The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode 198: Politics, Diplomacy and Double Dating

"So, double date!? Hey, what, a double date!

"Is it a double date? That's when two men and women go on a date together."

"Oh, I'm not asking you to explain the words! Why do we have to go on a double date? In the first place... well, me and Coata, nothing like that..."

Double date, Erica's words that only sparkled her eyes for a moment and then rethought, 'No, no, that's not true'. He looks at Erica like that funny, and Alberto opens his mouth.

"Oh? Erica says the Demon King of Rondo de Terra doesn't mind?

"Oh, I didn't say that! Oh, no!

Erica shakes her neck to the left and right like she panicked at Alberto's words. Alberto continues his words when he sees Erica in an increasingly interesting way that only shows a 'good' reaction.

"Master Erica came here... well, you can't help but hide it, can you? You're here to tell me more about the founding of the Flame Empire, not the Flame Kingdom, but the Flame Empire, right?

Change the direction of the unintentional story. For a moment in such Alberto's words, Erica and Kota looked at each other.

"... yes"

It was Erica who answered. One nod to the words, Alberto, satisfied. Erica took over words like she was in a hurry.

"So, but don't get me wrong! I'm not trying to force you to be on my side! With proper agreement between the two sides, each other's best -"

"Oh, that's fine"

"- Shape it... Huh?

"There is no such thing as' take each other's best form 'in the world. As always, it's either… well, it's both possible, but it's only what you get when you have some patience"

"... is that right?

In other words, there's no such thing as the best.

Between the two of us with different ideas, there is no best choice even if we take each other and have a better choice.

"I don't mind hearing impairment, but the best form is nothing more than hearing impairment. Plus, you can't trust the Flame Empire to say," This is the best, "in terms of effectiveness, at the present time, with no shadow or shape."


"So... well, that can't be the standard judgment from what you hear about words and suggestions."

"So... how are you going to figure that out? Whatever suggestions we make, you say you don't trust them. Is that an interpretation that you're not going to listen to us?

Erica's gaze like shooting. Alberto glanced over his shoulder, not to mention taking such a gaze and saying it was out of his heart.

"No way. I wouldn't bother visiting Lyme from the beginning if I meant to. Decline for good reason. Instead, it's outrageous to think you're that bad of a character."

"That's rude, isn't it?

"No. Well, because belly-black is also a statesman's property. You know me well, don't you? Your country also had a famous Mitsujin... and excuse me. This wasn't a very moderate word game, was it? I apologize."

"Fine. Mostly, I'm not angry about that belly-black being talked about. Let me tell you something, he's not a belly, he's got black sexual roots, right?

Lifting her mouth angle pleasantly to Erica's words, Alberto lays her elbow on the desk and puts her chin on top of her assembled hand to see Erica.

"... well, if this area is the reason why?

"... Reason?

"It's a double date."


"As you know, the Lyme Urban National Alliance takes the form of a republican system. It's probably closer to oligarchy more precisely, but, well, it's the same in that you don't get a king. I, the co-politicians, are not the owners, even if I am the proprietor."

"... is that it?

"Don't be afraid of misunderstandings, Your Majesty, you can decide anything by yourself. Regardless, you might listen to a variety of experts in the time leading up to your decision, but in polar theory, you wouldn't have a problem deciding all on your own, would you?

"Is that ironic? In front of the Puppet King."

"Originally, let's annotate. To return, we republicans are not as powerful as you are. I don't have that kind of thing in the backbone, like orthodoxy by blood muscles or tradition since history. So there's only one guarantee of our legitimacy."

Alberto smiles and shows with his jaw over his hand that he put together.

"It's an election."


"Elections are the task of choosing someone who 'wants this person to be a leader'. Only then will we have to sell our faces. Unlike your royalty, we have no basis to guide people. So at the time of the election… no, we sue with our daily policies."

Take a breath.

"Here's what I'm thinking. This is what I want to do with this country. I want you to walk like this."


"Dialogue, not pushing. This is the republican system, Your Grace."

"... what? Are you going to tell me that kingdom is selfish?

"No way. It takes time to hear people's opinions, to talk about their opinions, to convince them. Well, sometimes it's better if the top of the country decides to do it right away."

This country is' turning around 'slowly, so I laugh.

"We have each other for a long time. There are excellent things about kingdom, about kingdom, and about republicanism. Because it is republicanism, democracy, that acknowledges its diversity. And the task of voting for someone who can empathize with this idea and choosing that person is the election."

That's how Alberto glances into Erica's eyes.

"And I believe that this act also has something to go through in diplomacy. Naturally, the gain of the state is that this human being is trustworthy or lacking, and I think this is what I'm saying is right, what I'm doing is right, the task of identifying it."

"That makes sense. So?"

"For better or worse, humans are equinoxes that adorn themselves. At the table called Diplomatic Negotiations, where we talked with each other on our knees with a difficult face, would we be able to achieve results? Can you understand that human nature by fulfilling it? Can you share your thoughts? Unfortunately, I don't think so. That's what I think when we're about to negotiate with each other in a way that's deceptive, deceptive, and less fruitful."

"But at first we were going to do that 'negotiation'?

"If you don't get that chance, you won't have a choice. But fortunately, we were given the opportunity. Speaking to His Majesty, who does not decorate, or to His Majesty the Demon of Rondo de Terra, perhaps he can see the appearance of your vegetables, which I do not know. I think this is a valuable opportunity."

"... So, a double date?

"I think it's closest to the vegetarian state to seeing people who are in love - people who trust each other, too. There will be words and attitudes to decorate, but the way you decorate them, to a certain extent, is what you see in human nature."

Alberto, who says so and shows it without anything. To Alberto like that, Erica looks just a little mean, and still shows her teary face.

"Right. That makes sense, doesn't it? But does that really make sense to you about us? Maybe we're acting, huh? That's what you see so often."

"Forgot, Your Majesty? I'm from an actor and now I'm a crooked politician."

"Is that it?

"It's my job to act and peek into people's bellies."

Erica unwittingly stuck with the word. Keep your gaze on Kota.

"... right. Sure, not all stories can be made in a formal conversation."

After receiving such Erica's gaze, Kota opens her mouth to sigh. Alberto smiled and smiled all the way to the trick.

"Isn't it?

"Well, I don't see the inevitability of that tying into 'double dating'"

"A good job consists of a moderate breath. Just a tough meeting will hold your breath."

"Nevertheless, it is. To sum up, how does this double date determine the fate of the nation?

"Right. It's very likely."

"I think it's a slight problem to decide the importance of the state on a double date? I'm not going to discuss a heavenly nation... but isn't there an explanation for the people?

Erica also nods at Kota's words all the time saying 'yes, yes'. Seeing those two as funny, Alberto deepened his grin.

"Just one."


"For one thing, let me tell you something about republicanism being overwhelmingly superior to kingdom"

"… I will listen"

"The kingdom is born king, and the exchanger is determined. However, the republican system determines the traders"

"... is that it?

"Even if my behavior is a problem… it is the people who pushed the 'problem child' on the exchangers. Then you'll have to give this up already."

That said Alberto took a seat.

"The responsibility for choosing" problem children "to decide the importance of the state on a double date is on their own, right? That's the best thing about republicanism."

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