The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 268: The destructive power of chasing the wind (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 268 The destructive power of chasing the wind (for subscription)

  Chen Gu can't observe the situation of the elves for the time being, and his vision of the mechanical heaven is not invincible.

  Mechanical Heaven can only observe things in a certain range nearby, and cannot see the situation on the Elf Giant Tree City for the time being.

  In addition, all the elves rushed towards the elf giant tree city, and did not disperse the team to the periphery of Chen Wei's territory in advance.

  Chen Wei could only find out from the observable elf clan that the elves had become nervous.

  The roads between the elf clans were cleared, and the troops in the wild camps were recruited in large numbers and concentrated in a certain direction.

   From all the information, it can be seen that the elves are recruiting a large number of troops, preparing for the final battle.

  But Chen Wei couldn't find out how many enemies there were and where they were dispatched from.

  Chen Wei, who didn't have enough information, could only make people act according to the previous plan.

   Several players and several heroes each received corresponding instructions and started a new action.

   And the fastest moving chasing wind has also led his troops into an area that the mechanical heaven cannot observe, to investigate the information of the elves.

  At the same time, Zhuang Qiang also took the troops lent to him by Chen Wei and headed towards an elf clan's clan.

  Other players and heroes, some lurking, some moving, did not stay idle, but worked hard to join the battle.

  Even if they can **** one or two wild camps, it will be good for them.

   This can at least destroy the elves' conscription.

  After leaving the observation range of Mechanical Heaven, Chasing Wind accelerated.

   This time he remembered his mission very clearly. After arriving in the elves' territory, he didn't mess around. Even if he encountered a wild man stable, he didn't take the initiative to invite the centaur to join him.

  He carefully observed the movement and assembly route of the elves, and finally determined that the elves planned to gather troops in a certain place first, and then set off with the army to march towards Chen Wei's territory.

   This is different from Chen Weiyi's initial plan.

  Chen Wei thought they would gather outside his territory.

   In this way, Chen Wei has the possibility to block their team.

  After making such a judgment, Zhuifeng did not leave in a hurry.

  He made a detour and went behind the elves.

   Behind the elves, what Zhuifeng saw was different from what he saw before.

  The nearby elf clans are mobilizing a large number of troops, and there are elf heroes leading troops on every road.

   This look is reasonable.

   Seeing the busy situation in front of him, Zhuifeng sighed.

   What I saw near Chen Wei's territory was not at all like the situation before the war.

   Instead, it seemed that the elves had given up attacking Chen Wei's territory.

   Fortunately, he can run. If other people had short legs like Stanford, he wouldn't be able to go around behind the elves to check the situation.

  Zhi Feng smiled triumphantly, he thought about it, and decided to play a big game behind the elves.

  Before then, he needs to design the way forward.

  Zhuifeng thought about it, and finally decided to pull up all the people behind the elves.

   Along the way, he has seen six stables.

  Because it is relatively close to the main battlefield, there are no adult horses in the stables.

   Even half-grown centaurs were recruited away.

   Now all that remains here are mare and foal.

  These centaurs may not be of much use to the elves, but they are different for chasing the wind.

   From the perspective of Extreme Speed ​​Town, all of them are population.

   Chasing the wind took half a day, and ran all the stables of the six people once.

   And convinced all the horses here.

With the help of these centaurs, Zhuifeng dismantled all the people's stables here, and all the centaurs followed behind the team of Zhuifeng, preparing to fight around behind the elves' territory with Zhuifeng. Enter Chen Wei's territory.

   After reaching Chen Wei's territory, they will be sent to Extreme Speed ​​Town.

  With the population and resources they brought, the speed of the speed town can increase a lot.

  Of course, because all the human stables here have been demolished, it will become more difficult for the elves to recruit centaurs in the future.

   It took half a day to convince the centaurs, and it took another half a day to organize these centaurs.

   After the manpower was organized, Zhuifeng followed his initial thinking and led the centaur to attack.

   When Zhuifeng attacked this time, he brought a lot of centaur troops.

  Especially the Pollen Centaur and Nightmare Centaur 2.0, these two newly synthesized arms can be regarded as greatly enhancing the strength of Chasing the Wind.

   When Zhuifeng came to the back of the elves, he could kill a lot here.

  But Zhuifeng learned to be smart. Instead of being reckless like before, he invited all the centaurs here, and then started his own plan.

   Chasing the wind's first goal is the elf gathering point closest to him.

   There are a lot of miscellaneous soldiers gathered there.

   These are actually the miscellaneous soldiers brought by the elf heroes.

   This kind of situation is actually very common on the elves side.

  The Elven Giant Tree City looks relatively large, but it can't accommodate all kinds of troops.

  When the elves used the elf giant tree city as a gathering place, they had already made arrangements.

   The legendary arms and troops of the elves, as well as elf heroes, will stay in the elf giant tree city.

  The regular troops of the elves will stay in the four satellite cities outside the giant elf tree city.

  As for the miscellaneous soldiers such as centaur, half goat, etc., they will be arranged to wait at the elf gathering point fifteen behind the elf giant tree city.

   Further outside is the material warehouse of the elves, which store all kinds of materials needed for this expedition.

  The gathering point Chen Wei chose was the closest to him on the one hand, and on the other hand, nearly a thousand centaurs gathered here.

   These centaurs are led by ten centaur heroes.

  Besides, there are six hundred goats led by six goat heroes.

  The last sixteen heroes are managed by an elf hero.

   This is the rule of the elves during the war.

   It is said that it is to prevent the cannon fodder troops from rebelling against the water during the war.

  That's why these cannon fodder troops were dismantled into small teams for use.

   Of course, these heroes are also temporarily transformed heroes. After the war is over, as long as they are alive, their identities as heroes will be recognized.

   This is a rare way for a cannon fodder vassal race to become a hero.

  So many vassal races want to participate in the war.

  Zhifeng's initial plan was to attack at least three gathering points of elves, so that he could reduce the strength of the elves from the vassal races.

   But now that he has centaur women and children in his hands, the situation may be different. Chasing the wind may make the plan bigger.

  (end of this chapter)

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