Hotel Larchia, but I'm sure it's the mountain of Sekiyama where Erica offered to help. Not in that position of hers, but in purely competence terms. Erica can't compare to Sonia right now because she made it that 'status'. Even though, suppose, His Majesty the King, the prying is only the top of the puppet regime. Even though clerical and decisive powers outweigh those of Scion, of course not. Ayano has more administrative skills than Shion, in addition to her connections to the Kingdom of Larchia and those cultivated in Larchia in the Wang capital. Even Erica was royal and duke, but due to the nobility of her birth and the peculiarity of her birth, her position in the aristocratic society is only about Emily when she becomes acquainted enough to speak belly to belly, even if she is high. Considering that, if the event "Erica's Return" in this current situation is viewed from her ability point of view, her return will not lead to drastic reform, if Erica understands it better than anyone else.

"... at this busy time, why did they come home or something... did they think?

This is the case. I started living alone, and when I came home from a long vacation, my room was in storage, and I said, 'Is that it? You're back? You don't have your room, do you?' I feel like I've been told, is it sensibly close? Well, that's it. In short, it is a very troublesome array.

"... gusu..."

A twitch and tears seep from the eye area pressed against the pillow. The door was knocked a ton where she buried her face in a pillow more to cover her eyes, trapped in negative thoughts.

"Um... your sister? Will you wake up?

"... Liz?

The words reached my ear with a full smile on Erica, who raised her face from the pillow. Negative thoughts from earlier are like lies, and when you get out of bed properly, you run for a small run to Totetote and the door. I opened the door with a handle that looked like a bullet when I opened it, and the soft feeling popped into Erica's chest.

"Wow! Here, Liz! Don't..."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I missed you! I missed you... hey!

"-... All right, all right"

Swallow the words of reproach that hung out to his mouth, Erica strokes Liz's head. Egg, be gentle with Liz sneezing up like she's even broken.

"... I'm sorry... I'm sorry, you know..."

"What are you apologizing for, you? You didn't do anything wrong, did you?

"Because!... because... leave your sister alone... me..."

"What are you talking about? What about your sister? You just have to shut up and rely on your sister. I don't need to apologize for that. See, Liz? Give me your face?

To Erica's words, Yuzu and Liz raise their faces from their chests. Erica smiled as she thumbed away the tears transmitted to her cheeks.

"- See, Liz? Show me your usual smile?

"... hey"

Erica tells me, Liz slowly, but surely shapes her face into a laugh. So slowly, my mouth opens.

- Thank you, sister.

Out of her mouth, it wasn't 'sorry' anymore.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

"... are you hungry, sister?

"... ahahaha..."

After that.

He advanced his chair to Liz, who turned his crying face into a bright laugh, and Erica continued her conversation in a position to sit back in bed. Two hours graciously from Liz's sudden visit, the sisters' endless Girls Talk gives a sudden cut off look with the belly sound of a lovely 'kiruru' from Erica's belly.

"Hmm... just a little bit, huh?

"Aren't you so grandly tummy, just a little, impossible?

"Let's not be grand! Or, you sounded adorable!

"Well, I don't deny it...... lunch, haven't you been eating much?


"Your sister?

"... hey, hey... I don't have an appetite"

"... ha. Then it's natural for your stomach to beep. All right, sister? Three meals. Eating properly is the secret to beauty and wellness, right?

After shaking his head in the wind I told him to do it, he smiled bitterly at Liz for standing his index finger pean and proclaiming such a thing, and Erica shook his head without help either.

"... right. Liz is right."

"Yes! So, sister? Shall we join you for dinner?"

"Uh... dinner?

"Yes! It's a boulder, Hotel Larchia. The ingredients and the cooking are top notch. Problem is... it's always a delicious dinner, so I stuck with it too much... it's hard to get fat..."

Erica's bitter smile intensifies on Liz, who says so and makes her eyebrows a letter (c). It also gives a pitiful look with a slightly troubled look for a moment.

"... your sister? What's the matter with you? You look like that."

"Oh... yeah... you want to eat my dinner? Where do you eat?

"Wherever, no matter what they say... isn't it a good idea in the dining room? Sister, were you able to eat in your own room? I heard at Terra we were all having dinner in the dining room..."

"Oh, yeah. It was a dining room in Terra."

"Right? I've been eating alone ever since I took office too, but it's still fun to eat while talking to everyone! I kind of remember when I was little!

I don't behave well, but I'll show you my tongue, Liz. Erica gave Liz an increasingly troubled look.

"Um... well, what's my dinner... do you have?

"... Yes?

"Yes, no! Because it's me? I don't know, I'm not working... and I don't know if I can keep working properly? Well, you know, it's useless... and it drifts away from the unworkable to eat... my rice, oh, is there..."

A small tail that disappears. Liz, who had been taken aback at first, also showed a loud sigh of sigh as if she had been abased after finally understanding what it meant.

"... ha. Um, right? There's no way your sister didn't do anything about it, is there? What are you talking about, sister? Is that a trick?

"Pom-!! So, but! I'm sure I can't work like Ayano or Theon, can I?

"We can all do our jobs because your sister left you alone then, right? Otherwise, everyone was killed on that spot... and by now, you and Lotte in heaven were laughing, weren't you?

Rather than heaven, it feels like heaven and hell, but Nipa laughs at Liz. I saw how Erica was being taken aback by Liz's appearance like that, and Liz scratched her cheek looking just a little lit up.

"... because it's about Lotte. I'm sure it would be better to make a joke like this... than to pull it off with an eel at all times."

"... right. It's your smile that Lotte said she wanted to see at the end."

"Yes! So... I miss Lotte, it's hard... but I'm not running away to 'it'! Positively, but I'll take care of it!

Stick to Erica's cheeks loose, too, on Liz's smile like a blooming hua. And, for a moment, too, Liz pointed her index finger at Erica with her right hand against her waist.

"Anyway! All right, sister? Everyone, including me, thanks to your sister, and I don't even think you're working! So when I said that, I said," Oh, no! '! "

"But... it doesn't matter if it's not me... it's not something anyone can do."

"Ha... no one will be able to..."

"So, but! That's how I stayed then, and Liz was trying to stay at first! Emily, Scion, Ayano... and..."

"... well, I don't know what you're trying to say. Emily and Scion, naturally, even Mr. Ayano, live together for a short time and you'll see. I'm sure they will."

"So, right! So..."

"So, what does that mean?

"-My... Huh?

"Sure, you could all do the same thing on the same occasion. But, sister? It was my favorite sister, Erica Orenfeld van Flame, not Emily, Sion or Ayano, who helped us then, wasn't it?


"Your sister may say that anyone has done what they can... well, I don't think anyone can, but maybe someone can. But right? Still, it was your sister who helped us in" That Time, "" That Place, "no doubt. It's an unmistakable fact, and it's the truth. If your sister makes a denial, I won't admit it. I'll say it again. It was your sister who helped us back then."

"... Liz"

"So what your sister did isn't a big deal. There's nothing I haven't done. You just have to be grand."

"... is that right?

"That's right!

That's not what Liz said. Tight chest.

"- Mostly, look at me! I haven't done anything thoroughly, but I still get a delicious dinner every day! Grand!"

"No, let's be a little careful there!?

"'They say the post-labor meal is delicious... but the delicious meal doesn't matter. It's delicious whenever you eat it, right, Liz?

"Hey, whose dialogue is that?!?

"It's Mr. Ayano!

"What are you saying to a person's sister, that person! I mean, call Liz off!?

"It's fine. I am no longer Her Majesty the Queen..."

"... ah... Ri, Liz? Oh, the..."

"Instead, I got a great title! Did you know? People like me who can eat rice without labor are called" to "!

"- Something about that, maybe he can't!

"Really? I thought you were in a very high position, such as being served a meal even if you didn't have to do anything… May I take the great title" To "?"

"... I feel like my sister is getting worse and worse"

Erica sighs with her hands on her forehead. Seeing Erica like that with tender eyes, Liz took Erica's hand.

"Let's go, sister!

"... already... whatever."

Erica walks after Liz, pulled by Liz on Nico's face and dropped her shoulder. Climb one of the stairs and walk to the front of the big dining room door on the fourth floor. Liz stops that leg.

"... Yes, your sister?

"... what?

"Your sister said, 'I'm useless,' right?

"... is that it?

"Well, Scion is oh so good to see, and Mr. Ayano is so good. Emily goes beyond saying… Indeed, your sister may be less capable than the others"

"... are you fighting or selling?

"No. Not... what I'm trying to say, right?

That's it, open the dining room door.

"- There are plenty of people there who say 'being there' is enough for your sister, right?

"" "- Welcome home, Erica." "

In the large cafeteria, there were many dishes and cakes arranged narrowly, and the appearance of "companions" greeted with a full grin.

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