"For the phone model of this bag."

"You were charged with robbery and even holding hostages at gunpoint."

Lu Ze said coldly, "This is a felony."

"Then what can we do!"

After learning that the bag of mobile phones he grabbed was a model, Du Xiaojun was a little excited.

"Who would have thought that mobile phones are fake!"

"Don't we just want to grab some mobile phones to sell, and go back to the rental house to install broadband!"

"Who knew the security guards in this building were so brave, they dared to stop us when they saw us with guns."

"And... the police came too fast!"

"We've come this far anyway."

"Mr. Lu, don't talk too much, let them get the car ready, and then bring the money, we get in the car and let them go!"

[These two idiots showed us what is impermanence in life, the big intestine wraps the small intestine. 】

[I feel that the gangster's mood is not right. It is estimated that he found that the mobile phone he was desperately grabbing is a model. He feels that his IQ has been insulted. 】

[As far as the IQs of the two of them are concerned, do they still need to be insulted by others? Is there still room for decline? 】

[It is estimated that he found his stupid behavior in the public eye, and some can't accept it. Even if he was arrested, he was still an arrogant and gangster image. Come on, now he is a second-hand! 】


the other side.

Lu Ze's communication with the gangsters was very good before, and the two gangsters were very relaxed for a while.

And when Qin Dabao checked the mobile phone in the bag, a large part of Du Xiaojun's attention was attracted by the mobile phone.

Both Lu Song and the SWAT captain are ready to let the commando act.

But unexpectedly, the gangster's mood suddenly changed.

They can also only put the movement order on hold.

"Mr. Lu, you must keep the gangsters' emotions stable!"

Lu Song said to the wireless walkie-talkie, "The current situation of the hostages is already very bad."

"We must not let the bandits get out of control!"

Lu Ze put a hand behind his back quietly.

Made a reassuring gesture.

"What you want is ready."

"But before that, I think it's necessary for you to take a look at this."

Lu Ze turned on the phone.

Click on a video in Douyin.

"A few minutes ago, someone uploaded your robbery to the mobile phone store on the Internet."

"They made a ghost video of the content of you robbing the mobile phone store and unable to open the glass case."

In the video, Du Xiaojun and Qin Dabao are wearing headgear.

At first attempts to break open the glass case with a hammer were unsuccessful.

Under the guidance of the clerk, the glass cabinet was successfully opened.

The whole video repeats the comical actions of the two people repeatedly, coupled with the funny BGM, which seems to shape the two people into two silly images.

Just under ten minutes.

The number of views of the video has already exceeded 500,000, and the number of comments is very high. Obviously, there is a trend of fire.

【Fuck! Whose commander is this, so brave? Did you even get this kind of surveillance data? 】

[Why didn't I find the video? Hasn't Mr. Lu been dealing with the gangsters just now? How did he know there was such a video? 】

[This must not make the two gangsters angry? 】

[What if the two of them split their minds after watching the video and lose control of their emotions? Take your time on the road! 】


"Who did this!"

Du Xiaojun suddenly became anxious.

Qin Dabao on the side also looked ugly.

"The action of me entering the store and smashing the glass cabinet is obviously very handsome! They forcibly cut me like a second-hand, this is obviously a malicious editing!"

Compared with being surrounded by the police, the fear brought by this video to the two is obviously deeper!

In the eyes of both.

Even if this operation is caught, the big deal is to stay together for decades and come out as a good man!

This is not the first time the two have entered the palace.

Anyway, the inside is covered with bread, and the inmates are all talented, and they speak nicely.

In addition, the work and rest inside is very regular.

The working hours are fixed each day.

This is much more comfortable than some black heart factories.

In fact, most of the time, the two of them are not as good as in prison!

Sometimes the two of them would work together for more than ten hours in a black factory or in daily work.

When I was poor, I couldn't even eat, and I could only survive on instant noodles every day!

Now it's even more mixed to the point where you can't even rub the Internet.

In such a comparison, it doesn't seem that scary to go in and squat.

The big deal is to call my family before going to prison and say that I have gone abroad to develop.

Anyway, they haven't been home for years.

But in front of this video.

However, the two simply couldn't accept it, and they broke the defense on the spot.

This Nima...

The first name of the two of them!

Once it continues to spread the fermentation goes on.

At that time, the fact that he was robbed and caught will be spread to the whole network in such a humiliating way.

Become everyone's laughing stock!

Everyone will know that Du Xiaojun and Qin Dabao are two mentally retarded two hundred and five!

In this way, they can't mix in prison!

Although there are talents in prisons.

But who would be happy to get along with two idiots?

Everyone just bullies fools...

Isn't that the end of the calf?

"Mr. Lu, help us!"

"I know you are a big anchor on the Internet, can you help me delete these videos?"

Du Xiaojun was furious.


The corners of Lu Ze's mouth twitched slightly.

The reaction of the two had obviously been expected.

Because this video... he made it himself!

Long before communicating with Du Xiaojun and the two, Lu Ze had obtained Lu Song's consent and contacted his own Tianxing Media Company.

Let them make a video like this.

However, the video content was not officially released.

The views and comments above are fake.

"The publishing platform of this video comes from Douyin, you should know my identity in Douyin."

"I can contact Douyin officials immediately and ask them to delete the relevant video."

"In addition, I have a media company under my control."

"I can ask them to contact other major media to help you resist the spread of related video content."

"Finally, the Army will also notify various platforms in the name of the police and ask them to block relevant videos and posts to ensure that videos similar to malicious clips will not spread on the Internet."

"At present, the transmission time and scope of the video are still within a controllable level."

"But it's hard to say what the situation will turn into if it drags on."

Lu Ze put the pressure directly on Du Xiaojun's side, "What you have to do is to release the hostages now."

"Voluntarily surrendered and confessed his guilt."

"This will not only ease the criminal law you face."

"We can also help you solve the problem of malicious video editing in a timely manner."

"At the same time, help you to clear the labels of second-hand goods and restore your most real image of a gangster!"


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