The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode Two Hundred Six: Discussion is with your old body.

Duke of Rondo de Terra Mansion.

Now spacious - the most luxurious building in Terra territory, but still royal, one old man sat in the reception room of that mansion, which, given the title 'Duke', the highest rank of the nobility, definitely described as a prime. Being is never bad, and that smile, dressed in clothing made so politely that the beholder can see it at a glance, with a generous and warm grin on his face, even gives the beholder peace of mind.

"... thank you for your hard work"

"Hiccup. What's the big deal? It's not even that much effort."

That being said, Kota remembered a little chill in his spine to the old man in front of him, who increased the radiance of his eyes as if he were a beast, in a smile that broke his friendship and gave him that sense of security, and put his mouth on the tea at hand to delude it.

"... above all you can say that. But... I didn't expect you to come yourself."

"Hiccup. from tradition."


"The Wrights Cereal Chamber of Commerce is bound to accompany the chairman's jury when making that important decision. You want some tea?

That being said, the old man in front of you - Rodriguez Wrights, president of the Wrights Cereal Chamber of Commerce, who boasts of the best grain handling in Orkena, slowly tilts the cup at hand. Hota slowly opened her mouth after seeing the tea filled in the cup go down Wrinkled Throat of Lights.

"The opposite is true of Hotel Larchia."

"Hiccup. You must have been kind to Bon over there. [M] Well, aren't you going to denounce that system? If the top is" Usuroro, "it's a way to use it."

"Chairman Adolph said 'Uroro',?

"Anya. Adolf is not a man with sights inside. Well, I don't think that hotel representative has become a much wiser proprietor."

"Isn't the Wrights Cereal Chamber of Commerce?

"Otherwise it'll crumble."

That's what makes Wrights laugh a unique 'hiccup'.

"Our products come from cereals. Grain is not equinox. Where can I spot the growth of the equinox, where the equinox is missing, and where can I carry it? I don't understand that. Human beings don't serve as chairmen of the Wrights Cereal Chamber of Commerce. Just wait for the guests. Hotel Larchia is different."

That's what Wrights says. Oh, and he waves like he notices something.

"You're not wacky enough to fool Hotel Larchia, are you?

"I understand. The point is, we're talking about a business model, right?

"Bye. And that's what Becker can say. Indeed, our chamber of commerce is a trivial thing from Becker's overall sales. The nine-member committee and the others, their strength is not the same as that of ants and giant statues."


"But? We're the strongest when it comes to 'cereals'. Of grain on the outskirts of Larchia - no, we hold the price of 'grain' all over Orkena, it's no exaggeration."

"... I guess. The Wrights Cereal Chamber of Commerce boasts the best grain handling in Orkena. That power will extend all over Orkena."

cereal measure, there is the word. I'll skip the details, but it's a word that refers to a trading company that specializes in grain, and it's no exaggeration to say that the American grain measure holds about 80% of its circulation on one of the world's largest commodity futures exchanges, the Chicago Exchange.

"Hiccup. Yes, we're the biggest dealer, and we're in charge of price-forming."

The point is to talk about scale benefits. If one company is responsible for the supply of all cereals, it will sell them high or low, but it will remain so.

"How high will Larchia handle?

"That said, it's not a big city. Precisely, between 60% and 70%."

"Isn't that enough numbers?

"Really? Because there are other cities where we wholesale all our grain? Not if you think about it."

Say so and have another sip of tea, and Wrights stares at Kota. Grandson, that gaze at an age-differential youth who might even call him was not just a glance of mercy directed at his grandson, but rather of such a serious colour as to identify something.

"So? I called all the way to one country like this. What the hell is the purpose?

"Isn't it just a little bad to hear people calling?

"'I want to talk. Thank you for letting Terra know." We've been calling enough, haven't we? You see the Solvanian glory in the back? Can't you call this old body too smart with the authority of a tiger?

"I don't mean to make excuses, but it's only a little risky to get to Larchia right now... I apologize for the disrespect"

"Hiccup! Well, if you come to Larchia right now, you can shoot me in the ropes."

Laughing fun-filled, Wrights looks at Kota like a peek in.

"So? What do you want from the Nora Lights Cereal Chamber of Commerce, one of the best dealers in Orkena? Turn the food over to Terra? Get along with Solvania? Or..."

- He said to stop the supply to Larchia.

"... all of that, right?

"Hiccup! How dare you talk about me, luxury, greed? All of them?

"Yeah, it's all there. Food does not grow in seawindy terras, and we rely on 'imports' for almost everything of it. As it stands, we ask the Searching Chamber of Commerce to handle Terra's grain."

"I don't feel comfortable," he said?

"If it's Terra's food situation right now, it's fine, but we're looking ahead."

"Well, if this place is going to be the capital of the Flame Empire, it can't be handled by the Searching Chamber of Commerce."

"It would be difficult to form a price if you competed with two companies. I'm afraid it's a jealous story."

"Hiccup! Didn't Bon and your daughter from Search get along well?

"Did you know? Yes, I do believe you and Maria have a good relationship."

"That's different from business," he said?

Kota shook his head silently at the words of the lights as if they were annoying.


On the side.


"With a twist - Maria, and I recognize Mr. Velour as a 'friend'. There will be parts of the business that we can't give to each other... but I don't want to question this difficult friend."

"Hiccup. Sweet. Money betrays people, huh? Besides, it's easy?

"I won't deny it. But I wonder what it would be like not to believe a friend with the vague parenthesis' people '. Businesses don't do money. Because no one else will."

"Hih! That's an interesting idea, kid. But? Then why are you trying to get us in? Don't you have any inconsistencies with what I just said?

"Maria, and I trust you about Mr. Velour, and I trust you. To be honest, there are places where you make it 'the day after'. But..."

Take a breath.

"I can't be held accountable until I'm in that 'under' position."

"'Downstairs', then?

"Whether it be me, Maria, or Beloit, or of course His Majesty Erica or Carlos I, you will surely die one day more than it is a bracket to say with people. I have nothing to say if my successor, who will continue after me, always has a good relationship... I wonder if it would be difficult to expect that much."

"Terra's... so there's a chance that 'management' is incompetent?

"You can say the same thing on the search side. Besides... it's natural to say that even blood connected relatives would be alienated if generations went down. Don't you deserve to be worried?

"Ruri. I don't think that makes sense. I don't think that makes sense... but of? Old man, I know what you mean, but how many decades are you gonna be talking about this?

"'Inheritance' measures are good early, right? You can't die on a pillow."

"... did you take care of Lotte's death?

"There were His Majesty Elizabeth, His Majesty Erica, and Miss Theon Baumgarden... well, yes"

"I see... did you have any thoughts?

"When I die, I only have enough time to convey my thoughts... will the delegation of authority be done sooner?

"Hih! This is delightful! Bring down the Lotte you even told me you were talented, kid!

"Nothing, you didn't pull it down, did you?

"What. That's not with what Lotte says about tarnishing the evening festival. This is delightful. I made lottes in the afterlife."

He laughs so funny at the bottom of his heart and slaps his hand. Staring at such lights, Kota opened his mouth again.

"Instead of the second......, the third is also involved, but let me put 'crossing' with Solvania at the price of stopping the supply of grain in Larchia. I'm sure it's still good enough, but I was wondering if it would taste good."

"Solvania comes from a commercial state. The number of merchants is high, and the ac is strong. Surely we are weak if we think about it in our share. Well, it's not a bad suggestion. So? Make Larchia stop selling it, turn the rest to Solvania,?

"In kind."

"Do you know what happens when we don't wholesale any grain to Larchia's stores?

"Each store purchases goods by wholesale of your Chamber of Commerce. The store has to consider purchasing a different route than you did but not wholesale the product."

"Well, how can you find a supplier that easy?

"Probably...... no, you can't for sure. At the very least, prices will rise significantly"


That said, Wrights exhales small.

"... Larchia is going to dry up"

After turning his gaze to Chilari and Hota, Wrights meditates to contemplate. To such lights, Kota took over the words, encouraging his voice.

"... I do guess how you feel. I am asking you not only to abandon Larchia, the Golden Castle Yu Pond, to your Chamber of Commerce, which has great power throughout the continent of Orkena."

This is the battlefield. I think so, and Kota keeps saying things to the meditating lights.

"It doesn't have to be. It's a chamber of commerce that gives its name to a nine-member committee. I am aware of the thoughts that line Larchia and the pride that it has in it. And I understand that this suggestion of mine is the same as asking you to be such a 'enemy' of Larchia. I understand, but please bend over and let me help you."

"Yeah, man."

"- If you can lend me..."

Silence, for a moment.

"........................... Yes?

"So, yeah? Get along with Terra, don't get along with Larkia, get along with Solvania, right? It's a simple story. If it's worth it, I'll take it."

Say that. Hit me again. Show me a little laugh, Lights. It seems like a fun-loving expression, but the expression distorts a little to Kota, who just shows his face, as if his jaw is going to stick to the ground.

"Hih! What's the matter with you? You look like such a dove ate a bean cannon."

"No... that... just a little, unexpectedly"

"What? If that's the way you say it, then I don't think you should be on your side.

In Wrights' words, Kota shook his neck to the left and right as if he had fallen fast and turned red. To that look, Wrights laughs funny again.

"Hiccup! What, don't worry, eh? Be sincere, be on your side, more than once. Not in lieu of that, but I'll take care of the facial connection to Solvania, okay?

"Oh, that's, yes. Of course... that..."

- Why?

Rites raised his voice once more to Kota, who put the words out to his throat and stopped him.

"You want to know why? I don't know what I'm supposed to tell you, but... well, from" The Exchanger "? You want me to tell you something special?

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