The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode 197: An Act at a Coffee Shop

The city state Abarte within the National Alliance of Lime Cities is the capital of culture. It originated in free theatre and was the earliest city in the Lyme City National Alliance to launch an 'autonomous republican system' as an independent city that does not belong to the kingship anywhere. At the same time, Abarte has an aspect as the "Capital of Politics" or "Capital of Economy".

As a preconstruction, the cities of the Lyme City National Alliance are parallel, but there is a pure 'national power' difference there. The council of consuls itself is not broken by the principle that the consuls of each city vote one vote at a time, but there are many detailed rules that don't matter if you say that the council of consuls is held in Abarte, that the chairman is Abarte's consul, and that it is always Abarte's consul who sits on the floor with it.





Alberto, Clarissa, Erica, and Hota, four of the most popular small spilled cafes in Abarte recently, in their deep seats, stared at the cup of tea at hand to indulge in awkward silence. More than just seeing each other, I said to the boulder, 'Yeah... bye!' And for breaking up... well, it's not like we're not going, but we still don't know what face to see each other tomorrow, and the four of us can be amicably present at Erica's suggestion that 'even tea for now...'

"... aha... well, that's awesome, Abarte is. I was surprised, too."

Kota opens her mouth if she can't stand such awkward silence. Alberto grinned at such a word as if to break this heavy silence.

"... this one surprised me more"

Later, I get jito eyes. Kota looks away while stuck in words like that with Alberto's words. Alberto sighed small as he stared persistently at Kota like that.

"... well, this city is somewhat safe... even though Her Majesty the Queen is not very impressed with cat-eared and strolling the city?

Typical, 'Don't You Say'. Even Hirota, who knows nothing about Alberto's dialogue, who completely put it on the shelf to the habit of dating herself, lowers her gaze without words.

"... a little? Don't you think you can talk about people? Assuming the president takes his aides for a stroll around the city, isn't it dangerous, no matter how secure? Rather than us."

On the continent of Orkena, there is no such thing as photography, television, and the Internet. There is precision to the extent of illustration, and in that sense, assuming that where the inhabitants of Abarte saw Erica, they said, 'It's Her Majesty the Queen of Flame!' How unlikely to notice. Conversely, Alberto, the head of state of this country, is at a higher risk of doing so, and Erica turns her gaze to Alberto with that meaning out of the blue. Under that gaze, Alberto waved gently to show it.

"I'm nothing good. The city already knows a lot about faces, and no one has the benefit of hurting me."

"... is that right? I don't think so.

"Whether you're a consul or a president, you've got enough to sell on my behalf. Besides, I've always announced my retirement in the first place. I'm going to retire as soon as you tell me to."


"Ma, it's the biggest difference between a kingdom state where this neighborhood takes care of 'blood muscles' above all else. With talented people, those in power are easily eliminated. There are some consuls who find it a matter of power greed and money... but I have money there too. Nothing. You can quit whenever you want."

Regardless of the facts, a person named Alberto Barbato is a former popular actor based on his background alone, plus a 'big' politician who also tried to be consul and president. It's a nasty story, but whether it's retirement or gratuity, it's gappo gappo. If you can afford all that nostalgia, that's also saying 'go back to the country and plow the fields'.

"I mean, I'd rather lose if I worked, me. This chief aide just won't let me retire inside. If I can, I'd like to retire and just take it easy and spill it."

I shudder about that - well, I'm not shuddering, I'm a gutsy sincere, but to Alberto's appearance of saying that, at dinner before he left Larchia, he said, 'Dinner is delicious, whether you work or not! Don't you think so, sister?' and disappeared with the appearance of a loving sister who came smiling at me. Erica sighed and returned her gaze to Alberto, firmly swearing to her heart that these two would never fit because they were going to be willing to go in a bad direction if they met.

"... yes. Still, if you're a former popular actor and president in a city like this, you're going to panic?

"It was a long time ago that I was a popular actor, wasn't it? Because that industry is reasonably fast flowing. What a relic of the past I am. Besides, people in this city are used to it."

"'Get used to it'?

"This is Abarte, the city of free theatre, right? It's a city that meets people who make entertainment a business if they throw stones. There are a lot of younger, better looking actors and actresses than bothering to find such an old man and make a scene."

Humans who try to eat and go in theatre at the Lyme City National Alliance first brush their arms in the city of their own origin, then enter this Abarte. And it can be said that by becoming a popular actor and popular actress in this city, and eventually letting the whole continent of Orkena bomb its name, it will be the "rise" of actor Two-Six. The image is close to coming out to Tokyo after an artist from Kansai gained visibility in Kansai. And it is this city called "Abarte" that grows such actor/actress eggs, hinas, or adult birds. The more I go to the country, the drier it gets when I see an entertainer, and I don't even care if I see an entertainer in Tokyo. I think you can understand it to some extent.

"Well, it's good about me. Besides, what were you doing? The interview's supposed to be tomorrow, right?

Say that and turn your gaze toward Kota, not Erica -. After receiving such a glance, Kota laughed and showed him 'Aha, haha', looking slightly illuminated.

"Um... well, I got to this Abarte before noon today, didn't I? Look, I've never seen this city before, and you know, just take a little stroll, right?

Alberto turns his gaze toward the words of Kota, who at no time has his teeth cut badly. and Clarissa, sitting next to her, opened her mouth.

"- I don't think we can help ourselves if we are misinterpreted as espionage when it comes to breaking into other countries and gauging national power and the city's buzz?

"Ugh... well, that's what they say... but you don't have that intention!

"... Clarissa. Assuming the spy's got cat ears and dog ears and we're dating friendly, right? How delightful a spy you are, it"

"It could be a means to deceive you, right?

"Your Majesty, are you on your own? I don't know. I don't know. I mean, what's going on? Are you mad, you?

Even though today's encounter sucks, he is nevertheless the one to whom the talks will take place tomorrow. This one is in a more 'asked' position, and although the power relationship is obvious, wearing it as a cassette and saying, 'Are you a spy?' Not so disrespectful to the voice of this chief aide, until earlier, Alberto turns to Clarissa with a slightly surprising look. In the wake of Alberto's gaze like that, Clarissa turned a pussy.

"………………………… day……………"

"Hmm? What?

"... nothing"

Leaning his neck at Clarissa, who slipped away from her gaze a little bit, Alberto nevertheless regained his mind and turned his gaze towards Erica and Hota.

"... those cat ears are character goods from" Mrs. Cat Ear's Magnificent Day "performing in the Grand Theater now, right? Have you seen it yet?

"... no. So... you happen to be selling them at the store? It looks kind of adorable..."

There is a certain number of people who tend to come to amusement parks. Psychologically it goes hand in hand with buying a rat kachusha even a strong brother like you would never normally do in a certain Yume country, Urana Rat Country.

"... Well, that Katyusha is the most popular product of character goods. I hear they buy it quite often."

By the way, this Kathusha, is the Made in Becker Chamber of Commerce. As he tries to make money by diverting the Beast Ear series created by the Solvanian royal family, he misses his commercial soul. It doesn't matter.

"... Hmm"

Look at the two in front of you and meditate as Alberto thinks. Well, you know, what? Though I tried tea in my presence, I even feel kind of awkward the other way around. It should also be dissolved here, even if there is nothing to talk about. I kind of feel Clarissa sitting next to me in a worse and worse mood, and it's also the best way to just break up and continue dating. Mostly for my own peace tomorrow.

".............................. hmm?

That's all I think about, and Alberto finds out, yes.

"... I beg your pardon... Your Majesty Erica and Lord Matsuyoshi..."

Take a breath.

"Are men and women friends, are they? I knew you were close."

Moment after moment, Erica's face turned red as' Bon '.

"So, male and female friends!? What are you talking about, Alberto? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no! I mean, you don't normally ask me that!

"... men and women, and so on. Why do you treat them as mundane? I mean, you wouldn't have a problem asking otherwise, would you? In fact, I was on a date."

"Bumpy" Erica and Alberto of Hundred Wars Abrasions can be said to differ in perception, as can Flame and Free Theatre, who literally ask their new wives to do 'new' things, and in love with the Freedom Lime City National Alliance. To Alberto like that, Erica gave him a machinegun-like mouthshot with a bright red face.

"Well, mostly, it's just the two of us before we get married, and, well... so, we're going on a date, no! This is just a stroll, and, uh, be, it's not about being friends with men and women or anything like that! Please, don't get me wrong!?

"... Boomerang, are you returning it?

Erica and I have the perception that this is pure 'dating'. I recognize it, but I still call it a third party, 'Isn't that a date?' I'm talking about being unusually illuminating when they point me out. You're a junior high! I may get the penetration that, well, that's Erica's romantic view.

"So! Wow, me and Coata, that's not how we get along! So, but, well, let's just say we're never going to get along like that, or rather, we're where we want to be, and anyway!

"Oh, that's enough"

It's gonna be a long time. I think so, and Alberto smiles even more.

"- Your Majesty Erica? Why don't you join us for a double date today?

Erica solidifies into the word.

"Ah. But when you're on a double date, take that head of cat ear off, will you? Because I'm ashamed."

After entering the coffee shop, this way, knowing that her cat ears were shining brightly over her own head, Erica grabbed her head cat ears and slammed them all over the table as she wished.

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