The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 269: Crazy pollen centaur (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 269 The Crazy Pollen Centaur (Subscribe)

  Standing in the woods outside the gathering point, Zhuifeng said to the mare and foal who followed.

   "This is the closest to your human stables, and the centaurs inside are likely to be your relatives. Later, I will take the initiative to attack the team of elves and satyrs, and give you a time difference.

  As long as you can persuade those centaurs to come down, then they can leave here with me.

   Then I will take you to the city of our own centaurs.

  If you don’t want to, then they will become my enemies. Maybe you think that I have a small number of troops and don’t pay attention to them.

  But I can give you a chance to watch a show, let you see how strong a centaur can be.

  Remember, there is only one chance, and at the next gathering point, I won't be so easy to talk to. "

   After speaking, Zhuifeng raised the refined iron spear in his hand.

   "Nightmare Cavalry Regiment, Nightmare Attack, Invincible!"

   "Nightmare attack, invincible!"

  All the nightmare centaurs raised their weapons.

   Then, two mirror images and ten phantom clones appeared behind the nightmare centaur.

   And there are even more troops behind Chasing the Wind.

   Behind Zhuifeng, there were fifty more centaurs who looked very similar to Zhuifeng.

   All of a sudden, the number of centaurs here exceeded a thousand.

  The mare and foal stared straight at this situation.

  It was only then that they realized why Chasing Feng dared to attack a gathering place of elves.

  With their strength, they have such strength.

   But what happened next surprised the mare and foal even more.

  The other centaurs following Zhuifeng quickly integrated into the team of more than a thousand centaurs.

  They raised their weapons and rushed towards the gathering point of elves not far away in a chaotic manner.

   Are they going to charge now?

  The matriarch and foals didn't care about anything else. If Zhuifeng had such strength, he could really kill all the centaurs.

  In that case, it would be better to go to the centaur's own city with Zhuifeng.

  Maybe this is the centaur's last chance.

  With this in mind, the mare and foals rushed towards the centaur team.

  The troops led by Chasing Wind rushed towards the elves.

  The elf hero didn't expect that he would encounter an attack from a centaur in this place.

  At this time, he was counting the resources in the camp.

   When he heard the sound of horseshoes, the elf hero said with some dissatisfaction.

   "Didn't you tell the centaur that they are not allowed to act together with a thousand people? How is this..."

   Before the elf hero finished speaking, more than a thousand mirror images and phantom centaurs crashed into his team with a powerful impact.

  The elf hero has only one hundred troops. Although they are all regular elves, their strength is around the extraordinary level 4.

  The number of people is small, and the level is not higher than Taiwo. Under the impact of the Nightmare Cavalry, half of them were trampled to death on the spot.

  The rest were also nailed to the ground by spears, and dragged for more than a hundred meters before they died.

  After all the elf troops died, the vassal races in the camp reacted.

  The centaur had a female horse and a foal to talk to. Zhuifeng had no intention of attacking for the time being. He just turned in one direction and rushed into the satyr team with the centaur.

   There are 600 half-goats here, and their combat effectiveness is weaker than that of centaurs.

  Their only use is to boost the morale of the front troops.

  Seeing Zhuifeng rushing towards with a team of centaurs, they didn't even have the guts to go forward.

  The six half-goat heroes kept commanding there, trying to prevent the half-goat from escaping.

   But their reaction was also a step slow. Chasing the wind's troops charged into the satyr's team head-on with the fierceness of killing the elf troops.

   It was only the first wave of impact, and one-third of the satyrs were crucified to death.

  The rest were also terrified.

  But the characteristics of the half-goats make their morale quite high.

  After the effect of the centaur shock had passed, they finally launched an attack on the centaur.

  Under the black smoke, many phantom centaurs were scattered.

   Suddenly, the number of centaurs decreased a lot.

   Seeing the scene in front of him, the half-goat man screamed quickly.

   "They are fake, don't be afraid, they are fake."

  The morale of the lower half-goat man increased again.

  The satyr who originally wanted to escape took the initiative to rush towards the centaur under the stimulation of this morale.

   Just when they thought they could win, they didn't notice that a pink cloud was drifting over the place where the elves died in battle just now.

   Those pink clouds rushed into the satyr team from behind like a centaur charging.

  The half-goats didn't know what the pink clouds were like, they thought it was some kind of magic, so the half-goats gathered together.

   As a result, after the pink cloud rushed into the satyr team, it changed back to their original appearance.

   are more than two hundred pink centaurs.

   Seeing such a situation, the satyr hero ordered loudly there.

   "These are fake too, kill them."

  But they were wrong this time, these are the pollen centaurs under Zhuifeng.

  As long as this kind of centaur has enough flesh and blood, it can be transformed into enough pollen. As long as there is enough pollen, the number of centaurs will increase.

   And want more pollen, pollen centaur needs more flesh and blood.

  If this was in Chen Wei's territory, he would not have received so much support.

  Because there are countless forces staring at the flesh and blood of the enemy, undead, swarms, and even **** spiders among demons need flesh and blood as food.

   But it's different now, now they're fighting outside.

  Their position is behind the elves.

  No one can take away the flesh and blood here. Instead of putting it here, it would be better to let the pollen centaur transform it.

  So when Zhuifeng was attacking, he had only one order for the pollen centaur, devour more flesh and blood, and transform into more pollen centaur.

   Chasing the wind has already seen that the number of pollen centaurs will soon exceed the phantom troops transformed by the nightmare centaurs.

   This kind of centaur will be the largest number of troops under Zhuifeng in the next period of time.

   At that time, whether they can destroy more gathering points of elves in the territory of the elves, and whether they can bring the centaurs out of the territory of the elves will depend on the performance of these pollen centaurs.

   Now the performance of the pollen centaur is quite good.

   It just devoured the flesh and blood of the elves, and their number changed from more than sixty to more than two hundred.

  There are still so many half-goat corpses here, as long as they are all swallowed up, the number of pollen centaurs may exceed one thousand, becoming the first thousand-member group under Zhuifeng's men.

  (end of this chapter)

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