The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode 189 Surprise Giveaway

A few hours after Sion's scream echoed, I think I'll just miss it a little bit, if you ask me, and I enjoyed this welcome home with a bitter smile on such a 'always' stream. Erica and I were facing each other where the food on the table had been cleaned up.

"... well. Erica came home for the time being? What if we talk about the future? Well, maybe we're not even talking about today... Look, it's not a luncheon meeting, but sometimes it's easier to talk about a little shattered vibes, right?

Ayano says that while drinking Emili's brewed tea. To that appearance, Erica nodded and showed as well.

"... yeah, I don't mind either. Well, it might be hard to say what to decide... but I'd still like to hear what everyone's been up to."

"Right. I want to know what the Imperial Castle feels like, too."

Saying so and sipping a cup of tea to affirm Erica's words, Sonia continued her words.

"In the meantime, report the current situation. I don't know how far Erica knows... but in my Kingdom of Solvania it is the established route for Carlos I, the Father King, to leave. His successor will be his brother, Prince Alonso, and, after his reign, Carlos II. Regardless, leaving today and reigning tomorrow, what a thing you can do with speed so it will take a little while to prepare below...... but you are the father. It's going to be easy to give your brother a pong throne."

Say that and sigh small.

"... well, that's anyway. My father's last great task will be the approval of the" Flame Empire, "Oh, I forgot. Congratulations, Your Majesty, on your reign, Erica."

Erica scratches her cheeks with a smiley smile on Sonia.

"... should I say thank you, in this case? Well...... yeah thanks"

"As things stand, only the Kingdom of Solvania is in favour of the reign. The Lyme City National Alliance and Larchia will approve it, even if it is conditional."

"I'm going to put a report in Larchia, too. Well, we're not friends we don't know."

Ayano opens his mouth to continue Sonia's words. Ayano gracefully includes tea in his mouth when he sees his gaze gather to himself. Erica spoke to Ayano like that.

"What's a report... in a letter?

"Is it rude to write to me without even seeing my face on a boulder? I thought I'd go for a little while."

Ayano like that like nothing. To Ayano like that, Kota turned his worried gaze.

"... are you all right?

"Are you okay? What?

"No, what..."

I just said it a little bit, and still Kota opens his mouth like he decided to.

"... the war is over, right? You're not all convinced the war is over, are you?

At this time, the words left by Lotte - 'The culprit is a man of the Kingdom of Larchia' - echo in Kota's brain. Ayano is more than an actor in the end of the war. Ayano is also an 'war criminal' in the end of the war.

"Something's stuck in your back teeth, isn't it?

But there's no way I can say that on this occasion with Liz. Ayano took a small sigh of sigh, staring with a dazed eye at Kota, who had shut up.

"... well, I'm going to see what happens to the problem... but I don't think there's ever going to be a boulder chasing me back. I know him."

"... well"

"... If you're really worried, why don't you come with me? Sonia, are you free?

"... I'm not free... well, yeah. Honestly, it's not like I have a job."

"... okay, Sonia?

"Fine, Master Erica. Either way, it's your father's job..."

Beyond the fact that the point of contact for negotiations with Solvania is Sonia, there are no errands that Sonia must be particularly hasty in this current situation, where progress in matters hangs on Carlos I.

"Besides, if you have urgent business, Maria will do something about it at worst"

Sonia smiles wonderfully as she puts her thoughts to the new Viscount who is not here. Behind that smile he said, 'The trouble is throwing a round at Maria!' The thought seemed clear, and Ayano's face only slightly distracted him.

"... I feel like Sonia's opening a door she shouldn't have opened"

"Really? I thought you said you were Mr. Ayano. I'm the eleventh son of the Solvanian royal family, and to a certain extent, I think it's worth taking with me, right? At least, better than Maria. I know what Mr. Ayano taught you, right?

"... well, I guess so"

'Haha,' he laughed with a cramped grin, then sighed. Sion opened his mouth, looking at Ayano like that with some joy.

"A gift of Miss Ayano's education, isn't it?

"... unfortunately I don't want you to tell Mr. Theon that I can show you ahead of the master, do you? I mean, you, you didn't mess around in the corner earlier, did you?

"Say anything. It's just a loser howling."

Although it seems slightly allergic that the line being competed for is the Master's "regret," Zion took over the words as though he was still feeling a little better.

"A few things in terms of suitable materials. Some of the remaining staff at the Academy are eager to go to Rondo de Terra. Whatever I say, the staff at the Academy is excellent. There are also experts in civil and architectural technology and home affairs. They're with or without us in the Flame Kingdom today. Then he says he wants to work for the Flame Empire. I know a hundred things don't feel right, but he says, 'You want to work with me'. Popularity is a sin."

Say that and have another sip of tea.

"Finally, he says, the majority of the officials of the King's Palace want to serve the Flame Empire, not the Flame Kingdom. This one goes from pin to kiri...... but well, the little officials can also do the work of the little officials. I don't have any practical skills. Courta will inherit Fandelfend territory and become King Fandelfend, won't she? The administration of the Royal Direct Jurisdiction is the King's Palace, and suddenly he is the King, which would be somewhat better than boarding. Do you remember Marshall and Julius, Master Erica?

"What about Marshall and Julius... of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs?

"Ex, but. They said Lord Marshall and Lord Julius would work powder for the Flame Empire, right?

"He said he was saying... information from where, it"

"It's Niza. He's got a big face for nothing. For the time being, they also took the word that they don't mind being unpaid. Well, that being said, you'd need to pay in kind... but you could bribe Terra with as much clothing as you want, right?

Nodding at Zion's words - and Erica opens her mouth like a snack or something.

"The... okay? Whether it's an academy or a royal palace, it's a pretty high salary, isn't it? Anyway, Marshall and Julius aren't all going unpaid... so much for Terra, aren't they?

"People don't live only with bread, Master Erica. For the first time, I can make the most of my abilities and chew on my happiness. You don't live to eat like an animal."


"Well, that being said, not all humans are 'yes' to boulders. Even if you serve Terra, some people will shut up about that poverty. But that's good. If you don't like it, you should quit. You don't need a small official with enough guts at the time of creation."

"... What about the Academy?

"They suck at spending money in the first place. As long as there's a quiet room, paper and a pen, I'm thinking as much as I can study. After that, just let him eat to the point where he won't die."

It's like a black company, Scion. Erica turns her gaze to Emily as she flinches her cheeks just a little on such a Scion.

"... from me it's about nobility. Of course there are aristocrats who are dissatisfied with the Flame kingdom today, but as it stands, the aristocrats who intend to wage rebellion are a minority."

"... heh. It's" Few ". I thought you were zero?

Disgruntled in the back, Nico on the table. Emily lowered her eyes in embarrassment to Erica, who sarcastically showed her obedient abdominal back, which could be described as the family art of the Flame nobility.

"That... my parents, the Notesfilt family..."

"... oh"

"'Erica's, most importantly for Emily!! Can you see how sad you are?' Ever... my father."

"... it would be too different, Franz"

"... my brother contacted me saying, 'I got too shabby and I got too hip'"


"So, but my brother... my oldest brother, he told me he felt the same way! I can't take any obvious action right now, but when the Flame Empire was founded, he said he wouldn't mind using me as a soldier."

Comfortably on that kind of emily, I also loosen Erica's cheeks. Don't be able to hide your joy as a 'sister's share' from Emili, who would surely be packing a distance from her parents'.

"... yes. Then I won't hesitate to use it."

"... hehe. You will sit down, won't you? Don't hesitate, let me use it."

That's what you and I laugh at each other for. He looked at the two as if he loved them and opened his mouth so that Kota could sum them up.

"... is that what the status report looks like? In the meantime, now we just have to do what we can. Take back Larchia, the word is alle...... anyway, even if you want to return the kingdom of Flame to its original state as soon as possible, you will talk about it first and then localize it. So..."


"- Now get some rest... What is it, Ayano?

Ayano raises his hand all the time saying 'yes' so as to block Kota's words. Ayano opened his mouth when he saw Kota with such a surprised look on his face.

"It's not a bad time to rest, is it? I think speed is important in times like this."

"No, I know that, don't I? But, you know, there's a saying that hurry is gonna hurt things, right?

"Well, there's no hurry... but now we just have to do what we do, right? Especially Erica."

"... sort of. Surely relaxing here doesn't suit me sexually either. I want to do whatever I can."

The light of strong will that dwells in Erica's eyes. Acknowledging the light, Ayano laughed niggardly and continued his words.

"Superior. Then Erica has something to do. Me and Sonia go to the Kingdom of Larchia, Theon and Emili are Flame's main jobs around internal affairs. So, what can Erica do?

"... the National Alliance of Lime Cities, huh?

"Correct. The Lyme Urban National Alliance doesn't have a big pipe, and the immediate 'Emperor's Majesty' is out there. Isn't it more welcoming than the wooden end going? I'm going to be emperor, hi, please, and if this one needs some concessions, it'll be a lot quicker for the supreme power to go from the beginning."

"Hey, hey! What are you thinking, Ayano! I've heard that the Head of State travels to another country alone."

Take a breath.

"-... well, it's not like there isn't. It would be dangerous to do that!

"Really? As it stands, there's no obvious commotion in the Orkena, is there? You don't think it's dangerous for Erica to go away?

"That's... yeah, but... but!

"Besides, who told Erica to 'be alone'?

"... what?

To Ayano's words, Kota with his neck hanging. Such an interesting look at Kota.

"- You've decided to go too, haven't you, Kota? So it's not a solo trip, is it?

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