The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode 190: Talks in the Carriage

Alex Boulevard runs east-west in front of the main gate of the Royal Castle of Larchia, almost in the heart of the Wang capital Larchia. Continue west on that Alex Boulevard and continue on Aeco Street from Lyme Inn Station to Caffaro, the city state within the Lyme City National Alliance, the gateway to the Kingdom of Flame and the Lyme City National Alliance.

At a time when the Kingdom of Flame was still an empire, it boasted of its luxury as a borderline uncle of Caffaro, but the people rose during the disintegration of the empire. It is an urban state with a republican system modelled on the Abarte Free City, which had solemnly sang the boundaries of time Caffaro and prospered as a free city. There were times when it was called the "bloody Northwest Territories" because of the founding process of that nation, and it retained great military power and morale, but today, more than five hundred years after the republican system, it is also a thing of the past.



A two-headed carriage continues at a slow speed along the Aeco street leading to such a Caffaro. That carriage is somewhat slower and faster than a high-speed carriage, or more heart-racing than a regular carriage. Time is not golden, but in this mode of transport, which is preferred as early as possible, it is likely to frown upon those who know it, but if you look at the two flags flickering at the beginning of the place, you will surely nod satisfactorily.

Snake flags tangled in the balance and sailboat sails and anchor flags.

The Seal of the Solvanian Royal Family, which made commerce its art of life, and the mark of the Foreign Office of the Kingdom of Solvania, which, along with the sea, has continued to negotiate with other countries. Because I can see that the people inside the carriages that list those two are definitely people who are 'unbelievable'. Proceed at a slow rate because you're in a rough position, not. Because ordinary people don't have to think about what they think about their status.

For the record, there are a few rules if a flag is raised on a carriage running down the street. For example, if the flag "The Seal of the Solvanian Royal Family" and "The Mark of the Diplomatic Service" had been raised as in this case, it would have been "In the carriage of the Diplomatic Service, there is a Solvanian Royal Family or a human being accompanying it", that is, "Diplomacy by the Crown". In the case of the sole seal of the Sorbanian royal family, private flights of the Sorbanian royal family, official duties by bureaucracy only if marked by the diplomatic service. This is apart from the reason why we want to boast of power - or, to some extent, a little more realistic. Wide roads such as Alex Boulevard are not a problem, but there is also a path on the continent of Orkena where the difference between carriages is at last or one car is the best. It is common for carriages that go out to each other to give way first, not to give way, but to rub. To put it in a vulgar way, 'I can't believe that Iki gave way, but if you look in the carriage, it was a royal family of another country,' if you suck, you want to avoid things like flying around your neck, and it's a pain in the ass to get your time and effort taken for one thing or another when you put it on the royal side. Well, I wrote "rules" at the beginning, but there are no clear rules. It's just a customary thing to say. So no one will complain if you don't adhere to it, and if you blame it, even if a man with no edge or affiliation uses the flag of the Solvanian royal family on his own 'It's against the rules!' There is nothing to blame. Especially if you do that, if you find out, you won't be safe.



"... Yeah, yeah..."

"... is, yes?

"Well... what... do you want a drink?

Inside such listed carriages of "The Seal of the Solvanian Royal Family" and "The Mark of the Foreign Service". A brilliant chandelier shines brilliantly in the ceiling inside the wide gondola that only the king or his entourage would be allowed to sit if it were meant to be. Now it's daytime time, so that doesn't serve its original purpose, but it must be beautiful at night - such a voice echoes in Kota's ear, who was thinking about what was missing in between - well, it's a reality escape. Flying her gaze into that voice, she repositioned her thighs and buttocks while looking kind of uncomfortable, a girl with a red face pointing that way - Erica's figure went into that gaze.

"Ah...... yes, no. I'll do it, won't I?

"Oh, uh... uh, yeah? All right? I'll do it, okay? Hey, what's up?

"Uh... oh, yes. The... yes, it's good now"

"Oh, yeah? So... tell me when you want it?

"Oh, thank you"

Erica, who said that with that face pointed at him, turned her gaze at Hota with a smile, and turned to him again as she panicked when she realized that Hota's gaze was toward her. To such an Erica figure, Kota sneaks a sigh of sigh in her chest. A few hours after leaving Hotel Larchia by carriage, this exchange itself is already the seventh.

"... Phew..."

This "Lime Trip between Hota and Erica", which Ayano called a "gift", was transferred to immediate execution at the same time as the plan. Departure due to Erica's fatigue is two days after Erica's return. The first messenger, the procurement of the carriage, the crossing to the Solvanian Foreign Office, politely borrowing even the flag of the Solvanian royal family, was not Ayano's work…, it is a job.

"In this day and age, there's no fool to attribute it to a carriage of Solvanian royal flags, is there? Take your time with us."

is Ayano's talk. Having said that, it was Kouta who tried to ask him how he was able to borrow the flag of the Sorbanian royal family, and he said, "Well, I owe you one over there." Besides, you're gonna be one of us, right? You lend it to me, Ayano's words "normal" and gave up pursuit to the invincible "Walui face" beyond that. There are many things you don't need to know about mental health. It was two days ago that I convinced myself that I brokered around Sonia, but it seemed like a long time ago, what a voice of Erica echoed in Kota's ear that tried to escape reality again.

"Hey, hey, Coata? Oh, sweets..."

"... let's stop, Mr. Erica"

Eighth. Determining that this tension was any harder on the boulder, Hota offered Erica one of them when he stood up and poured water from the water spill into two cups when he laid the figure of Erica floating the color of despair on the clear words of rejection at the edge of his sight.

"Oh, yes - and, yeah, yeah!?!?

and, at the same time, lower the hips that were floating down to the chair.

"Hey, why!? Hey, why... well... and sit next to me!?

Not the front of Erica until earlier, but next to it.

"We have two days to Cafollo. It will take another two days to reach Abarte, where the presidential palace of the Lyme City National Alliance is located. You'll be tired in this state for four days."


"... that... I'm sorry, but Erica today is not slightly... with Erica at all times. Obviously not. I don't think I was in that condition until yesterday...... what's wrong?

Until yesterday, Erica was completely normal. At the evening meal, I had an argument with Scion, Ayano, and before I went to bed, I said, 'Good night, Coata! Tomorrow, thank you!' What a full-blown grin in a pyjama. It is.


"... did you do anything to offend Erica or me?

Even Kota was actually quite excited about it. Dishonesty, that may be true if you ask me, but Erica is still one of the few favorites. Just the two of us - well, we refrain from escorting carriages before and after the carriage, and we're not purely alone when we're attached to the other side - but anyway, we're alone in a confined space, not to mention large. There's no reason to be unhappy.

"If it's really you, put it in the front or back carriage at the next break -"

"Chi, it's not!

"- Got it... Erica?

Erica squeezes Kota's left hand in such a way as to block his words. As usual, Kota gently lay her right hand over Erica's hand, which did so while still dyeing it bright red to her ears. You're just a little relieved by that trick, or just a little strength falls out of Erica's shoulder, which was stretched hard.

"... you know?


"... I was really looking forward to it until yesterday. Huh, I'm talking about maybe being careless, at work, but... well, still? With Coata, that's just the two of us... well... Ri, you've never been on a trip before, have you? So I was up..."

"When I woke up in the morning and saw it, I wasn't looking forward to it?

"No, that's not true! So, but, yeah? Coata and I were up to the idea of traveling for the first time... and, you know, realizing it's the first time, right? Well, you know... when I thought," Oh, it's a trip for two with Coata, "or," There's nobody in the carriage but us "... hey, nervous... I thought I'd already... have to talk to you about something, so I thought there was nothing to talk about... the..."

That said, I turn my crying expression to Kota just a little bit. It was as if he had come up with something, and Kota breathed in his sinister expression.

"... I don't have a topic... Huh!

"............... Yes?

The leaked voice was a dumb word. He opens his mouth to Erica like that.

"So, because! We haven't been talking about work since we met! We've been talking a lot about what to do with Terra and what to do with Terra, right? But... the... what is it? I mean... private topic... you know... and you didn't..."

"…………… ha. Yes, no, Mr. Erica? That's not true."

"Can you say no?

"-... yeah... well, yeah. Yes, if you ask me so."

I spent a long time with Erica. Sonia may, of course, be longer in terms of 'time we were together' than Sion or, for a moment, Ayano. Shoulder to shoulder is about Emily. Though.

"... I went somewhere with Coata... about to go to the grave, right?


"I tried gambling a little bit in Parsena... but hey? Coata, I'm going somewhere."

"... sorry"

"I'm not blaming you for anything... what is it? You think so? Be a little sad. So, um... I was in a hurry or something, and all I could do was..."

I'm sorry, and I bow my head small. Such Erica is kind of a jerk, and Kota grips the overlapping hand hard.

"... Coata?

"... I didn't mean to, I'm not making excuses. Sure, putting Terra's development at the top of my list… I might have made Erica look down on a girl named 'Erica Orenfeld van Flame'. I apologize, Mr. Erica. I'm so sorry."

"Ugh, yeah! That's not true! 'Cause Coata did her best! This is my fault, and there's not a single thing wrong with the coater."

"So, Mr. Erica? Would you give me a chance?

"-No... Huh?

Erica's face, who hastily uttered the word, turns into a decent one. Such a gentle look at Erica, Kota continued her words.

"The president of the Lyme City National Alliance must be from an actor, right?

"Ugh, yeah."

"Is Lime a thriving mass theatre?

"Ugh, yeah. Because Lyme is called the Holy Land of Mass Theatre. Especially in a town near Abarte called Borusa, where the whole town is theatrical, right? There are theaters everywhere in the city! There are bronze statues of famous actors and actresses, as well as theatre schools! It's a city where actors and actresses live, but also famous actors and actresses!

"Hollywood and Montmartre, divided by two."

"Heh? Ha, ha... what?

"This is the story. So? Does Erica like theatre?

"Yeah! Sometimes when I was in the Royal Castle, the troupe would come, but I still loved the drama I saw at the Royal Theatre! It was so funny and... you know, exciting, right?

"Oh, you know, that. Let's say it feels close to the festival."

"Yes, yes! That's why Borooza wanted to go once!

"Well, shall we go?"

"... Huh?

"It's a town near Abarte, isn't it? This is a corner opportunity. You won't be punished for stretching your legs a bit."

"So, but! Oh, no..."

"Isn't that good? It's not like we're in a hurry."

That's what I said and cut the words, and Kota turns her gentle smile to Erica.

"... after meeting the president, it would be better. The day after the talks, we take a trip to Borooza. I watch theatre in the morning and lunch at some cafe or something. Have another or two plays after lunch, light coffee breaks. You might want to hang out in the city later. If a famous actor lives here, we may run into him by chance."


"...... a little tense at night. Good place and good dinner I guess...... corner. Isn't there something wrong? The origins are correct, or places like the tavern where famous actors and actresses were wrapped around when they couldn't sell. I think that sounds interesting."

What do you think? Ask Kota. To Kota like that, Erica had a full smile on her face.

"... nice. Wow...... nice"

"It's superimposed"

"But... the nicest thing is... the two of us with Coata, and so on"

"... that's the superimposition"

Just like a little light...... Still, Kouta also realizes that her cheeks stain red on Erica like that without distracting her eyes. Still not out of sight, he continued his words.

"... so when we got to Caffaro... what was it? Was it" Walking on the Continent of Orkena "? Shall I buy that travel magazine too? There will surely be, and the Borusa version."

"... you also like to walk without a scratch?

"That sounds interesting too...... let's make that an 'again' opportunity"

…… …… Yeah! Let's make it a 'see you' opportunity!

Erica laughs happily saying that. And that face stains the Zhu just a little and turns that way again.

"What's up?

"You know what? Borooza is a city of theatre… it's just as cutting-edge in fashion as it is"

"... oh, I see. Maybe that's true."

If you live in a city where famous actors and actresses live, you don't even know it's a city of fashion that goes to the cutting edge of the era.

"So what? I also sell cute clothes, dresses and accessories. So, so what? That's... that's what I said... I want to go..."

Hota smiled with a full smile at Erica, who looked embarrassed and still asked this one with an expectant look.

"As you say, princess."

Erica's pleasant laughter could be played in the carriage, as if paying homage to the city of the play, the playful tone and the motion of Hota lowering her head with her hands in front of her chest.

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