The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 132 Director Qin Hasn’T Finished Resting Yet? None Of The Donkeys In The Production Team Dar

After thinking about it, he found that he couldn't find a suitable substitute for swimming at the moment, so Qin Feng agreed.

He went to the assistant director and explained the matter to him.

"So when the underwater video is shot later, you will be the director. If you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible."

The assistant director is a short, middle-aged man in his forties named Qu Yang. His directing ability is also very good.

Hearing Qin Feng's words, he was rarely a little nervous.

He had obviously directed works before, but since he became an assistant director on Qin Feng's crew and saw Qin Feng's directorial ability, he suddenly felt that his abilities were a bit incompetent.

What if Qin Feng is not here and he doesn’t like the content he directs?

People who have been in the directing industry for many years suddenly feel a little bit anxious about middle age.

But I have to say that Qin Feng is usually extremely dedicated and always keeps an eye on himself. He also feels a bit useless in the crew.

Thinking of this, Qu Yang gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Okay, don't worry, Director Qin, I will definitely handle it properly."

Although it is difficult to get through a scene like Qin Feng, he will definitely take it seriously.

After solving the most troublesome problem, Qin Feng planned to start shooting.

At the beginning of the filming, Wu Xie received a phone call...

Qin Feng and others are preparing new TV content in an orderly manner. On the other hand, the Internet has been abuzz because of the broadcast of "Qin Shi Mingyue".

Many people originally thought it was something for children, but when they opened it with their children or themselves when they had nothing to do, they were immediately hooked.

The originally very educational story, coupled with the exciting and thrilling plot, made everyone unable to stop.

The number of anime episodes is small and each episode is short, so I can finish it quickly.

Recently, the second season is still in production, and everyone has started to shout about Tianji Film and Television on the Internet.

"You haven't rested yet, okay? The donkeys in the production team don't dare to rest like this. Let's air the second season of My Qin Shi Mingyue."

"Did you see that the cartoon Next Door has aired for more than 100 episodes? I advise you not to be too noble @天记."

Not only are there people urging updates, but more people post movie reviews online after watching the anime. As more people watch it, the anime becomes an instant hit.

The most popular one is the Qin Shi film review posted by a professional film critic with tens of millions of fans on a certain video.

"In a turbulent era, the breath of war wandered among countless wanderers looking for a paradise. The Qin Dynasty unified and wiped out Liuhe. After the war, only people's beliefs were left. However, the fate of the people has been rising one after another. No matter how hard we try, no one can escape the arrangement of fate.

"Qin Shi Mingyue" has all the elements of an excellent martial arts novel, so whether it is historical imprint, literary promotion, or chivalrous spirit, from these three perspectives, this great work can show the strength and strength of Chinese animation art. A master of Chinese classical cultural heritage..."

In the reviews of film and television dramas made by this film critic, those who praise it highly will almost always become popular, so after his praise, the popularity of "Qin Shi Mingyue" has reached another peak.

On the subway, on the bus... basically everyone is watching Qin Shi on their mobile phones, regardless of age.

Even those people who originally thought that Qin Shimingyue was just a cartoon for children also clicked on the cartoon under the encouragement of the Internet trend, and the result was out of control.

How is this different from the martial arts novels they read when they were young?

Except that it is not acted by real people, the content and story are no different from the excitement of those classic martial arts movies.

"Stop talking, I stayed up and watched it all night. It's really good, but I don't know if it's because Jing Tianming is a little kid, why he is so noisy!"

"Uncle Genie is my god in my heart! I really like this kind of vagabond-like hero."

"Am I the only one who likes the zoo director Wei Zhuang?"

"No, sister! I love white-haired beauties too."

Because of the improvement in animation production standards, the characters in this anime are more classic and very exquisite in appearance.

Moreover, it got rid of the deformed aesthetics of big eyes and pointed chin, and instead completely demonstrated the historical beauty of China thousands of years ago.

In addition to the Internet, more and more cosplayers cosplaying the characters of Qin Shi Mingyue began to appear at comic exhibitions, and more and more people took photos. A kind of "Chinese cultural confidence" news is slowly fermenting.

A young girl who just returned from a comic show posted photos of herself taken at the comic show online.

"When I attended the Comic Exhibition today, I suddenly felt the beauty of Chinese clothes, which are outstanding among all kinds of clothing. Then today at the Comic Exhibition, many people cosplayed as Qin Shili's character.

I have seen almost all the characters such as Shao Yu, Gai Nie, Sister Rong, and Wei Zhuang Chi Lian. I can only say that I suddenly feel a sense of cultural confidence. Our own animation can finally occupy a place at the comic exhibition. "

The first picture in the accompanying picture is the princess cosplayed by herself, followed by photos taken with the cosplayers of Qin Shi Mingyue.

The comment area was full of Qin Shi fans' carnival.

Qin Shi Mingyue is an anime known for its plot, so Qin Feng, the screenwriter of this anime, has been praised to the heavens.

"Ah ah ah ah you are all so beautiful. I really love you. Qin Shimingyue is really the white moonlight anime in my heart. Qin Daocheng will not deceive me."

"I'm not an animation fan, and I don't know much about these, but the story written by Qin Feng is really amazing. I just finished reading it."

"Suddenly I feel that I am very lucky to have Qin Feng in the entertainment industry."

"Qin Shi Mingyue has only updated the first season, and I am already worried about what I will watch after it is finished."

"It's okay. This anime is over. There will be many works waiting for us in the future. Qin Feng is still young."

"Rainbow Fart praised Qin Feng, hoping he could be more efficient than the production team's donkey."

The comic circle also began to organize spontaneous voting to select the most popular anime this year in the circle. Qin Shimingyue topped the list with an absolute advantage in votes.

What follows is that a large number of investors want to invest in animation, just to insert a five-second advertisement at the beginning of the animation.

What a joke, this is a hard job!

This is not the kind of advertisement that is inserted in the middle of a TV series and is said to be blunt and dramatic. With so many people watching it, 5 seconds is enough for everyone to be familiar with it.

And because of the special nature of the animation audience, the products sold by investors who want to advertise have audiences of all ages, and Tianji Film and Television is spoiled for choice.

From the plot of Mingyue in the Qin Dynasty, to the Hundred Schools of Thought, to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, many people who have watched Qin Feng's other work "Chang'an Thirty Thousand Miles" mentioned the Tang Dynasty again, and everyone's cultural confidence was established. .

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