The Anti-Fraud Bureau Asked Me To Shoot A Promotional Video, And I Shot All Or Nothing

Chapter 227 Special Effects Artist: Director Qin’S Computer Smells So Good!

Seeing Qin Feng looking at the special effects artist, Qin Long spoke mysteriously.

"You don't have to worry about this. I've already sorted it out."

During this period, Qin Feng was on the set, and Qin Long was also on the set with him. They were all very busy. Qin Feng didn't know when he had even found someone.

Qin Feng couldn't help but asked with an expression on his face: "I want to see what you found."

"Where did you find it? Who asked me to listen to it?"

"Hey! You really don't believe it! I asked my friends in the industry to find the big guy! I used to work in special effects in Hollywood, Eagle Country, and my resume is very impressive..."

Qin Feng looked funny as he listened to Qin Long's bragging.

"Okay, okay, since they are really as awesome as you say, it's up to you to get in touch with them. If your skills are good, just recruit them directly. Our studio is really short of people recently."

While the two were chatting in the car, the traffic jam finally passed. The car quickly drove to the studio. The two got out of the car and went upstairs. There was no one in the studio recently.

Qin Feng turned on the light and entered the office. As soon as he entered the room, he heard the system's business ringing.

[It is detected that the host has completed filming a movie, and the host will be rewarded with 13,000 points. Please keep up the good work! 】

[Extra task of the system: shoot a science fiction movie and successfully release it, and reward the host with props and stunts. 】

This is the reward after filming the movie.

Qin Feng was a little surprised, because this time the system actually gave him points in advance before Qin Feng had completed the production of the movie.

Not only that, the system also issued a new task when his task was not completed, which was even less like it.

Something is very wrong.

Such generosity is really not what the system does!

There must be a scam!

"System, what are the props and stunts?"

[The host asked a question, do you find it difficult to obtain props during filming? Do you think making props is expensive and difficult? Prop stunts give you a silky prop experience. 】

Qin Feng:......

What's going on with this feeling of advertising and promotion? I always feel that something is not quite right with the system.

Qin Feng didn't dare to talk at all.

After turning off the system, Qin Feng began to sit at his desk and meditate.

Most of the universe and transition shots in Wandering Blue Star require very advanced special effects technology. After all, the realistic modeling of the universe and Jupiter and Blue Star are very difficult to do.

He now has the special effects production technology, but he still feels a little guilty about doing this kind of thing. After all, the technology is in place, and it is useless if he does not have the technology in his head.

So when it comes to this, Qin Feng always feels as if he can be more diligent and diligent, but he doesn't know for sure.

After thinking about it for a while, it was almost past ten o'clock. Qin Feng then went downstairs to the underground parking lot and drove home.

The special effects for Wandering Blue Star were quickly and intensively arranged.

The Hollywood special effects producer Qin Long mentioned before has already been hired. Qin Feng has seen his special effects production skills and found them to be very good, so he was very happy to recruit him.

In addition to him and the people who had signed contracts with the studio before, Qin Feng also found several more authoritative special effects artists through the introduction of friends.

When there are more people, each performing their own duties, work efficiency will naturally increase.

Qin Feng was relieved.

Not only that, Qin Feng also called out the super computer provided by the system. Because this computer looked no different from an ordinary computer, he could use it with confidence.

The special effects artists laughed when they saw Qin Feng carrying a laptop and started working on the special effects for the movie.

"Director Qin, special effects production requires very high equipment. I don't even know the brand of your laptop, so it definitely cannot be used."

"Yes, Director Qin. If the computer crashes by then, it will be more of a loss than a gain."

Qin Feng felt bitter in his heart, but Qin Feng couldn't say anything, so he could only smile awkwardly and watch everyone explain.

"This is a computer provided by my friend. It can definitely be used. Don't worry."

Seeing that Qin Feng did not believe in evil, the leader decided to give Qin Feng some color on the spot to let him know that special effects are not so easy to do.

"Okay, then you can do it with us, Director Qin, but if something goes wrong we may not be responsible."

Qin Feng put the computer on the table. He actually had a cheat device, but he still wanted to learn what he could do without the system.

In this way, if the system is really gone in the future, Qin Feng will not starve to death.

Everyone was very serious when teaching Qin Feng. Of course, they also wanted to make Qin Feng's computer break and cause embarrassment, but they didn't expect Qin Feng's computer to be so strong.

Nothing happened at all hey!

You've finished making one planet, but your computer still hasn't lag?

Not only was there no lag, it was actually smoother and smoother to use than their computer, as if it was made specifically for special effects.

At this time, there were those who had relatively high requirements for hardware facilities. They licked their faces and walked to Qin Feng to ask him.

"Director Qin, what brand are your computers? Can you arrange a few for us? I can buy them myself."

Qin Feng was stunned when he heard this question.

Don’t you look down on him?

"Well, I got this computer from a friend. It doesn't have a fixed brand. I don't know if it works well or not."

He knew that he didn't dare to say it. This was a product of the system. Qin Feng didn't dare to say a word, otherwise he might be captured and studied as a monster.

As a result, after hearing Qin Feng's words, the other party was even more excited, and he got very close with bright eyes.

"That would be even better, Director Qin, could you please ask your friend to get one for me? It's best to have a desktop model. I'm more accustomed to using it."

You fucking picked it!

Qin Feng was speechless.

"No, no, no, it really can't, work quickly, we are in a hurry."

Being rejected one after another, the other party was still very sad, but after all, he was at work and Qin Feng was still the boss, so he had to go back angrily.

After learning for a week, Qin Feng finally mastered this skill. Of course, he learned it reluctantly.

But it's enough. After all, he's not a professional at this.

The studio is very busy. Basically every year, the busy work lasts until midnight before the studio staff leave and quickly turn off the lights and go home.

At this time, Qin Feng's account received money again, and the note was "Deposit from wealthy people in Xihong City".

The rich man in Xihong City brought several advertising investments. The price was set at that time, and the excess would be replenished to Qin Feng. This should be the advertising investment received.

I didn’t expect it to be quite particular.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng transferred 100,000 yuan to Qin's mother.

As soon as the money was transferred, Qin Feng's phone rang. The caller ID was Wang Chuanzhen. Qin Feng hadn't contacted him for a while, so he was a little surprised and answered the phone.

On the other side, Wang Chuanzhen’s voice sounded lazy.

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