The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Lesson 205 Alliance Relations

- The declaration of war by the Kingdom of Solvania against the Kingdom of Flame.

The topic encompassed not only the Kingdom of Flame, but the whole of Orkena with shock and tension. Since history, this' policy shift 'in the Kingdom of Solvania, which has been formally in good relations for roughly a millennium, has been a headache that has had to be determined by various speculations about the various heads of State and the resulting future direction.

"... well. How we should move."

The Chancellor of the Kingdom of Westria, Arnold Becken, looks at the writ at hand of Bernitz Westria, the Lord of his own service with his gratefulness. The fact that the flickering sole at Bernitz's disposal is a writ from the Kingdom of Flame - well, I know that well for Bernitz, who is the King's Majesty directly. Regardless, the contents of the letter are a request for reinforcements from the Kingdom of Flame.

"With all due respect,"

I don't mind.

"We have already secured the force of war for the Kingdom of Flame. Since His Royal Highness Chris took office as Regent, we have been steadily preparing."

"... I know. That's what I did with the trial. And your struggle with that, Arnold. Let's thank you."

"Words without body, Your Majesty"

The Kingdom of Westria is an inferior state of men and women. Culturally and institutionally, women are not the first to hold key positions in national politics. Assuming that they are royal, women are merely instruments of politics, and although they are other countries in such a terroir state, it gave rise to a considerable amount of indulgence within the state to say that women have taken office in the Regent. Besides, a woman who was faking her gender to thank her subordinates, is.

"... there were many sacrifices, but also many things to gain"

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Arnold flattered the disgruntled nobles one by one. Threatening, earning, forgiving, and sometimes using the rough healing of severance or conversion, one rebel in the Kingdom of Westria at a time. There have also been small skirmishes, but there is no doubt that this' rebellion 'has improved ventilation within the Kingdom of Westria considerably.

"... is this what you're after, Arnold?

"No way. Well, my country is not a single rock either. In that sense, His Royal Highness Chris' inauguration as Regent of the Kingdom of Flame was a good 'drama.'"


"It is true that we have made a great deal of cleaning in the country thanks to a series of pieces of crap within the Kingdom of Flame. Because the kingdom of Flame will not be so much an abalone as it will be waging war on another country in that state. It is natural to say that we can focus on treating internal worries without external illnesses. If so, it's not what I intended this to be. Purely, I just got on with the current."

"... I see. You think you could just do it because you're in the current of the moment, and never be your own feat?

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That said, Bernitz flickers at the letter at hand to show it.

"- How do I get on this' flow 'and show it?

Let's try it, Bernitz. Without such a wind of concern as the Lord's attitude, Arnold opened his mouth.

"In response to the declaration of war in Solvania, the Lyme City State, as well as the Kingdom of Larchia, is a structure of static observation. Terra, the Rondo de Terra based queen, Erica Orenfeld van Flame, has taken an aggressive pro-institutionalist stance."

"That's a long time."

Let's call it the Terra regime.

"It doesn't matter if it's an official name."

"It will remain in official documents. What in the direction of naming 'Rondo de Terra led by Erica Orenfeld van Flame' as the official name and the abbreviated name 'Terra regime'?

"Name or whatever"

"Not so, Your Majesty. Because even in the current documents there are more than ten per department, such as" Empire, "" Flame Empire, "" Opposition, "" Resistance, "" Orthodox Flame Royal, "and" Anti-Institutionalist, "just by name for his regime. The interior is confusing, and it's the source of waste. You should have a name."

To that word of pale Arnold, Bernitz sighs small.

"You can't fool the Flame Kingdom. Are we bureaucratic?"

"I am proud that it is not as rigid an organization as the King's Palace in his country... well, there is a difference of opinion as to what is wrong with more than three people coming together."

"That's what the name of that country sounds like, asshole."

"That's what an organization is. I'll sit on it, Your Majesty. It's a conversation you make everyday, so it's something that gets extra grooved."

In fact, even in company mergers, this problem is quite deep-rooted. For example, "Do you do morning prayers every day or once a week", "What abbreviation for the machine you are using", or "Should you or should you not do gymnastics every morning" and other fine, really irrelevant projects only deepen the ditch for daily use. Conversely, when it comes to big cases that can be considered important, it can be difficult to have deep-rooted problems just to work together.

"Let's get back to it. As far as the Terra regime is concerned, well, it is as expected. His Highness Sonia, the eleventh son of the present Kingdom of Solvania, is on a trip to Terra territory, and Terra and Solvania also have exchanges on mutual extradition deeds. This is unconfirmed information… such as the current King of Solvania, His Majesty King Carlos I, will be political adviser in the Terra regime after his departure"

"Speaking of ex, do you think one king is a political adviser to another?

Burnitz with a surprising look. but it's also for a moment. I sat unconsciously on the throne as if I had immediately reconsidered.

"... well, that Mitsuhito wouldn't do it"

"You're an illegible man, so what's his name?"

"I just don't think about it. A man who ascended to the king."

So hang up the words.

"... the Terra regime"

"The puppet regime in Solvania, naturally cannot be abandoned either. I can't throw it away... but I don't think that's the case with boulders."

"On what grounds?

"The Flame Royal Family is a nation of history and tradition, for better or worse. If you are, you will not be the first to give in lightly to the Solvanian royal family."

"Even as things stand now?

"The Terra regime may not have territorial strengths. But the regime is highly diplomatic."

"Diplomatic ability, huh? To His Majesty Erica?

What floated behind Bernitz's brain was Erica's appearance with a seemingly feisty look on her face. Speaking of enemies, don't think you'll ever be highly diplomatic, whether it's a brilliant and active impression that you've seen more than once or twice than you have a diplomatic relationship.



Arnold shakes his neck to the left and right as if to match the answers.

"Yes, His Majesty Erica is never less capable of being an exchange man. No, but her own abilities are not directly linked to the Terra regime's foreign policy."


"Firstly, there are a large number of excellent staff in the Terra administration. Make it a family order for the Duke of Terra. Make it the sister of that Becker Chamber of Trade president. Emily Notesfield, who is also the sister of the Viscount Notesfield family. Ayano Okawa, the Virgin of Larchia, who ruled the war in the war between milk and eggs earlier. Miss Emili goes to the Chamber of Commerce through Becker, and Miss Ayano has a thick pipe in the Kingdom of Larchia. Sonia, the Princess of Solvania, would be a competent staff of the Terra regime in the sense that she also said so. It is no exaggeration to say that King Carlos I of Solvania is my most beloved daughter."

"Does it also go with the Becker Chamber of Trade, which is not an exaggeration to say that Solvania, Larchia and the nine-member committee come first? Sounds like something you could make in the country, huh?

"You deserve more than to name an empire in the future. In addition, the Royal University of Larchia and the prestigious Baumgarden Sisters reside in his land."

"Baumgarden...... oh, the blood of that prime minister. What? Are you good?

"I am a talented lady admitted to the Royal University of Larchia for fifteen years. My sister, not to mention a listening student, was ten years old and attended a lecture at the University of Larchia. They're both members of the Academy, and my sister is the one who climbed up to the head researcher."

"... you're brilliantly full of women. I can't think of anything in our country."

"Right. But there's also one man over there. I wouldn't say lonely countryside to a generation of commercial cities, but there's a powerful man with that forelock."

"Are you the demon king of Rondo de Terra? I've heard it before."

"I am the person who will be the first King of the Kingdom of Fandelfend. His Majesty the King is the one who doesn't know where the horse bones are. The continent of Orkena also fell."

"Really? I guess it doesn't matter. Alex, even emperors aren't the ones who know where the horse bones are. This is also the time."

"But isn't it majestic or nothing?"

"If you want something like that, let it run tailored even in a carriage on the prominent streets of King's capital Larchia. If you become king, you'll follow me on your own."

"... because Your Majesty would be nice?

"There are no special problems. Well, it's not a problem that an independent kingdom can do another. There's a balance of power between nations."

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"Well, I guess we'll have to pack a little more up and talk about that. In the meantime, this letter."

That's what Bernitz says. He flickers and shows the script in his hand.

- What are you gonna do?

"... we should use this as an opportunity to attack the kingdom of Flame if it were meant to be. But it is not a good idea to strike in alliance with Solvania. The Kingdom of Flame is an enemy, but Solvania is a formidable enemy. It would be possible to destroy the kingdom of Flame if we were to attack from both sides."

"The buffer zone is gone, is it? There's not much we can do to get the border with Solvania."

"I will sit down. So you should help them not live and not kill them."

"Supporting the Kingdom of Flame, huh? Our country has changed."

"Nowhere now - no, I won't let anyone complain"

"Right. Perhaps that's the best part of this one."

That's what Bernitz laughs thinly at. but that look also for a moment, when he comes up with a seriously rotten look, he rounds the letter and rises from the throne and hands it to Arnold.

"Do you want to go with that this time? Set up a messenger in the kingdom of Flame." This time, I'm going to help my strange, stupid daughter. "

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Bernitz smiled one bitter smile as he bowed his head and stared at Arnold as he followed between the balls.

"You can't face your ancestors. Besides, you'd be surprised at the nations."

Laughing mockingly, such as Westria and Flame joining hands in the cause, Bernitz lowered his hips deeply and deeply to the throne, his seat.

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