"The liar directly rejected my video invitation on the grounds of physical discomfort."

"But how could I just let her go."

"I said decisively that as long as she agrees to the video, I will log in to her ID immediately."

"Under my several words, Yaoyao Xiaogongju actually agreed!"

[My dear, why do you feel like you came here to listen to your bragging about picking up girls? 】

[Brother Xu, how does the liar look like? 】

[The liar doesn't even dare to show his face, I think most of them have a problem. 】

[The photos she posted before are probably all online pictures! 】

[Dare to take the video... It shouldn't be a network image. 】


"Brothers, many people guessed correctly."

"The Yaoyao Xiaogong in the video is the same as the photos she posted before!"

"She didn't post pictures on the net! Those black silk photos are indeed her photos!"

"It's just that she still wore a mask at the time and didn't show her face."

"I took the screen recording very cleverly."

"During the entire video, the liar almost didn't speak, just coughed a few times, then said that his throat was uncomfortable and asked to end the video early."

"After the video ended, the scammer started urging me to log in to her fruit ID."

"In order to test the law, I resolutely took out a long-cherished fruit 5 mobile phone."

"And then logged in with the scammer's ID!"

【? ? ? Brother Xu, what do you mean? 】

[Since you know the other party's trap, why are you still jumping in! 】

[Xiao Gongju made a video with you and hooked the soul away? 】

【You didn't pull it off successfully! Still let the liar succeed! 】

[Seeing that Brother Xu's tone is so calm, I feel that there should be a follow-up! 】


"Brothers, don't get excited yet."

"The reason why I did this is entirely for the follow-up pulling operation!"

"First of all, my fruit phone has been idle for many years and is almost scrapped."

"Secondly, if I don't test it myself and record the other party's deception."

"There are hundreds of people in the group. They will not believe that Yaoyao Xiaogongju is a liar. It is estimated that many people will be deceived!"

"For the purpose of saving the group of friends."

"I took the initiative to choose to cooperate with the liar's routine."

"No surprise, after learning that I logged in successfully."

"Like the previous routine, the liar locked my phone remotely!"

"My antique machine that has been with me for many years and has saved hundreds of blockbusters has turned into a brick."

【You are a wretch! 】

[Hundreds of URLs, what a pity! 】

[Brother Xu, I know you have a backup, don't hide it! Share it now! 】

[Take the initiative to get on the set, and the website is not shared. If you don't pull the liar's tricks later, I will kick you out of the fan group in a while! 】


"After making sure my phone was locked."

"The liar finally revealed his true colors!"

"She laughed loudly at me, she was a diaosi, and a few black silk photos made me figure it out."

"Then let me transfer 500 yuan to her, otherwise my phone will never be unlocked!"

"Brothers, can I bear this?"

"I spat at her on the spot, saying that I couldn't transfer a dime to her!"

"And scolded her as a slut, and used her black silk photos to defraud her!"

"I didn't expect the liar to be outdone, and actually called me a big fool!"

"Then...she threw me a photo of herself showing her face!" "After seeing the photo, I almost split!"

"At the same time, I finally understand why the liar has not spoken during the video!"

Xu Fanqiang sent a photo to Lu Ze.

It's a photo of a liar's face!

In the photo, Yaoyao Xiaogong holds up.

He's actually a big guy!

He was wearing black silk, and under his delicate headgear, he had a rough face full of stubble!

in sharp contrast.

Rao is a well-informed Lu Ze, and he couldn't help but tremble slightly.


This is a cruel man!

【vomit! My eyes, my eyes are going blind! 】

【I never imagined it! I was seduced by a man! 】

[What about the LSPs who said they were looking for Brother Xu for photos? Are you guys OK? 】

[I went to Brother Xu’s store. When I saw the situation in the live broadcast room, I turned around and ran away very quickly. Sorry, I shouldn’t have come! 】

[A man who wears black silk to take pictures frantically, and poses so many sexy yoga poses! He is simply a monster! 】

[I used half a roll of toilet paper... Now I just want to blast him to death! 】

[Add me one, I'm going to kill him! 】


"The liar laughed at me like crazy."

"How to laugh at it, I won't go into details here."

"I've endured this in silence."

"Then go back to the previous game exchange group."

"I directly @ everyone, and then tell them that this Yaoyao Xiaogongju is a liar!"

"Then I posted all her routines in the group in detail, and warned the group members not to be fooled."

"But I was taken aback by the group's reaction."

"The liar took a few black silk photos, took them to death, and directly hooked their souls away!"

"These young guys are Shi Lezhi! None of them believe me."

"I posted such a big routine process, and no one even read it carefully!"

"Some people even stood up to speak for the liar, saying that I clearly didn't win the chance to give Yaoyao's little prince a high score, so I was so embarrassed that I slandered her!"

"Brothers, you know me well."

"Is Xu Fanqiang this kind of person?"

【Is not it? 】

[Brother Xu, don’t explain it, the brothers all understand it! 】

[These people in the group are really stupid, they are not deceived who are deceived! 】


"Yaoyao Xiaogongju saw the movement in the group and began to tearfully say that I was slandering her."

"It was followed by some beautiful photos of yoga poses."

"The group suddenly boiled."

"These people are like chicken blood, they all stand on the side of the liar, and they attack me one after another!"

"But I know it in my heart."

"These are young people blinded by black silk, I don't blame them!"

"Who hasn't been young yet!"

"What I want to do is to expose the true face of the liar!"

"Before I deliberately spat with the liar, the purpose was to provoke the liar."

"And the liar lived up to his expectations, revealing his flaws."

"In order to prove what I said is right, save hundreds of group friends in the group."

"I will send the photo of the face the liar sent me, as well as the screenshot of his chat record with me, directly to the group!"

"Then @everyone again."

"This time."

"The group was silent for more than ten seconds."

"No one spoke."


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