With both sides closing the net at the same time.

Zhang Erhai was arrested.

This means that their revenge against Lu Song is over.

The police passed the investigation of Zhang Erhai.

Find out the team who assisted him in making the bomb and voting links.

They will be brought to the police station for investigation, and they will be held accountable in accordance with the law.


a few days later.

After treatment.

Tony has regained consciousness and is able to be interviewed by the police.

Facing the police, Tony refused to cooperate at first, as if he wanted to keep the boss behind the scenes a secret.

But after learning that Zhang Erhai had been arrested, and before Zhang Erhai was arrested, he planned to hire someone to kill Tony afterwards.

Tony broke the defense on the spot and cordially greeted Zhang Erhai's relatives and friends and the eighteenth generation of his ancestors.

Then he explained everything very cooperatively.

According to Tony's explanation.

his motive.

Except that he really wanted to take revenge on Lu Song.

Another point is because Zhang Erhai had promised him.

As long as he can get rid of Lu Song, he will give Tony a large sum of money and send him abroad after the matter is completed.

Tony refused at first.

But after Zhang Erhai offered to send him to a country where polygamy was legalized and arranged for him to have eight wives!

Tony took the order without hesitation.

He considers himself physically strong.

Even in the prison, he is not inferior to those muscular men.

It is indeed a bit of a talent in the country.

So Tony gritted his teeth and began to design revenge.


Halfway through the business, the middle road overturned.

Together with Lu Ze, Lu Song directly shattered all his plans.

In Tony's words.

These two... top stubborn stubble.

Not playing cards according to the formula at all.

Especially that all the way to Ze...

The means are extremely outrageous.

Even if you call tens of millions of people to vote, you have to eat barbecue in front of the bomb!

He even took control of Tony's mobile phone and matched the police presence with BGM!

Shrimp and pork heart!

In the end, Tony took the initiative to ask the police to record a video of him.

towards the camera.

Tony shed tears of remorse.

At the same time, he uttered heart-wrenching words.

"Brothers, while in prison."

"Whenever new people come, there are always many people who say that they were sent in all the way to Ze."

"At that time, some old fritters in our prison didn't believe it..."

"How awesome can an anchor be?"

"Can you send these criminals in like dumplings?"

"The inmates in the prison at that time asked me to provoke and provoke this anchor after I got out of prison."

"Let's see if he's really as good as those newcomers in jail say."

"This time I used my own experience to prove that those newcomers didn't lie..."

"In the meantime, I just want to say something to you all..."

"Don't mess with Xiang Ze all the way!"

"It's really hard to squat down here!"

After the police issued an official notice of the outcome of the case.

After obtaining the consent of Lu Ze.

Subsequently, the video recorded by Tony was posted on the official account.

Once the video was released, the number of views exploded.

In just one hour, it directly broke through 10 million plays!

Millions of people watch it online at the same time.

And the comments below are refreshed faster than ever!

【Ha ha ha ha! 】

[Pain, it hurts too much! 】

[That's how people are, you have to hit the south wall to know that you have a headache. 】

[The criminals show up and speak in person, every word is a word of blood and tears, the bad guys behind the screen take it easy, the next one will be your turn. 】

【This must be one of the best crime-fighting promos this year! 】

[This wave belongs to the City Bureau, General Manager Lu, and the criminal himself, and the three parties are linked. 】

[I feel... At this time, a group of criminals are shivering behind the screen. 】

[There will always be liars and criminals who are not afraid of death coming to class. 】

[Lu always can't be messed with, if you break the law, he will really send you in. 】



a few days later.

The city council has issued a new notice.

It's about Lu Song.

[Recently, in response to the defamation complaint of Lu Song, a public official of our bureau, after verification by the investigation team, a statement is issued. 】

[After investigation, Lu Song did not seek his own interests by any means during his tenure. 】

[Lu Song's real estate, car properties and sources of deposits are all transparent and legal, and there are no so-called overseas assets. 】

[The townhouse under his name is funded by the demolition of the old house in his family, as well as Lu Song’s income and case-handling bonuses over the years. 】

[In addition, there are complaints from the public that Lu Song bribed the director of the admissions office of a certain university to obtain a recommended spot for his daughter, which is false news. 】

[After investigation by the team, Lu Song and the director were junior high school classmates. 】

[The photo of the two eating and drinking that the complainant gave evidence is actually a group photo of the two at a class reunion. 】

[Other than that, there is no financial relationship between the two. 】

[We have repeatedly verified with the school. 】

[Lu Ruitong, the daughter of Lu Song, had excellent grades in school, and won many awards in piano, dance, and competitions, and won a national certificate. After consideration by the school leaders, Lu Ruitong was finally awarded the recommended spot. 】

[As for the slanderers, it is nonsense to claim that the school's first recommended spot was taken away by the shady. 】

[The school teacher stated that the student revealed very early that he was going to study abroad, and he did choose to study abroad after graduation, and he never competed with Rui Tong for a recommended spot! 】

[After Comrade Lu Song joined the police force, he has been conscientious and has made countless contributions, which is the pride of our police force. 】

[In the bomb case not long ago, the criminals behind the scenes were wiped out! 】

[The glory of the police station cannot be smeared! 】

[Please treat online information rationally, and do not become a 'tool man' for criminals to smear and retaliate. 】

[If anyone continues to spread rumors and slander, our bureau will investigate the legal responsibility of the rumor maker according to law. 】


After reading this announcement patiently.

Lu Ze's face was slightly happy.

Nice job!

This is the best article that Lu Ze has seen recently.

This announcement also has the efforts of Lu Ze.

Ever since I learned that Lu Song was hacked.

Lu Ze has been using his own resources to help Lu Song clarify.

All kinds of false remarks against Lu Song on the Internet have been deleted and taken off the shelves one after another.


Lu Ze also collected relevant evidence information and provided it to the city bureau.

Help investigative teams get their findings faster.

At the beginning, Tony Zhang Erhai took the lead, mobilized various media resources, and smeared Lu Song.

As a result, a large number of people who misbehaved and hate Lu Song, an honest policeman.

These people are behind the scenes to help fan the flames.

Therefore, there will be more and more smear speeches on the Internet.

Now the official announcement has finally been made.

To name Lu Song.

From now on, online posts attacking Lu Song will be completely dissipated under the official refutation of rumors!

Lu Ze directly liked and reposted it.

Such a positive announcement.

It should be on the hot search as soon as possible!

Let everyone see it!


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