The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Episode Two Hundred Seven: Kozinnoisi

You know these jokes?

The correct answer to the question of what kind of meal about 98% of criminals eat is bread. It is a joke that it is a statistical figure that cannot be ignored even for the Japanese people today, when they are badly fed. It is easy to imagine that it is difficult to find people who have never eaten bread in modern Japan, but it is precisely in the last 100 years, specifically after World War II, that the Japanese have become constantly eating bread so far.

World War II, in severe food distress all over the world. Not only was Japan scorched by air raids, atomic bombs and threats from the sky, but the same problem had arisen in Europe, which exhausted its national territory in land warfare. And it was the United States that solved this problem. During World War II, with a few exceptions, the United States exported its own products - specifically 'wheat' - not only to itself, but also to Europe. The European Reconstruction Plan, commonly known as the 'Marshall Plan', took the name of George Marshall, then Secretary of State and advocate. Marshall Plan closed the curtain amid great success. Instead of closing the curtain, it created new problems.

There was excess wheat.

Wheat, unlike rice, is a fast legged food. As a supplier of surplus wheat, it was Japan that the United States saw. In the years after the war, against Japan, where the food situation is still serious, the United States decides to provide 'aid' for wheat, and the United States stays on top of school lunches. It's the beginning of bread and milk. This is how "bread", which was not found in Japanese culture in ancient times, began.

Generations who normally ate bread in school eat bread even when they grow up, and when they get married and have children, they feed the child bread, and by the time the child grows up and attends school, they eat bread as normal. Incidentally, the largest importer of Japanese wheat is still the United States.

I say no, but with this, I'm not going to talk radical about attacks on U.S. food culture, cultural aggression, etc. Whatever the reason, it is true that the food situation in Japan was the worst at the time, and there is no doubt that the supply of wheat by the United States has dramatically reduced the number of children who are hungry and malnourished. Regardless of the history and process, it's not the wrong story to thank.

but it is not hard to imagine that there would have been a trading company - so to speak, a 'cereal measure' - that would have had a great deal of influence on the international distribution of cereals behind this American policy and could exercise its strength, if it had dared to smash up conspiracy theories based on that as well. Rather, it is normal to assume that there has been a work done by cereal measures aimed at securing the 'destination' of wheat that has become surplus.

"The chamber of commerce that deals with 'cereals', like the crocodiles, doesn't have to work closely with exchangers."

This is the case.

"Yeah, I know."

"Hiccup. I don't mean to be silly. Ultimately, there is no need for a merchant to create accessories like the Rote Chamber of Commerce. I would need accessories to get my mind full, but then it makes sense for the first time that there's something to eat. Everybody do it hungry. I can't tell you it's an accessory, it's clothes, it's inside."

That said, he laughed a little, and Wrights stared into Kota's eyes.

Instead of saying "we grain - do we feed? Anyway, the chamber of commerce that deals with such things will be quite small and politically involved. It's obvious, but politics means that it's one of the jobs to supply bread to all of the people's mouths. Don't let one chamber of commerce decide everything by itself so that it doesn't have too much power."

Don't starve the people.

"The traders who can do that are trustworthy traders."

"... thought and listened"

"It's not as good as thinking about it. Anyway, now Larchia's... the exchangers of the Kingdom of Flame are trustworthy."

"Because you're from Westria?

"If you're a business partner, it won't change whether you're in Westria or Flame, or Solvania. I know you're in the mood for it, but if you misread it, we won't go on like this."

"Excuse me."

"I don't mind. Anyway, I don't trust the current traders. It's a country where kids and daughters of my grandson's age are like 'running a business'. Sooner or later, it is visible to disintegrate. You don't even get stuck on a mud boat? Well, that's one of the reasons why we should get on and put it down while we're at it."

"... one?

"The second is personal. Well, you know that, don't you? Lotte wasn't originally a Baumgarden Chamber of Commerce sergeant, was she?


Tell me, I realize.

"... used to be familiar, is it?

"Lotte and Washi are not three apart. The dating itself is longer with his two older brothers, but we're on the same nine-member committee. We've known each other since we were drooling."

Well, I never saw Lotte drooling her nose, but I laughed.

"Oh, you know his reputation?

"Reputation, do you say... well, I didn't know you were like in the Kingdom of Flame"

"Right. Be cool, harsh. A man who always talks from the top without showing weakness. The exterior surface is covered with thick makeup to show off its true meaning. That's why the prime minister of another country has no idea what Lotte is thinking."

"… was an extraordinary diplomatic skill, we hear"

"Well. When he was the director of the foreign affairs bureau, our chamber of commerce made a lot of money. Whatever, because when he goes into negotiations, even the countries he's been reluctant to export grain will be allowed to do so. Well, I've been getting a lot of requests for tax increases."

"We've heard that there were pleadings for tax breaks for that?

"That one. I'm not going to just shut up and swallow a tax increase, and it's kind of a monster. So back off and you're in luck."

"I can't say anything bad about Mr. Lotte. You're a pretty bad guy, too."

"Hiccup. You're such a cute monkey. Well, even Lotte is a pretty mon."

Take a breath saying that. Wrights turns a serious gaze at Kota, pulling in a grin.

"What does Lotte want?" Happiness in the Kingdom of Flame. "Damn. The royal family is not the only noblemen who will be happy with a great chamber of commerce like the eagles, but the nation will be happy with everyone who lives in it."

"... did you know?

"Hih? Did you know?"

"No... it's Mr. Lotte's 'dream'"

"No, I don't. I don't know... what? Lotte's dream was' National Happiness'?

"It's 'a country where everyone laughs,' to be exact, but well, you'd agree. More than that, you didn't know?

"I don't know. By the time he came to power in national politics, we were already in each other's air years. I've never done more than talk about dreams or ideals."

"But didn't they affirm Mr. Lotte's ideal state earlier?"

"I can tell without talking. I worked for the Chamber of Commerce, and Lotte worked for things that were different from the state and protected each other. It's good to know that his measures were trying to enrich or make even a little better the people who work for the Washi Chamber of Commerce. That's better than being spoken in a million words."


"... because Lotte's idea itself favoured me too. As I was saying, the Chamber of Commerce of the eagle deals with cereals. In that sense, the contribution to the state is higher than that of the other nine-member committees...... well, what? I'm proud of you."


"I have the pride that both the 'responsibility' to make the people unhappy and the 'right' to make the people happy have both"

(i) I think the Chamber of Commerce looks great. I laugh with pleasure.

"Both His Majesty Elizabeth and His Majesty Erica see that the shape inherits Lotte's will and will differently, and also his will to lead it to success. Theon Baumgarden, a Baumgarden clan and a talented daughter of the Academy, is there, as is Bianca's sister-in-law. Bet on which one... well, 'looks like fun' is more obvious than seeing fire"

"... I hope it meets your expectations"

"You don't have to follow me. Besides, there's no need to feel responsible. If I wasn't expecting anything, I wouldn't have had eyes."

That's what I said. I drank the remaining tea in one breath, and Wrights took a seat.

"- That being said, I've never missed a reading of this lights?

Once again, he laughed a little fun, and Wrights waved a flickering hand at Kota, who lowered his head, leaving the room behind.

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