The crowds are arriving one after another, and Qin Feng also prepared some red wine today.

"Everyone can drink if you want. There are no shooting tasks tomorrow. If you are not in a hurry to leave, you can sleep a little longer. Please pay attention to safety when leaving tomorrow."

"Director Qin, please say a few words!"

"Yes, Director Qin, the movie took so long to shoot and it's finally finished. Let me tell you a few words."

Qin Feng took two bites at noon. Now is the time when he is hungry. When everyone urged him, Qin Feng was still stuffing cold vegetables into his mouth.

After hearing their words, Qin Feng waved his hands, swallowed the food in his mouth and said.

"Today I don't think I should say it first. Most of this drama was directed by Director Wu Jing, and he is also very concerned about this drama. I think Director Wu should say it first. What do you think?"

When everyone heard this, they naturally would not fail to give Qin Feng and Wu Jing face, and they all clapped and applauded. The two live treasures Zhao Suisui and Feng Shan clapped especially enthusiastically.

Wu Jing, a popular actor who has won numerous awards internationally, is actually blushing with embarrassment.

"I won't say anything. I haven't made any preparations."

As an actor, he has spoken a lot of various speeches, but as a director, he has never said anything. For a moment, I really didn’t know what to say, and I was really embarrassed.

Qin Feng pushed him when he heard this.

"Say it, don't be embarrassed."

"That's right, Uncle Wu, you are a great director."

After everyone's persuasion, Wu Jing embarrassedly said that he would just talk about it, and then stood up with a red wine glass.

"Then I'll say a few words."

"Actually, when Director Qin asked me to act in this movie, I wanted to refuse it, but then after I read the script, I felt that this was a good movie and I had to act in it."

"Well, I have always wanted to be a director. This time with Director Qin, I realized my wish. I am very happy and very grateful to Qin Feng for giving me this opportunity. Thank you."

Wu Jing seemed a little moved as he spoke, and Qin Feng vaguely saw his eyes shining brightly.

He took the lead in applauding, and everyone else followed suit.

"Well said! Director Wu, your directing skills are very good."

"Yeah, it's really good."

Amidst the praise from everyone, Wu Jing gradually "lost himself" and accepted it with a laugh.

"Thank you everyone, then I will develop into a director in the future."

After hearing what he said, Qin Feng quickly stopped him with a smile.

"Hey, Brother Ang, it's okay to work behind the scenes, but if I film Wandering Blue Star 2, you must support me?"

Although Qin Feng has not yet decided whether to film 2, the starring role in 2 is Liu Peiqiang. In order to achieve consistency, Qin Feng still wants to use Wu Jing to play the role.

"Don't worry, I can take any role as long as you need it."

He now loves Qin Feng, a young man who is a junior and a teacher very much. He not only knows how to solve problems, but also helps him a lot. Of course, he is also talented.

Such a young man has an unlimited future, but even if he doesn't look at the future, just looking at the friendship between the two of them, Wu Jing feels that he is worthy of friendship.

Everyone was very happy after the meal.

This movie is more complicated, so the shooting time is longer, so the crew stays together longer and has a better relationship.

With a director like Qin Feng here, there is no intrigue between them, and they have a good relationship.

After a meal, a few people cried emotionally at the end.

"I really can't bear to leave you, Brother Long. If you come to see me next time Director Qin is filming, I will definitely come back!"

Qin Long and several of the housekeepers were drinking together. Hearing one of the men say this, Qin Long raised his glass and nodded.

"Don't worry! As long as you come to the brothers' place if it's useful, I'll definitely call you."

After the meal, several people had drunk too much. Those who didn't drink too much took the drunk ones with them. Everyone helped them back to the hotel and had a good night's rest.

The next morning, Qin Feng took Han Duoduo back to the imperial capital.

I don’t know what news they received. When they arrived at the airport, they saw many people holding signs in the airport lobby to pick them up when they got off the plane.

Qin Feng took a closer look and found that most of the light signs belonged to Zhao Suisui.

This little girl grew up like a child star since she was a child, and now she is tall and graceful. She acted in an idol drama a while ago and it suddenly became a hit.

Therefore, the recent popularity and traffic are very good. Part of the reason for starring in Qin Feng's movies is to maintain his reputation as an acting actor.

It can be said that her company has positioned her very well, and her acting skills and traffic are not delayed.

In the airport, in addition to those who greeted Zhao Suisui, there were actually some people who came to pick up Qin Feng's plane. Qin Feng did not have a fan station or peripherals.

Therefore, most fans simply prepare a large cardboard piece with the word "Qin Feng" written on it.

Later, Qin Feng reluctantly realized that it was also a kind of support object, but now it looks like a big piece of paper.

Zhao Suisui was startled when he saw the fans and quickly stopped Qin Feng.

"Brother Feng, let's go through the VIP channel?"

Seeing Zhao Suisui eagerly waiting for his favorite idol star, but Zhao Suisui had to go to the VIP channel, Qin Feng asked in confusion.

"What for? They are waiting for you."

He didn't look at the little girl like a big shot.

Hearing this, Zhao Suisui looked at Qin Feng like a fool, and said something that Qin Feng felt she was definitely not talking nonsense, but really thought so in her heart.

"Brother Feng, are you stupid?"

After saying that, the little girl couldn't help but drag Qin Feng to find the staff and inform them of the relevant situation. Qin Feng followed Zhao Suisui into the VIP channel with a confused look on his face.

While walking, Zhao Suisui explained to Qin Feng, who didn't understand anything.

"We don't even have bodyguards. It would be better if everyone was of good quality. If there are bad people mixed in, we won't know what happens. It's a trivial matter to sneak in and take advantage.

If there is a pervert with a knife, we will be doomed! "

Zhao Suisui still looked frightened when he said this, thinking that something similar might have happened before.

It's okay for Qin Feng to be a big boy, but Zhao Suisui is a little girl after all, so he still has to suffer a little, after all, they really don't have bodyguards.

Only a few assistants came back by economy class and now went to get their luggage.

After leaving the airport and arriving at the underground parking lot, Qin Feng saw the car coming to pick them up.

The two of them were not going back to the same place, they had to go their separate ways when they got here. After Qin Long and Zhao Suisui's assistants came over, they said goodbye, got in their cars and left.

It was during the evening rush hour, and the car was stuck on one side, so Qin Feng had already begun to study the special effects artist.

He has never made a science fiction movie, so he knows that the scenes in it cannot be produced by just three people, and it must be very expensive.

But it doesn't matter how much you spend now, as long as you can take good pictures.

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