The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 131 What To Shoot Is Not Defined By The World, It Is Qin Feng’S Decision.

"Why don't I agree? This is indeed a good thing. Besides, being chosen also shows that our animation is indeed very good."

Apart from anything else, China's animation industry has also entered a cold winter in the past decade or so. The most viewed animations on video apps are not our own, but imported from other countries.

Those animations that attract people's attention and are regarded as classics are all created by others. Even the animation writers proposed are rarely Chinese.

Now that Qin Shi has risen, it is a good thing in every aspect, and Qin Feng has no reason to refuse.

"Okay! Director Qin, will you come back and negotiate the contract with us?"

He asked mainly because he was afraid that Qin Feng would not have time. He also knew that Qin Feng was busy filming new movies recently, and he was always in places where birds don't poop.

I guess I can't care about anything else.

Sure enough, after hearing Cheng Fang's words, Qin Feng said goodbye.

"I won't go. I can trust you. You are the one who made the animation anyway. You go and talk about it, just a little bit, and be careful not to be taken advantage of."

Hearing this, Cheng Fang laughed.

"Don't worry about this, Director Qin. We have also hired specialized legal personnel. There will be absolutely no mistakes."

Qin Feng felt relieved and nodded with a smile.

"Do you have any other plans recently? I have the next few movies here, you..."

The first two parts of "Qin Shi Mingyue" have been produced. Now that the first part has been broadcast, the second part is also being intensively prepared.

Qin Feng meant that if they wanted to continue filming Qin Shi, he would give them the rest of the manuscript. He just had some spare points on hand now.

But Cheng Fang waved his hand.

"I won't be tinkering with "Qin Shi Mingyue" recently, Director Qin. Things like animation can only be kept fresh by waiting. It would be boring to show too many at once."

Qin Feng thought it was a fallacy, but he also felt that there was some truth to this fallacy.

After thinking for a while and saying nothing, Cheng Fang asked him again.

"How's the recent filming of the TV series going?"

There are more than one or two people who don't understand that Qin Feng gave up the big screen and switched to making TV series.

Many of today's directors take making movies as an honor, and few of those who successfully enter the film industry are willing to go back to make TV series.

Therefore, Qin Feng's behavior seemed very strange and eye-catching.

When chatting with Cheng Fang before, he mentioned that Cheng Fang had persuaded him, but Qin Feng didn't worry about it in the first place and only took pictures of what he wanted to take, so he didn't take it seriously.

"It's very good. The filming of the first season has been completed. I should be able to meet you in a few days. The second season is now being prepared."

The second season is a seascape, and Qin Feng still found a shooting location in a coastal city very suitable for the occasion. The remaining plot of entering the underground palace still found similar scenes to set up.

This time the cost is not small.

"You said you are the same. With such a good movie prospect, you just threw it away? Are you going to make a TV series in the future?"

"Everyone knows that film directors become famous faster than TV drama directors, and they also make more money. To be exaggerated, they might really be famous throughout the ages. Director Qin, are you just giving up?"

Not to mention others, he felt sorry for Qin Feng. After all, he knew Qin Feng's talent best.

Knowing that Cheng Fang had a little too much to drink, Qin Feng burst into laughter as he spoke to him from the bottom of his heart.

"Who told you that I want to give up on the film market? There are always people who say that if you make movies, you will lose your status by making TV series. But I just want to make everything, whatever I want to make."

Not only does he make good movies, but he can also make even better TV series.

After filming the TV series, he can still go back to make movies. As long as he has investment and a script, he can make whatever he wants.

What he shoots is not defined by the world, it is his own decision.

Seeing Qin Feng being so free and easy, Cheng Fang was stunned for a moment, then gave him a thumbs up.

The two chatted all night long, until the hotel was about to close in the middle of the night, and Cheng Fang's assistant came to pick him up, and the two separated.

Qin Feng also called for a driver and sent it directly to his home.

One night of many dreams.

After resting for two days, on the afternoon of the third day, Qin Feng sent a notice to the crew group and went to the hotel where the filming took place.

Because they were not in the imperial capital, the crew had deep pockets and directly booked the good rooms on the first floor of the hotel for the actors to live in. They also booked standard rooms on the first floor for the crew.

When Qin Feng went upstairs and reached the door of his room, he saw that Cheng Tianhao and Xiao Xiao, who played the fat man, had already arrived.

Not only that, Cheng Tianhao also put his arm around Xiao Xiao's shoulders and came out of the elevator talking and laughing.

Of course, it was only Cheng Tianhao who was talking and laughing. Xiao Xiao's face was indifferent, and if he looked carefully, he still had a trace of disgust towards Cheng Tianhao's approach.

Xiao Xiao's inner OS: Is this person too familiar?

Seeing Qin Feng, Cheng Tianhao was instantly excited. He left Xiao Xiao and ran over to Qin Feng's side.

"Director Qin, are you here too?"

"Why are you here so early?"

Qin Feng is still confused. For tomorrow's scene, basically all the actors will arrive at night. It's only the afternoon, and these two are here?

"Hey, I didn't announce it. Brother Xiao is also an idle worker. We have nothing to do, so we made an appointment to come over and eat seafood together."

Well, well, well, an idle person, a fat man, doesn't pay attention to body management at all, right?

Qin Feng instantly frowned and looked at the two of them.

"Be careful. If you change drastically before the filming is over, you will have to pay liquidated damages?"

Xiao Xiao didn't know how much liquidated damages were in the entertainment industry, but Cheng Tianhao was shocked.

"No, no, no, no, Director Qin, we have something to discuss.

Think about it, Director Qin, our TV series spans such a long time anyway, it’s normal to get fatter, lose weight, and change your appearance, so don’t be so harsh. "

Qin Feng chuckled, ignored him at all, opened the door and entered his room.

The rooms were all arranged by Qin Long, so Qin Feng also lived in a large room upstairs, with even an inner and outer room, and the sea outside the window.

He packed up the things he had brought. As the sky grew darker, more and more people came.

We arranged for everyone to have dinner at the hotel and then rested early to prepare for shooting the next day.

The shooting of diving in the sand in the angry sea is quite special. Not to mention entering the tomb directly in the second half, but the front part requires real diving.

Ju Yilong didn't know how to dive, so Qin Feng felt a little worried for a while.

Seeing Qin Feng's thoughts, Ju Yilong came directly to him and looked at him with a smile.

"Director Qin, since you were the undersea stand-in last time in "She Vanished", why should you do it this time? I think you are very good at diving."

Qin Feng was stunned.

It was indeed his fault last time, but it was a special situation and it was also to deceive Ye Ying.

This time I asked myself to do it for...

It's not impossible for him to replace him, but he's in the water, so who will direct it?

"Just let the assistant director keep an eye on you for a while. You don't have to worry about your acting skills anyway."

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