"Okay, then you can share it with everyone."

Lu Ze laughed.

"Let netizens learn from your experience of pulling with liars."

"no problem!"

Xu Fanqiang was obviously waiting for this moment.

With Lu Ze's permission.

He immediately gushed about and started sharing.

"I don't have many hobbies on weekdays, I just like to play some mobile games."

"My main job now is to keep my small supermarket."

"So there is usually a lot of fragmented time to fish and play games."

"Just today, while guarding the store, I used my mobile phone to call King Pesticide."

"One of my game chat groups that had been silent for a long time suddenly kept ringing."

"This directly affected my performance, which caused me to go from a bar five to a bar ten."

"The teammates have all broken their will and initiated early surrender, but I am determined to say no."

"I developed tenaciously, fought three-way soldiers, and tried to lead my teammates to comeback."

"But because the disadvantage is too great, the information is still playing in the communication group, which continues to affect my operations."

"In the end, this game is still lost."

[Fuck, brother, you are a ruthless person! 】

[Brother Xu, you can't do this! Play games, just play games, how can you be distracted to guard the store! 】

[If a guest suddenly arrives, does he have to hang up on the spot? 】

【Good guy! I said that on weekdays, there are always pitfalls forcing teammates to play and then suddenly hang up. It turns out that this is the situation of Brother Xu! 】

[Confused, the employment environment is not good recently, and it is hard to find a job. You hire a fresh graduate to guard the store, which is only a few thousand yuan. Isn’t it good to concentrate on playing games? 】

[Wuwuwu, Boss Xu, are you recruiting people? I just graduated from college, I haven't found a job, I'm twenty-two, I have a sweet voice, and I'm very capable! 】

[If you want me to say, Brother Xu, you should concentrate on honing your pesticide technology at home. When the time comes, you will start a live broadcast. You have the name of Mr. Lu to attract traffic. As long as your skills pass the test, or your live broadcast style is decent, wouldn’t it take off directly? 】


"Brothers, leave aside my game skills."

"I refuse to surrender, isn't my never-say-die spirit moving?"

"Seeing teammates spit fragrance after the game."

"I decided to go into the group and fight with the group friends to seek justice for my four teammates who lost the game."

"The group was very lively at the time."

"I looked up the record and found that the source of the discussion came from a newcomer who had just joined the group."

"There is an ID named 'Yaoyao Xiaogongju', and the little girl with the avatar of the Internet celebrity beauty sent a message in the group."

"It said that I was looking for someone to help me to play the rankings on my behalf."

"The reward is to send two skins worth more than one thousand yuan."

"If the surrogate you find is of the right age, has a good voice, and has a good personality, you may even be willing to fall in love with CP."

"The most exaggerated thing is that she actually said that she is willing to give the skin first and then let someone help you fight!"

"The wolf friends in the group have @ her and let her send photos to see."

"This Yaoyao Xiaogong didn't even hold ink, and immediately sent a few black silk photos!"

"My group is a bunch of guys in their teens and twenties."

"After seeing a few beautiful black silk photos she posted."

"I couldn't hold it on the spot."

[Quick, stop talking, I'm in a hurry! Give me the group number! 】

[If you want to chat about this, then I won't be sleepy! 】

[No pictures, no evidence! Brother Xu, quickly send the photo, I know you secretly saved it! 】

[Don't say that the boys can't control it, I'm sixty this year, and I can't control it! 】

【This liar can handle it! People asked her to post photos, and she directly posted black silk photos! 】

【This session of liars is versatile! But...she should have posted a picture on the Internet! 】


"Brothers, I know what everyone wants to ask."

"It's not a netmap!"

"Because of your question, the group friends in the game group also asked!"

"To verify the authenticity of the photo."

"This Yaoyao Xiaogong has sent a few more black silk photos!"

"And there's a cute Pikachu alarm clock next to the beautiful legs."

"The time on the alarm clock is exactly the last minute she posted the photo!"

"That is to say, the photo was taken by her just now!"

【I get together! Who can stand this? 】

[Look, look at how dedicated these liars are! Have to sacrifice hue! 】

[Brother Xu, I knelt down and kowtowed for you, please be sure to pack all the photos and send them to my email, my email is XXXXXXXXX@XX.! 】

[When I am in the hospital, I only have one breath left. I can't see it anymore. I want to take a look at Heisi before I leave. My email is... ]

[I am a loyal and honest person, I have never seen anything in the world, and I don't understand what you are talking about. When I see that everyone has sent their emails, I will send one too... Good people live in peace! 】


"Brothers, the barrage stops for a while."

Lu Ze controlled the painting style of the live broadcast room very timely.

"The matter of the photos should be slowed down first. Today, Lao Xu is here to give you the experience of popular science and anti-fraud."

"Everyone is a little off track."

"Warm reminder, others are in the store. After watching the live broadcast, you can go to his store to take care of the business."

"As for now... Fill me with positive energy on the public screen!"

【Yup! Brother Xu's small supermarket is there, go directly to the store to find him in a while! 】

[Lu Zi, I know that you are the most considerate of brothers! 】

[I'm not in the magic capital, kind-hearted friends remember to share them in the legion group after they get the photos! 】

[All brush up the positive energy! 】

【positive energy! positive energy! 】


After bringing the live rhythm back.

Lu Ze motioned to Xu Fanqiang to continue sharing.

"I believe everyone is like me."

"I've already guessed that this Yaoyao Xiaogongju is a liar."

"But as soon as she posted a few photos, the situation in the group couldn't be controlled!"

"Countless group friends have signed up to fight in the group."

"There are even group friends who want to help her get points for free!"

"Seeing group friends send messages frantically."

"I realized it right away with my keen sense of smell."

"This Yaoyao Xiao Gongju must be a liar!"

"Send the skin first and then help fight it? The boss of the listed group doesn't dare to open this mouth!"

"There are so many liars, why don't you have to bankrupt her?"

"There's obviously a trick behind her rhetoric!"

"In order to prevent hundreds of people in the group from being deceived."

"I added Yaoyao Xiaogongju's friend as quickly as possible!"

"And took the initiative to resist the task of helping her fight!"


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