The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Lesson 230 Baumgarden's Blood

It seemed that Sonia's remarks would be noisy in the room, but contrary to expectations, it was quiet, but a definite pressure was added to the space. Erika opened her mouth as she glanced around the room, wondering if she could not withstand the pressure.

"Um, uhm... me, Emily, and Sonia, you, uh... didn't I tell you how I feel about Kota? I wonder if there's anything else....."

- The cruelest words I can think of. Zion and Ayuno were clearly upset by the voice.

"... hehe? Oh, yeah, that's right!" Then Zion, next time please!! "

"No, wait!! Why me next!!" No, I don't think I'm crazy about the stones!! "

"Hey, why!! If you're a member, you're next!?" I mean, Erica, Emily, and Sonia are early Tera members. When I say it, it's not that I'm confessing my thoughts in the order in which they came to Hiota in [over here]!? "

"Oh, what's wrong with that!!"

"Well, then it's Zion's turn!!" Because if you were a tera member other than that, you wouldn't be Zion!? "

"U, ugh!! No, no, wait a minute!! If you go with that theory, you don't have to be me!!"


"Oh, there you are, Hora!!" I met Kota before anyone else in Tera!! "

In that way, I went indoors.

No, Your Majesty!!

"Was it me!?"

A stray bullet flew at Liz. I didn't care, and Liz watched the sudden rampage of Theon with a surprised expression.

"That's right!! Your Majesty, in the first place?" I don't think this would have happened without His Majesty summoning Kota!! "

"Oh, that 's-oh, that?" Wait, please wait!! Theon did the summoning himself!? What are you talking about, like I summoned you on my own?! "

"What are you talking about!! As an academic school, you should have officially submitted the documents for the permission of the experiment!! And it was you, Your Majesty, who did it!!"

"Oh yes, that's right!! Eh, eh ~? This is my bad case? Somehow, it doesn't fall into the dust!!"

"... Your Majesty, that's correct."

Speaking of which, Kota looked at Zion with sighing eyes at the words of Zion. Even as he stuffed his words with such a gaze, Theon raised a loud voice to encourage himself.

"Oh, don't look at me like that!! In the first place, the person in charge will take responsibility!!"

"No, I don't think that the theory is wrong... but it's a line that the person who takes responsibility for it says, and even if the person who makes him take responsibility for it is wrong, he can say it out loud."

"I know that too!!"

"If you know--"

"But!! Do you want me to take it after ten years?" It's like a declaration, saying that you can show your favor by lowering the surface!! Now we're losing the battle!! At least give me some time to settle down!! By offering His Majesty to the cemetery, I will gain time!! "

"I'm telling you the worst thing, you!! What is a cemetery!!"

Zion was completely silent as his gaze deepened even deeper than before. With a big sigh on Zion's face, Kota turned her gaze to Aino.

"... why? What about you?"

"Me? What?" Kota, I know. You like me, don't you? Tell me right away? 'No, no, Kota. Such a confident-- "


"Ji, I'm full of confidence..."


"...... Ji, confident......"


"... sorry..."

Agano, completely silent. Kota doesn't say, "You like me, do you? It's not like my character has changed like 'let me tell you quickly'. Not really, but if you give it to me, everyone will know. Aino's sigh leaked as she couldn't stand Kota's eyes.

"... Ayano-san. I don't care if it's in the order you met Kota-san."

From Aria. She looks at her words with surprise.

"...... Mr. Aria"

Kota. Aria smiled bitterly at Kota's attitude.

"What's the matter? If I had thought of Kota-san, would it be so strange?”

Aria's words are like trying a little. With those words, Kota shook her head to the side ─ ─ and then stopped.

"... there's something wrong with it, but... thank you very much." I appreciate the story... but honestly, the emotion of "why" is huge. "

I know Erica. I know Emily. Both Sonia and Theon could tell it was Ayumo. I barely understood Liz's position.

"... I don't think there's anything I can brag about with my chest open that Aria-san has done to my liking."

Here it is. Aria likes you - well, I know you don't, but I don't have the confidence to like you. Arias laughed and giggled at Kota's words.

"I may have forgotten, but I'm the one who summoned Kota-san." Naturally, it's not strange to be stuck with gossip, violence, or anything more than that. "

"...... I won't do that."

"That's right. Kota didn't do that, she forgave me gently." In spite of the heinous sins that would not otherwise be forgiven. Isn't it more impossible for you to love someone like that? "

"... that's..."

Well, maybe it is. I don't know, but is it such a simple problem? With that thought, Aria turned a smile into a bitter smile.

"... well, honestly, my" love "does not exceed the level of" dear "to my friends and family. You're a nice person, huh... that's what I'm saying."

"... I think it's a prerequisite for marriage."

Really? Kota-san, are you a matrimonial negationist? "

"It's not like that..."

"I don't think it's a good idea. Even if you don't like it at first... if you can build a dear relationship from there. Besides... me and your sister in the first place"

--Because you are not a person who can freely choose the person you want to marry.

Saying that, Aria laughs a little lonely. The bloodline that connects to Baumgarden is more than the blood of their famous family. There is no way that such two people can get married in love. Kota's face was distorted by such an aria's expression ─ ─

"... I'm really sorry about your sister, and it's impossible to get married in love." In other words, Kota-san can only think of people who seem to love her sister. Therefore, you must get Kota-san to take care of your sister. My father and mother were really worried about me..... "

"... don't you say that's a pain in the ass?"

It was distorted in a different way than before.

"As for me, at this age, it's this body!?" Is there anyone who likes me and makes me the object of love?! I don't know any boys of the same age because I jumped to the jumping class!! "

"I don't have a word!!"

I don't say that there is demand for some products. Even Kota doesn't want to die yet, socially.

"So, if Kota-san is your husband, well, it's within reason!!" Even if you make Sonia-sama your daughter-in-law, you think I can do it at all!! "

"I really don't have a word!!"

You may have forgotten that Aria is the real sister of Theon. For this sister, this sister, this sister.

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