The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 271: The third gathering point (for subscription)

  Chapter 271 The Third Gathering Point (for subscription)

   "What the **** is going on?"

  Seeing that the number of centaurs suddenly increased a lot, all the heroes shouted.

   At this time, Zhuifeng, who had already killed the elf hero, looked back and couldn't help laughing.

   "Yes, that's it, kill!"

  Zhuifeng led the team and turned back to kill again.

  The centaurs saw it, and led their men to keep killing the forest goblins and dwarves.

   At this time, you can see the difference between the two arms.

   Jungle goblins just run around when faced with a centaur charge.

  But the dwarves are more willing to gather together, holding up their shields and preparing to face the centaur's charge head-on.

   It's just that the dwarves never expected that the centaurs they had to face had many different transformations.

  Even if they are not facing the pollen centaur, the army charge of the nightmare centaur, and the whirlwind of the demonized centaur are not something they can deal with.

  The team of dwarves formed a defensive formation, and they were directly broken through by Chasing Wind.

   Then the centaur heroes following behind Zhuifeng also rushed into the dwarves with ordinary centaurs, holding up their spears and directly nailing the dwarves to the ground.

   Then the pollen centaur that turned into pollen jumped on the dwarf.

   Regardless of whether these dwarves have died yet, the pollen directly began to **** the flesh and blood of the dwarves.

  So what everyone saw was that Zhuifeng led his troops to nail the dwarves to the ground.

   Then the dwarves turned into pink pollen.

   None of the living dwarves and forest goblins knew what was going on.

  They only know that this time the elves are in big trouble.

  The first reaction of those dwarf heroes is how to escape.

  Their second reaction was to think about whether to spread the news.

   It's just that the speed of the dwarf and the forest goblin is still slower.

  Even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't escape. All the roads near the camp were blocked by centaurs. Although they faced ordinary centaurs in the end, it was quite fatal to them.

  Under the back and forth impact of the centaur, it took less than ten minutes, and all the dwarves and forest goblins were also killed by the centaur.

  At this time, the number of pollen centaurs under Zhuifeng has reached a thousand.

   This is the first full-staffed legion under Zhuifeng.

  The eight centaur heroes also got a lot of pollen centaurs. Now they have the smallest number of one hundred pollen centaurs, and the largest number of them has more than three hundred pollen centaurs.

  These are soldiers they earned through their own hard work.

   Chasing the wind did not go to get their pollen centaur back.

   Instead, he said to these centaur heroes.

   "How about it, do you feel it? The kingdom of centaurs is right in front of us."

   "That's right, I've already felt that if we have the ability to keep fighting like this, we won't be afraid at all of elves or something."

   A centaur hero said loudly.

  "You are right, White Tail, what we should do now is to gather all the centaurs, as long as the centaurs know that we also have our own city and our own country.

  We are no longer cannon fodder and vassals of elves, we are centaurs. "

   "Yes, we are centaurs."

  The centaur hero said loudly.

"Now we are going to the next gathering point to replenish our troops. Our next battle will become quite difficult. On my planned route, the third gathering point is here, and there are 1,200 compatriots here. .

  I believe they are willing to join our team. "

  Zhuifeng talked about the information he got.

  The gathering point they are going to next is the closest gathering point to the Elven Giant Tree City.

  In addition to the 1,200 centaurs observed by Chasing the Wind, there are nearly 3,000 other troops.

  In order to ensure the complete obedience of these more than 4,000 troops, the gathering point here is jointly managed by three elf heroes.

   This is exactly why, Zhuifeng will say that the next battle will be quite difficult.

   At this moment, a centaur hero said: "Master Chasing Wind, I have a plan."

  Zhuifeng took a look, this centaur hero is a rare legal system among the eight centaur heroes.

  He has the power of the wind, and his name seems to be Wind Arrow.

   "Fengjian, tell me."

   "It's like this. I have an older brother who is at the assembly point Master Chaser said. If possible, I think I can enter that assembly point and let my brother bring the pollen centaur into it."

  Hearing this, Zhuifeng's eyes lit up.

this is a good idea.

   They have a total of more than a thousand pollen centaurs here. If all the ordinary centaurs in the gathering point can be replaced with pollen centaurs, then the pollen centaurs can attack from inside the gathering point.

   This is an opportunity.

   "Yes, you can call your brother out secretly, and I will discuss it with him."

  Fengjian didn't say much after hearing it, and headed for the gathering point with a hundred pollen centaurs.

   At this time, the news that Zhuifeng destroyed the two gathering points has not yet spread, and the defense of the gathering points here is not so strict.

  Seeing Fengjian coming with a centaur, only someone asked.

   "Stop, what are you here for? The camp here is full, there is no place to stay."

   "I'm here to find my brother, Feng Jian, please call him, and say that it is Feng Jian who came to find him."

   "Oh, wait a minute."

  The talking hero asked Feng Jian to wait outside, and went back to the camp to find someone.

   Not long after, a centaur came out of the camp.

   After seeing Fengjian, the centaur was very happy.

   "Brother, you have also become a hero. This is your unit? Why does it look a bit motherly?"

  The heroes behind Fengjian are all pink, and compared with the normal red centaur, they are naturally a little girly.

  But Fengjian said: "Brother, I am a rare special unit. I will bring it here to show you, but here."

   "Oh, it's okay, I'll take someone out for a while, and I'll be back soon."

  The Centaur Wind Thrust made a move, and a hundred crimson centaurs chased them out.

  The two of them took their men and ran to the nearby woods like this.

   After confirming that there was no one else nearby, Feng Jian told Feng Thorn about the situation.

   Windthorn didn't pay much attention at first, but when he heard about the situation of the pollen centaur, his eyes lit up.

   "What you said is true, are there really such centaurs who are killing more and more?"

   "Of course, I brought them all here, you will know if you try some flesh and blood."

  Feng Jian patted Feng Jian on the shoulder: "Brother, this is an opportunity, as long as you can prove the effect of this pollen centaur, I will help you with other things."

  (end of this chapter)

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