The Annals of the Flame Kingdom

Lesson 231 As a scientist, as a girl.

The indoor space froze with the screams of hahaha and breathlessness. Somehow... not on the serial side.

"...... Loricon?"

"Shut up, Aino."

In this way, it was Kota who was the victim of the complete stray bullet. Looking unhappy with the exchange between the two --- Aria opened her mouth while still turning it into a bitter smile as she expressed her dissatisfaction with the way she was treated by Loricon.

"Well, that's why I'm not so opposed to being Kota-san's daughter-in-law." Rather, I think Kota will have a good time. ”

"...... Mr. Aria"

Aria smiles and says such a thing, and Kota is also stuck with her words. How can I call out to Kota, who is troubled by it, that her age is disproportionate --- Excuse me, Aria opened her mouth with an adult smile that is disproportionate to her appearance.


"... yes"

“Do you remember? The story of when we first met."

I often fly my gaze into the air in response to such Aria's words.

"... which one is it? Is this about Mr. Theon's nose bleeding?"

Theon is being shot. Aria turns her sympathetic gaze to Theon, who barks, 'Forget it!!'

"Oh! It's when Aria shows off her [bear]!!"

It was Aria who was bombarded by Liz's words. The Baumgardens are the kings who have been shot down.

"Hey, Your Majesty!! Forget it!!"

"... what's a 'bear'?"

"... forget it."

Kota evaded the shootdown brilliantly. It was because I had been shot at so many times in a day today that I was able to avoid it strangely.

"Oh, that's not true!! Um... don't you remember? Together... when Kota-san reads Alex's letter!!"

"... yeah, I remember."

"At that time, you also talked about the second letter, right?" "That letter is filled with Aleia's love."

"... there was something like that."

As you can recall, Aria's smile also deepened.

"I still think so. Alex chose Freya. So, Freya would have been happy. But what about Yumeria? Aleia? The two you weren't chosen... were you lonely or tough?"


"Alex is the Emperor. The first and the largest - well, our assessment is, in any case, that of His Majesty the Most High in history. It's not such a bad idea that His Majesty dedicated his love only to Freya."

I'm a happy-end recommender, so I smile.

"- Isn't it nice, a lot of wives?" If everyone likes Kota-san and Kota-san likes everyone-isn 't it great? "

Stay with a beautiful smile.

“Prove it, Kota-san. If you think it's my fault, it's our fault. Prove it yourself. They say the people we invited are amazing. suppressing a world of strife that even Alex Emperor could not defeat -- yet, even Alex Emperor couldn't make it, even a girl could make her smile like that."

The [Hero] I summoned.

The Supreme Emperor is no better than anyone else. He's such a [hero].

If it can be seen in the extraordinary seat - it is an extraordinary happiness as an "aria (scientist)".

After that, I put out my tongue and showed it.

"What... is that too selfish?" It feels like you can summon yourself and carry anything you want with you, Kota-san. "

Aria laughed at him with a wicked look. With a bitter smile on Arya's face, Kota gently reached out her hand.

"... heh?"

"I don't think so on my own." Somehow... I don't know if this is the right way to say it... but, thank you. "

"Eh, eh... me, Kota-san? Um, um, when I say thank you, it's a bit of a problem...... um, when you say so-"


"--Happy... just?"

“Yes, 'just', and I'd like to prove it to you, as Aria wished. I think you want to be that person when you cross Alex Emperor."

Not "aria (scientist)" - I want "aria (girl)" to be happy, too.

"..... ah"

"It's too sad just to prove it as a scientist, isn't it? You're a happy-end advocate, aren't you? Then... you and Aria Baumgarden must be happy."

"... fufufu. Are you arguing, Mr. Kota?"

Aria smiles and shows just a little bit of tea. Aria smiled more than that.

What if I say yes?

"... huh? Huh, eh!? Kota-san!? Are you insane!? Aren't all the charming women around Kota-san!! Why do you like to dictate to me like this?! Oh, no way, Kota-san, it's really... my little girl's hobbies..."

"... let me deny that for my honor's sake- Sonia-san?" Don't look like you're going to cry. Um... that's what Sonia is looking forward to from now on. "

That's pretty close, isn't it, Kota-san?

"... don't tell me. I thought," Ah, that was pretty bad. "

That said, I sighed. Then, with a fluffy smile on his face.

"It's not like I'm a little girl hobby... but you're still very attractive, Aria-san."

"...?...!? Charming!? That's why!! I-I 'm so dicky-"

"It's not an appearance. That's a rude way of saying it. I think it's a charming and cute look... but more than that, the [gentleness] you showed me is pleasant to me"

"..... ah"

"So... yeah, right."

Take a breath.

"-That's why, 'Aria'"

I'll definitely make you happy, too.

"-Be prepared, 'Arias'"

The surprised face was for a moment.

”... fufufu... you're cheating, Kota-san”

Aria leaned against her cheek as she wrapped her hands around her head.

"...... this is going to work... I guess I look like a very simple child." Choroin frame, am I? "

"... somewhere." Aria's not an easy kid at all. It's so firm... and yet, it's a cute girl who's a bit sloppy. "

"Fufufu! Is it because you're not used to being told?"

I'm very happy.

”Or... this high-pitched sound in your chest is Kota-san, isn't it?”

"If that's the case, I'm happy."

"Unanimous opinion, isn't it! I... hope so, too."

That's why.

"Please keep making me a lot, a lot happier."

Beautiful---a beautiful smile in a way that you can't imagine from the outside, and it's not the same as before.

"Hey, hey! Ayano!! Somehow, Aria and Kota have a good atmosphere!!"

"No, no!! It's too late!! It's over! Theon won't leave soon!!"

"Why, it's my fault!! Ayano should go!!"

"I have the longest relationship with Kota!! Normally, this is how I treat a Las Vegas boss!! Please read the air!!"

"W-What an egotistical guy!! You're my daughter!!"

I definitely don't want Theon to be the only one to tell me!!

"... what shall I say... I'm really sorry... I'm such a bad sister..."

I don't know where that beautiful smile went, but if there was a hole, I just said I wanted to go in. I let go of Aria's cheek, which was dyed bright red, and stroked my head again-- "I will definitely make this child happy!" and in many ways, it was Kota who decided to be prepared.

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